Teaching Without a Textbook - Minnesota Earth Science Teachers

2014 MESTA Conference
• Tartan High School, 9 years
• Earth Science, Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry
• M.A. Educational Technology—Boise State University, 2013
• Go to:
Teaching without a textbook
How to find resources
Putting it together (you will do this today!)
MPCC—MN Partnership for Collaborative Curriculum
Examples of resources
• Why do it?
MUCH less expensive
Not strapped down to the book
Can add more inquiry based learning (Good!!)
Can get things from many different experts, not just the author(s)
Students are becoming much more tech savvy
Students need to be much more tech savvy
• Classes in college will require it
• Jobs in the future will require it
• Does not require a one-to-one device
• BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
• Shared devices, computer lab, teacher computer and projector
• Don’t create EVERYTHING
• Stealing (using) other peoples things works well (give credit!)
• Don’t look for perfect if an A- will do
• You have your “stuff” that you created—USE IT!!! (and find other stuff)
• Thousands of experts in their field, placing hundreds of thousands of
resources online for people to use
• Ideas, lessons, units, assessments, practice, simulations, videos, readings,
discussion topics, activities, more…
• Be a curator, not only a creator.
• Might be tough, but it will be beneficial to your students
Source: http://www.sundaymag.tv/issue2/curating-beats-creating/
Image source: http://education-copyright.org/creative-commons/
• “Works in the public domain are those whose intellectual
property rights have expired, have been forfeited, or are
• Examples: works of Shakespeare, Beethoven, Newtonian Physics
• Free for public to use because they have been around so long
• source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain
• Resources online that are under CC or Public Domain
• Can use for educational purposes without worry of infringement
• Search engines to find OERs
• https://openeducationalresources.pbworks.com/w/page/27045418/Find
• OER Commons http://www.oercommons.org/
• Lots of free resources with hundreds of topics
• Wikieducator http://wikieducator.org/Main_Page
• Free e-learning content
• OCWConsortium http://www.ocwconsortium.org/
• Free courses in many subjects
• Google Image—a great tool for lots of pictures, but not
necessarily legal to use
•Let’s Build a Textbook
• One that everyone can be writers of and
everyone can use!
• Later, you can add more things to the MESTA
book or your own.
• Go to: www.curriki.org
• Click “Register” to set up a free account
• Join the MESTA Group by searching for “MESTA” under the
Groups tab
• Once on the MESTA page, scroll down and click “Join Group”
• Video on how to join curriki
• Video on how to join the MESTA group in curriki
• Geology
• Oceanography
• Astronomy
Plate tectonics
• Tides
• Currents
• Waves
• Meteorology
• Weather
Earth layers
• Seasons
• Climate
• Layers of atmosphere
• Composition of
• Climate change
• Water-pressureFaults
Geologic time
• Others???
Stars and Deep
• Technology-telescopes
• Exploration
• Exoplanets
Branches of ES
Spheres of earth
Scientific Method
Search for something (you can customize your search)
Click “Add” then add it to whatever folder you want
Go to “Collections”, then “Add a Collection”
Click “Build Up” to begin adding material to your course
Click “A folder where I'll organize resources”
• This gets you a folder (topic) inside your course
• You can align the standards to MN
• Video on how to add content to a curriculum in curriki
• Left side of screen, click “Collaborate”
• Create a group of people who work with the same content
• Department, School, District, MESTA
• Have a website where students can go
• Not necessary, but could be VERY helpful
• Many sites with many options, many are free
• Blackboard CourseSites www.coursites.com
• https://www.coursesites.com/s/_MESTA-001
• How to enroll in the course:
• This course is being taught using CourseSites by Blackboard, an online platform
for organizing and securely sharing course materials, online lectures, discussion
and other learning activities. To request enrollment into my course, follow the
steps below:
1. Launch a browser and enter the following URL to the course home page:
• 2. Once at the course home page, click the Request Enrollment button.
3. Enter a valid email address and your full name in the corresponding fields.
4. Optionally, edit the Subject.
5. Optionally, edit the message. The name you enter in the Full Name field will
be automatically entered into the signature of the message.
6. Click Submit to send your request.
Shortly after, I will send to you a course invitation. Follow the link to confirm and
register. When signing up, take note that you can register using existing account
information from popular web services like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gmail,
Yahoo and Windows Live to make it easier to login.
• Quizlet http://quizlet.com/
• Free online quizzes and study tools
• Flash cards that you can create or use others already there
• “…grassroots initiative among school districts to create
comprehensive open digital content for all courses in grades 312 in the four core content areas.”
• Over 30 districts involved, HS and MS teachers writing
• Staff dev. money for writing the books and learning to use them
• District pays $1/student and can use all the online textbooks
• Anoka-Hennepen spent $25,000 to write a Prob/Stats book and did not
spend $200,000 on paper books
• No Earth Science book yet, but probably will be soon
• http://mncollaborativecurriculum.org/
• ck12.org http://www.ck12.org/earth-science/
• Many different resources about many topics related to earth science.
Lesson plans, videos, readings, quizzes, applications, others…searchable
• HippoCampus
• Resources from NROC, NASA, NOAA and Nat. Geographic
• Khan Academy http://www.khanacademy.org/
• Over 80 videos teaching concepts about scale of universe, stars, geologic
time and climate and life on earth and in the universe—a little advanced
• Merlot http://www.merlot.org/merlot/index.htm?action=find
• Over 44,000 materials all based on MN Standards
• Wikiversity http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Earth_science
• From the people that brought you Wikipedia, but only educational topics
• PhET http://phet.colorado.edu/
• Online simulations covering many different topics in earth (and other)
sciences. Downloadable, embeddable, or use online.
• TeacherTube http://www.teachertube.com/
• Videos, documents, audio files, all related to education
• YouTube http://www.youtube.com/
• Videos about every topic in the universe. Some good, some bad.
• Google Earth http://www.google.com/earth/index.html
• Many different ways to use this program
• My Grad Website http://eriktvedten541.weebly.com/resources.html
• Tech Learning
• Opensource.com http://opensource.com/education/13/4/guide-opensource-education
• www.google.com www.bing.com
• Both work—schools seem to like Google
• Google has lots of extras—not just a search engine
• Algorithms are set to find the best possible results for the search
• (1st page is probably the best)
• Be specific with what you are typing
• Teach your students how to search!!!
• http://web20guru.wikispaces.com/Web+2.0+Resources
• http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/WEB+2.0+Tools
• http://c4lpt.co.uk/top100tools/