Clinical Documentation Library (CDL) Highlight Report 22/02/10 Appendix A Key Milestones Accomplishments Some issues from testing fixed and delivered 11/02/2010 with further fixes due by 20/02/2010 The consultant table has been made available on the Data warehouse The server to support the Intranet has been purchased and built Key Issues & Risks Mitigating Actions 1. Agreement to rationalise templates for each unit for all clinical units 1. The project team is working with the clinical units taking part in the pilot 2. Agreement from GPs to provide surgery email addresses for emailing discharge summaries 2. Surgery email addresses are now being collected and supplied to the PAS team for updating 3. Lack of single referral management process to ensure that referrals are captured on arrival 3. It has been agreed with the Director of Operations that this process will only take place in Centralised bookings 4. Issues with adding historic documents if not appropriately filed and named 4. Agreed with Users to change file names accordingly 5. Setting up Clinical Documentation library on Intranet with advance search facility 5. There have been issues raised which has prevented the migration of the existing Intranet to the new server. 6. To redesign the Clinical Documentation Library Interface (Phase 2) 6. In progress. Waiting for the SharePoint server to be configured 7. Ongoing management of the system after Go Live 7. There is a requirement for a system manager to maintain and run the system Server Development and configuration 30/06/09 COMPLETE Agreeing templates for pilot units 19/06/09 COMPLETE Xanadutec end to end system implementation 13/08/09 COMPLETE CIMS end to end implementation 13/08/09 COMPLETE PHASE 1 Authorisation process 30/09/09 COMPLETE Populating Clinicians demographics March 2010 Adding historic documents for the 3 pilot units 09/04/10 SLIPPED 2W Completion of testing (additional fixes) 12/03/10 SLIPPED 2W Final software and hardware configuration 26/03/10 SLIPPED 4W Deliver training (for 3 units) 23/03 - 31/03/10 SLIPPED 2W Pilot go live with 3 units 12/04/10 SLIPPED 2W Testing of fixes delivered in readiness for Clinician Demo (see below) Go live for remaining units (one unit at a time) May - Sept 2010 SLIPPED 2W Clinician demos arranged over 8th, 9th, 10th March 2010 PHASE 2 Both scanning and Intranet testing to be completed by 28/02/10 have slipped due to Technical issues with Intranet server (Issue 5). Rescheduled to be completed by 05/03/10 Delivery of Scanning of referrals process COMPLETE Testing 05/03/10 Upcoming Activities Finalise development of e-learning training material for training to commence w/c 11/03/10 User acceptance testing and trial run of training materials Corporate Document Library Project as at 22/02/10 Accomplishments Key Milestones IM & T policies have been published on the RNOHWeb Policy and Procedures Training for Administration Users COMPLETED Integrate IM&T Policies 13/11/09 COMPLETED Search facility COMPLETED Go live IM&T Pilot 16/11/09 COMPLETED Migration of HR Policies 26/02/10 Announcement to Staff 01/03/10 Review Pilot after staff feedback 31/03/10 Migration of remaining 10 areas 31/05/10 Review of Process and Set up June 2010 Close Corporate\Policies on Network Drive July 2010 July to August 2010 Phase 2 Guidance for Directorate Policy Keepers Further development of the module to provide full workflow to support our requirement Identification & Training for Policy Keepers July to August 2010 PHASE 2 Completion of Workflow Development To be planned Key Issues Mitigating Actions 1. Publishing Trust wide policies and procedures 1. Milestone Plan added to this report. HR and Corporate affairs are responsible for the delivery of this plan Upcoming Activities Develop a Communication Plan for the Trust Go Live – HR policies to go-live after the IM&T policies Incorporate all policies into the Corporate Document Library Real Time Patient Feedback Project as at 22/02/10 Accomplishments Key Milestones Key Issues Mitigating Actions 1. None 1. None Upcoming Activities Integrate the data into the Data Warehouse Proof of concept 21/08/09 COMPLETE Demonstration to stakeholders 21/08/09 COMPLETE Finalised form factor 21/08/09 COMPLETE Approve Design 30/10/09 COMPLETED Confirm Data Items 30/10/09 COMPLETED Create web application 08/11/09 COMPLETED Design survey 13/11/09 COMPLETED Create reports 20/11/09 COMPLETED Testing 27/11/09 COMPLETED Deliver training 04/12/09 COMPLETED Go live 07/12/09 COMPLETED Reporting Requirements for Insight TBC Confirm reporting requirements from Insight Additional questions to be added to the questionnaire RNOH 1+1 Single Sign On & Context Management Highlight Report at 22/02/10 Key Milestones Project Schedule and Preparation Activities 15/05/09 COMPLETE Bridge Development Environment Established 18/05/09 COMPLETE Vergence Design Complete 22/05/09 COMPLETE Bridge Development Complete 24/07/09 COMPLETE Roll out Strategy/Planning Complete 14/08/09 COMPLETE Testing Complete - Trust Acceptance of Functionality 19/10/09 (SLIPPED) Pilot Phase 1 4/09/09 COMPLETE Bridgeworks Training 24/09/09 COMPLETE Pilot Phase 2 30/10/09 COMPLETE Push 1 2/11/09 COMPLETE Push 2 13/11/09 COMPLETE Upcoming Activities Push 3 (Slope) Completion of Single Sign on and Context Management functionality for RadCentre. This will enable us to complete the Push 6 roll out for Imaging 12/12/10 COMPLETE Push 4 (BTU &remaining Wards) 22/01/10 COMPLETE Push 5 (Bolsover Street & Outpatients Clinic Rooms) 5/02/10 COMPLETE Push 6 (Imaging & Therapies) March 2010 (Slipped) Accomplishments Implementation now 90% complete (we have just completed Bolsover Street and Stanmore outpatients). Feedback from clinicians has been positive Remaining areas are as follows: 1. Therapies – to be deferred until Therapies organisational changes are complete 2. Imaging Stanmore and Bolsover Street – to be deferred until single sign on capability is available for RadCentre Outstanding Issues Mitigating Actions 1. Patient information sharing across systems will not work if the patient does not have a NHS number booked in the Trust systems. This presents a clinical risk as users may view the wrong patient details in a particular system. 1. The team is currently working to provide a solution which will ensure that when searching for patients with no NHS numbers in one system, subsequent applications will yield no results and force the user to repeat the patient search . Supplier to advise ETA 2. Completion of Single Sign on and Context Management capability for RadCentre needs to be completed so that we can proceed to roll out to Imaging in Stanmore and Bolsover Street 3. Some Clinicians have requested some changes to ICE to enhance patient context sharing 2. RadCentre Single Sign on functionality expected 19/02/10 3. Supplier to advise ETA for ICE amendment Completion of RNOH 1+1 Operations Manual and handover to relevant System owners and IT Support Debrief and Lessons learnt to be completed with the Supplier RNOH INSIGHT Status Update as at 22/02/10 Key Milestones – Phase 1 PAS DATAFEED Accomplishments Sign off PAS Data Transfer Data Warehouse 26/02/10 PAS load validation is approaching completion – the number of data issues arising from validation is now considerably less (2 key themes) and can be handed over to the Data Quality working group for long term resolution and management RADCENTRE DATA FEED Initial Data Mapping complete 12/02/10 RadCentre data model is being constructed in the Data Warehouse and Data transfer into the Datawarehouse has started and we will look to validate the data during the course of February and March Design re linking RadCentre data to PAS referral complete 15/02/10 Insight Reporting Initial RadCentre Data Transfer complete 26/02/10 (Approx) Completed work on Data Warehouse sourced Phase 1 Reports that are solely reliant on PAS data (based on the requirements raised by the work streams) . Initial RadCentre Data Load validation complete 12/03/10 Commenced discussions with Finance on phase 2 PLC reporting requirements. Net change process complete TBC Commenced discussions with Therapies on therapies data transfer into the Data Warehouse and associated information requirements Net change validation complete TBC Key Issues & Risks Mitigating Actions Sign off RadCentre Data Transfer 1. Given the absence of referral information in RadCentre, we are currently not able to RadCentre patient exam information to the referral information in PAS 1. We are currently analysing RIS and PAS data to find the optimal way to link them 31/03/10 (Approx) PHASE 1 BUSINES INTELLIGENCE REPORTS Completion of Operational Workstream Reporting Solution May 2010 Data Warehouse Completion of PBR Clinical Coding Reporting Solution June 2010 Completion of Data cleansing effort and validation of PAS load and automated update process – Sign off of PAS Data transfer in the Data warehouse Completion of Clinician Workstream Reporting Solution June 2010 Completion of Imaging data transfer into the Data warehouse July 2010 Insight Reporting Completion of Executive Information Workstream Solution Publish Data warehouse sourced (those purely reliant on PAS data) reports on the Insight Portal following PAS Data transfer sign off Completion of Data Quality Workstream Reporting Solution July 2010 Conduct a design Review of Insight to assess current v target usability/look and feel of reports and ensure that the reporting tool meets the information needs of the intended audience Development of Phase1 reports and Business Intelligence Output July 2010 Upcoming Activities RNOH INSIGHT Detailed Work streams Report RNOH Insight Business Intelligence Work streams PHASE 1 Operational Work stream (led by Claire Euesden) A number of interim reports (using excel and access database sources) have been completed to meet those requirements and published on Insight (new to follow up ratio for Inpatients and Outpatients, Discharge Monitoring , Pre Op Assessment and Screening activity) The project team have completed the reports that are reliant on PAS sourced data from the actual Datawarehouse. These are ready for review by the Work stream lead. Executive Information Work stream (led by Saroj Patel) The project team have completed the reports that are reliant on PAS sourced data from the actual Data warehouse. These are ready for review by the Work stream lead. PBR Clinical Coding (led by Andrew Wheeler) An interim report (sourced from an access database) has been created and published on the Insight Portal The project team has created some reports directly sourced from the Data warehouse, which are being reviewed by the work stream. Clinician Work stream (led by Dr Maya de Souza) The project team has created a number of reports based on the work stream requirements. These are now being reviewed by the work stream lead. A feedback session is scheduled for this week. Data Quality Work stream (led by Colin Waller) A Data Quality Dashboard is being created by the project team using the Insight Reporting Tool, which will be reviewed by the Working Group. A Data Quality working group consisting of key personnel from across the various units and areas in the trust have completed the following: Confirmation of assigned areas of responsibility Interim review of Data Quality Dashboard Confirmation of responsibilities for Monitoring the Dashboard Review of Updated Data Quality Policy PHASE 2 Patient Level Costing Work stream (led by Cai Morgan)- deferred to Phase 2 (at the request of Cai Morgan) Analysis with the work stream team has commenced on the required data attributes for PLC and their required source. The agreed plan/approach is to consolidate all required data elements for PLC in the Data Warehouse, the required algorithm will be applied to the output in COMBO CC by HealthCost. The data will then be fed back to the Data Warehouse and then reported via Insight. Therapies Work stream (led by Heather McDowell) – Phase 2 A kick off meeting was held with the Work stream lead The agreed plan is for the project team to build a feed from the Community module of PAS into the Data warehouse for Therapies information and map the Tiara information to the Community data structures. Orthotics Paper Lite Project as at 22/02/2010 Key Milestones Accomplishments Further software updates have been applied as bugs are found as testing has progressed. Equipment requirements have been delivered except washable keyboards. This will not prevent the commencement of the pilot Key Issues Mitigating Actions 1. Further issues have arisen from testing the application relating to the Calendar integration with the PAS. 1. This is being investigated by the supplier Upcoming Activities Delivery of Completed Application (after testing fixes) Feb/Mar 2010 Application Testing Sign Off Feb 2010 SLIPPED 8w Install Wireless and Network Points COMPLETED Interface Software COMPLETED Test Interface Software COMPLETED Deliver training Mar 2010 SLIPPED 12w Pilot Go live Feb 2010 SLIPPED 8w Go Live Mar 2010 SLIPPED 8w Completion of Testing Scenarios and Test Scripts Business Continuity Plan and Operational Plan to be completed All additional equipment to be installed – 22/02/10 Set up of the Live environment in readiness for Pilot – 22/02/10 Limited pilot testing from 22/02/10 Full Implementation plan to be completed March 2010 Post Implementation Issues and Support Mar 2010 onwards PAS Discharge Summary Project as at 22/02/2010 Accomplishments Key Milestones An interim Drugs database has been provided to the PAS supplier to update the drugs tables on PAS Application and Process Testing COMPLETED Training for Pilot Users MARCH 2010 SLIPPED 12w Pilot Go Live March 2010 SLIPPED 12w Go live APRIL 2010 SLIPPED 12w A discussion has taken place with the PAS supplier to set up a facility to load updates to the table. This cannot be completed until agreement is reached on the final source files and their structure Key Issues Mitigating Actions 1. Finalising Discharge Letter template to work within PAS 1. Defined minor changes required are being updated to the letter within PAS 2. Embedding of process changes in areas and with personnel where Discharge Summaries are to be completed 2. A meeting has been arranged with the “lead” Ward Clerk to discuss the process and embedding change 3. Some changes may be required for Go Live 3. Raise the changes with PAS Supplier with a view to prioritising early development 4. Key resource has been distracted by 18 weeks information development 4. There are still some issues but the call on their time has reduced but not disappeared Upcoming Activities Continue to work with the PAS supplier to get the Drug Database uploaded with a process to update this regularly Set up standard phrases as appropriate Obtain Clinical Sign off to the process Establish Training Plan Deliver Training March 2010