Cyber lesson prepared by Becky Caplinger – First and Second Grade In our book Dem Bones you will learn and review about the bones of the body. You will hear a song about how the bones are connected and then be able to read about all the different bones mentioned. •A copy of Dem Bones by Bob Barner •Computer with an Internet Connection •Reading journal sheets and pencil •KWL Chart paper Before we get started, fill in the columns in purple in the following chart: I already know… I want to know… 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. 6. 6. 7. 7. What I learned… Click on the link below to hear more about the skeleton. See if you can hear any of our vocabulary words. Write down three new things that you learned about the skeleton. Listen about the Skeleton Now that we have read, fill in the columns in purple in the following chart: I already know… I want to know… What I learned… 1. 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. Go to the website below and build the skeleton. Think back to our lessons and name as many body parts as you can. Build the Skeleton Using the words below, complete the puzzles at the following website. Cartilage Human Skeleton Anatomy Calcium Mandible Muscle Skull Sternum Produce Phalanges Ligament Marrow Cartilage Ulna Joint Tibia Pelvis Radius Bone Tendon Femur Vertebrae Mandible Play Hangman using bone vocabulary Watch the video below and write down three new things you learned about our body or our bones! Activity K-W parts of K-W-L Student fills in what the child knows and what the child wants to know about our bones. L part of K-W-L Student fills in what the child has learned through our book and activities. Beyond Reading Sheet Student writes down some of the new things they have learned through the movie. 3 2 1 0 The student fills in 2-3 reasonable, separate pieces of information in both the K and the W part of the chart. The student fills in 1 reasonable, separate piece of information in both the K and the W part of the chart. The student fills in the chart with unrelated pieces of information in the K and the W part of the chart. The student fills nothing into the chart. The student fills in 2-3 reasonable, separate pieces of information in both the L part of the chart. The student fills in 1 reasonable, separate piece of information in the L part of the chart. The student fills in the chart with unrelated pieces of information in the L part of the chart. The student fills nothing into the chart. The student writes down three new things that were learned through watching the video. The student writes down two new things that were learned through watching the video. The student writes down one new thing that were learned through watching the video. The student does not write down anything new they may have learned. The students work is completed but is not neat and is disorganized. The students work is only partial completed. The student does not complete any work Recording Sheets Student fills in their answers neatly on their own in appropriate places on the K-W-L Chart. The students work is completed neatly and in a well organized manner. This lesson was based on the book Dem Bones by B. Barner. Barner, B. (1996). Dem Bones. San Francisco: Chronicle Books LLC. The animations come from : keleton.gif Websites used for lessons: This cyber lesson was created to be used as a whole class instructional tool over the course of a month in four lab class sessions. 1. Cyber-Lesson on the Skeletal System Part 1- This will include slides 1 through 4. I will have the students complete the KWL Chart on their own computers and then print it out. 2. Cyber-Lesson on the Skeletal System Part 2 - This will include slide 5. 3. Cyber-Lesson on the Skeletal System Part 3 - This will include slides 6 through 7. I will have the students complete the KWL Chart on their own print out from previous lesson. 4. Cyber-Lesson on the Skeletal System Part 4 - This will include slide 8. This lesson will act as a wrap up lesson for the cyber-lesson and the lessons on the Skeletal System.