Early Forms of Democracy and the Principles of Government • Ancient Greece and the Roman Republic • Terms of Government • Theories of How Government Began • The Purpose of Government Early Forms of Democracy Ancient Greece • The Assembly-all males citizens 21 years and older could participate • Council of 500- 500 male citizens 30 and older served • Women and slaves were excluded Early Forms of Democracy The Roman Republic • Senate- Patricians (upper-class males) served in the senate • Bicameral Body- (2 houses) Many terms and concepts of government originated in ancient Greece and Rome. Politics Democracy Republic The State Today there are more than 185 states in the world. This has doubled from 50 years ago. The terms state and nation have basically the same meaning. A State is a political community that has these four characteristics: • 1) clearly defined boundaries- the exact location has often lead to war • 2) population • 3) government • 4) sovereignty- independent, has supreme authority within its boundaries Government • Government is an institution that: • 1) maintains social order • 2) provides public services • 3) carries out the will of the state The largest State based on population is: The People’s Republic of China Population: 1,222,017,000 The largest State based on territory is: Russian Federation Area [sq.km]: 17,075,000 The smallest state based on population and territory is: Vatican City Population: 1,000 Area [sq.km]: .44 How did the state or government come to be? No one knows why people created the earliest governments. Scholars have constructed some theories. Theories of the Origin of the State 1) Evolutionary Theory - Belief that the state evolved gradually from the family (father> tribe> clan> state)(Ex. Sioux Indians, Israel) Theories of the Origin of the State 2) Force Theory-Belief that a powerful individual or a group took over an area by force & established government. Theories of the Origin of the State 3) Divine Right TheoryBelief that God intended a particular person and his family to rule over a state. (Egyptians, Chinese, and Aztecs felt their rulers were either descendants or chosen by God. 1400's England to oppose the monarch was to oppose God and was both treason and sin.) Theories of the Origin of the State 4) Social Contractconceived by John Locke, a British political theorist, in 1690.Belief that people were naturally endowed with the right to life, liberty, and property. To preserve these rights they freely gave power to a governing authority. The Social Contract Theory States: • 1) The state exists only to serve the will of the people. • 2) The people are the source of its power. • 3) The people can give and take away power to the government. Nearly a century later the American colonies revolted against King George III, supported by the political philosophy of natural rights Locke had written. The Purpose of Government Today governments serve several major purposes: The Purpose of Government 1)To maintain social order- people can't live without conflict. Gov't provides ways to resolve conflict by placing limits on what people can do. The Purpose of Government 2) To provide public services - Gov't provides essential services that make community life possible and promotes the general welfare. Ex. sewer systems and inspection of meat. The Purpose of Government 3) To provide national security- protect people against the threat of attack or terrorism. The Purpose of Government 4) To make economic decisions-Gov't passes laws that determine and control the economic environment of the state. From providing a national currency to controlling every individual's economic decisions. “The legitimate object of government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do for themselves, government ought not to interfere.” -Abraham Lincoln, 1854 Have Popular attitudes toward government changed since Lincoln’s time?