My Book of Memories

Junior High 4 Book of Memories
Project Overview:
During this school year you will write a book, a book of
memories. It will consist of your memories and thoughts from
your life. You will be entering High School next year and this
memory book will be a project you can look back on to see
where you came from and where you thought you were going.
Your finished book will be due at the end of the 4TH
nine-weeks, however you must begin now and work on it daily
in order to complete it on time, without rushing.
Book Format:
The final product will be presented to me in book form.
It must be bound, not stapled. You may choose your binding
format, for example, weaving your pages together with string,
spiral binding (See Ms. Graham for help). Your cover must
have drawings or pictures pasted on the outside cover.
Please Note: All rough drafts must be placed in the sleeves of
a 3 ring binder. This book is turned in with your final draft.
Your Book of Memories must include the following:
 Table of Contents
 10 Chapters
 Dedication Page
 Epilogue
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Who Am I?
*Draw a picture of yourself or bring in a picture.
*Write a descriptive paragraph describing
yourself (6-8 sentences)
Who Am I part 2
Due September 13, 2013
Due October 17, 2013
For this assignment you will write about your early
years of life. If you need help knowing what to write,
you can use the questions below as a guide, but you
do not have to answer all of them. You can pick and
choose or add your own. You should organize your
information into an essay format. The essay must
have at least 5 paragraphs (green language book)
at least 3 paragraphs (blue language book). Do not
just answer the questions – use them to tell a story.
This might be a descriptive essay or a narrative.
When and where were you born? / Were there any
unusual circumstances surrounding your birth?
Chapter 3:
Suddenly, I Became Me
Due November 15, 2013
Make a collage of photos (5 or more) of yourself
with others, depicting (showing) how you spend your
free time.
Include a caption describing who is in the picture
with some information as to what you are doing and
where the picture was taken.
(Place this underneath each picture)
Copies of the original photos are preferred.
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Write an essay about your proudest moment.
Blue ELA Book- 3 paragraph essay minimum
Green ELA Book – 5 paragraph essay
iTunes Playlist
List 10 songs that define you. Include a brief
description, one or two sentences of each song.
Write or copy the lyrics of two (2) of the songs.
Label the list “Your Name” playlist. All lyrics
must be appropriate for school.
Poem or Short Story written by you
Write a poem or short story on a topic of your
Due January 17,2014
Due January 31,2014
Due February 13, 2014
Chapter 7
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Junior High School
Blue ELA Book- 3 paragraph essay minimum
Green ELA Book – 5 paragraph essay
(Fears, emotions, how have you changed, teachers,
friends etc., work load etc.
Due March 14, 2014
“My …….Goals
Part 1: Short-term Goals
These are part time jobs and or volunteerism that
you would like to do before graduating high school.
Part 2: Long-term Goal
What do you plan to do after high school: job,
college etc.
"High School Expectations”
Blue ELA Book- 3 paragraph essay minimum
Green ELA Book – 5 paragraph essay
What do you expect High school to be like?
your fears? What are you looking forward to most?
Due March 28, 2014
Due April 11, 2014
Due April 25, 2014
What are
"Self Reflection Essay”
Due May 2, 2014
This is your chance to argue for a decent grade.
Why are your chapters significant? Give at least
three (3) supporting details (reasons).
"If I could change one thing about my
character, I would….”
One or more paragraphs
Due May9
or Sooner
If your Book of Memories is complete and shows creativity and thought, your
overall grade will be no less than 120 points. The more thorough and creative you are
in decorating your book cover, pages and sections, the higher your grade will be.
Possible ideas for decoration may include drawings, pictures, photographs, newspapers
or brochures. Any book that does not contain all 10 chapters, table of contents,
dedication page and epilogue will receive a lower grade, regardless of how fancy it is.
Any book that has been obviously “thrown together”, which demonstrates an extreme
lack of effort, will not be graded.
 All deadlines above must be met on time. A rubric will be given for each
chapter assignment and a point value will be assigned.
 Your final project will be a major portion of your 4th 9-week grade. I highly
recommend you begin developing ideas without hesitation.
Parent Signature ______________________ DATE _______________