LIT212 Literary Studies 2 Spring 2016 Studies in Literature II In this

LIT212 Literary Studies 2
Spring 2016
Studies in Literature II
In this course we will read three novels selected from 20th century world literature and discuss
themes, issues and narrative techniques to get an in-depth understanding of these novels. The
course involves short writing assignments and essay exams designed to develop the students’
analytic and critical thinking skills.
Required readings:
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird
Mary Shelley Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus
Copies of the books can be found at Günel Fotokopi, in the library, and in second-hand
Course Requirements:
Attendance and Participation: You MUST attend the classes and do the readings. Make
sure you participate in at least half of the classes during the semester. 10% of final grade.
Quizzes and writing: There will be occasional reading quizzes to test your reading. You will
also write one-page response essays. 20% of final grade.
Midterm exam: This exam consists of short and long essay questions. 30% of final grade.
Final exam: This exam consists of short and long essay questions. 40% of final grade.
LATE POLICY: Response papers are due on the deadline, whether you come to class or not.
It is your responsibility to make sure that I receive your papers by the end of the class hour on
the due date.
Borrowing someone else’s language and/or ideas without proper acknowledgement is
academically dishonest and a form of plagiarism. Plagiarism has serious academic
consequences at Bogazici University. You will receive and F for the assignment for the first
time and fail the course for the second case of plagiarism. If you are not sure whether
something you are doing is plagiarism or not, ask me!
Reading Schedule:
Week 1
9 Feb Tue
12 Feb Fri
Marquez Chronicle of a Death Foretold Chapter 1
Week 2
16 Feb Tue
19 Feb Fri
Marquez Chapter 1
Marquez Chapter 2
Week 3
23 Feb Tue
26 Feb Fri
Marquez Chapter 3
Marquez Chapter 3
Week 4
1 Mar Tue
4 Mar Fri
Marquez Chapter 4
Marquez Chapter 4-5
Week 5
8 Mar Tue
11 Mar Fri
Marquez Nobel acceptance speech
Marquez Chapter 5
Week 6
15 Mar Tue
18 Mar Fri
Harper Lee To Kill a Mockingbird
Week 7
22 Mar Tue
25 Mar Fri
Week 8
29 Mar Tue
1 Apr Fri
Week 9
5 Apr Tue
8 Apr Fri
Week 10
12 Apr Tue
15 Apr Fri
Mary Shelley Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus
Shelley Volume 1 Chapters 1-2
Week 11
19- 22 Apr
Week 12
26 Apr Tue
29 Apr Fri
Shelley Vol. 1 Chapters 3-7
Shelley Vol. 1 Chapters 3-7
Week 13
3 May Tue
6 May Fri
Shelley Vol. 2
Shelley Vol. 2
Week 14
10 May Tue
13 May Fri
Shelley Vol. 3
Shelley Vol. 3