Theories of American Democracy

Theories of American Democracy
Theories of American Democracy
I. Traditional Theory
A. Three branches . . .
B. Separation of powers . . .
C. Checks and balances . . .
D. Congress represents the people
E. Power to the people
Theories of American Democracy
A. Not individuals, but groups
Theories of American Democracy
Theories of American Democracy
Theories of American Democracy
A. Not individuals, but groups
B. Group members share interests
C. Groups compete
D. No group dominates – win some, lose
E. Bargaining and compromise
Theories of American Democracy
III. Hyper-pluralism
A. Not individuals, but groups
B. Groups compete
C. Groups cripple each other – gridlock
D. Too many groups
E. Battleground = courts
Theories of American Democracy
IV. Elite and Class Theory
A. Class lines in society – rich v. poor
B. Wealthy control politics
C. Businesses / corporations run the
Theories of American Democracy
Theories of American Democracy
Government (textbook) – the institutions and processes through
which public policies (a choice / course of action in response to a
political issue) are made for a society.
Government (Mr. Ebert) – a group of people who have the power
to control others
Politics (textbook - abridged) – the process by which we select
our governmental leaders
Linkage institutions – channels by which people communicate
policy preferences to government officials (elections, political
parties, interest groups, etc.)
Theories of American Democracy