Resources to Support Learning

Autumn Term 2015
Year 8 Termly Newsheet
Curriculum overview - Topics to be covered
Life time-the historical Jesus, early and medieval Church, responding to God’s call, the
Sacrament of confirmation, Advent and John the Baptist.
Macbeth– writing assessment, setting up a company - Dragon’s Den style project
encouraging creativity and initiative through group work
Revision introducing yourself, sports, likes and dislikes, leisure and complex opinions,
week end activities in the present tense and past tense, clothes and colours, favorite
outfit, different styles of clothes, the weather, what you wear in different occasions, what
you would like to wear to come to school.
Water World - study of rivers and coasts. Making Money -industrial development and
Integers & beyond - multiplication/division of integers, fractions/decimals. Explore the
effect of multiplications/division using mental, written and calculator methods.
Increasing my spatial awareness - explore 2D/3D shapes, focusing on their properties,
area, surface area/volume. Investigate moving 2Dshapes via 4 mathematical
transformations. Algebraic manipulation –developing knowledge of algebraic
expressions/equations. Investigate functions /sequences through both formal/graphical
One Biology, Physics and Chemistry topic. Adaptation and Inheritance. Light and Sound.
Atoms and Elements
Students will acquire skills in a range of sports: Rugby, Football, Netball, Handball, Table
Tennis, Basketball, Gymnastics, Dance, Swimming and Hockey.
Advertising Jingles: Using sequencing software to create music for an advert.
Ground Bass: Composing music using loops, rifts and repeating patterns.
Introducing pupils to History of Print from its origin through to modern day techniques.
Pupils will produce a range of different outcomes. They will take part in various
workshops using traditional and manual methods of print through contemporary
methods. Critical understanding will form a main focus with importance of presenting
and analyzing ideas of their own and others. Drawing is the basis of all subjects/topics
and remain a fundamental part of teaching/learning.
History of our local area. Through investigating a range of sources we consider how the
local area has changed in the last 150yrs and evaluate.
The theme of Protest. We look at a range of protests from across history and consider
why, how and with what success have people protested. - Boudicca’s rebellion, The
Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, The Chartists, The Suffragettes, Gandhi and Indian
Independence, Civil Rights movement in the USA.
Students will be looking at History of a design icon—The Mini. They will make an electric
powered Mini. Focus on charity and WWF and produce an endangered animal money
Food—will make cakes, sausage rolls and many more. Textiles—using sewing machines
and look at the manufacture of high quality textile products.
Resources to Support
Documents and PowerPoints
are available from RE Dept.
Macbeth by William
French story books and
magazines available from
class teacher and new library
Newspaper articles, YouTube,
BBC news, Google Earth.
BBC Bitesize
Maths frameworking
ISBN: 978-0-00-753775-4
ISBN: 9780-00-753778-5 (extension)
 Mymaths logins & passwords
will be issued for students to
access learning resources at
 History dept. has a nonfiction library where students
can borrow books.
 Valance House museum is an
excellent resource for local
 The films to watch —
’Suffragette’ (Oct 2015)
Boudicca (2003) Gandhi
(1982) Selma (2014)
Malcolm X (1992)
Curiosity Week - 03/07/15 to 10/07/15
Year 8 took part in a variety of events including Sports Day, First Aid, and Forensic
Science Day. More pictures can be found on the school website - Gallery
9th September 2015 -
School Photo’s
25th November 2015 -
Staff INSET Day
27th November 2015 -
Sponsored Silence
18th December 2015 -
Last Day of Term
Correct equipment is to be brought to every lesson. Calculators available via ParentPay.
Any Art materials are welcomed in addition to 2b drawing pencil.
YouTube for revision materials
French Drama Club –lunchtime
Look up news stories on river floods, coastal erosion, multinational businesses
After every Maths assessment students are required to highlight 2 mathematical areas of
weakness and produce a corrected response to ensure that their unsecured learning has
been addressed.
We highly recommend that students purchase the CGP Key Stage 3 Science revision guide
and accompanying white book. These can be purchased from the school via ParentPay.
Involvement in extracurricular clubs in and outside of school will help develop student’s
practical ability.
RE Assessment in the final week of each 1/2 term.
Students will participate in weekly literacy skills lessons to support their written
communication across the curriculum.
European Language Day - 25th September 2015
Integers & beyond assessment –w/b 19/10/15
Spatial awareness assessment –w/b 30/11/15
Science assessment - December
Local History guided walk - w/b 19/10/15
History homework will be based on the two projects. Students will be asked to interview
people and investigate how life has changed for people in the last 50yrs. Students will be
given guidance on how to contact this type of research. - Due in October
History students will be encouraged to visit and research a memorial/statue and to take
photos of themselves by the memorial/statue - w/b 14/12/15