Science Project Guidelines

M3 Research Project Guidelines and Working Pages
As an M3 Whitney Science student… It is your turn to
show your skills as a scientist in the Whitney Institute
Science Fair.
Science Expands Our World!
Every student will display a comprehensive research project during the
Whitney Institute Science Fair on Friday, June 8th. So get ready to
investigate cool (and sometimes crazy) topics about your world.
Keep this handy research packet close over the next few weeks to help you
track your work, organize your ideas, and create a fabulous project any
scientist will be proud of.
Now Let’s Get Started….
Here is a list of all the Tasks you must complete:
Choose a Topic
Internet Research
Book Research
Key Word List
Research Paper
Project Planner
Experiment Completed
Data Analysis and Conclusion
Project Display Board
Due Date
May 2nd
May 3rd
May 9th
May 11th
May 15th
May 18th
May 23rd
May 31st
June 5th
June 7th
St. Initials
Step 1: Choose a Topic
Visit the website htttp:// There you will find a test to help you
choose a project that interests you. Write down the three projects that you find most
interesting in the chart below. Then circle or highlight your final choice, and check with
Ms. S. to sign off on your choice.
Research Topic
Topic Level
This interests me because………
Step 2: Internet Research
 Do some beginning research to explore more about your chosen topic.
 Write down good websites on the list below (double check to make sure they are
 Copy and paste helpful information and or pictures into a word document to use
for later. Be sure to put a name for which website you got the information from.
 DO NOT print off entire pages from websites. This wastes paper. You must
check with Ms. S. before printing.
Good websites to go back to…
2. _________________________________________________________________
Step 3: Book Research
Librarys open windows to the world! You must choose
information from at least two (2) book sources to include in
your paper. Look for resources on your topic. Be sure to
record information on each book chosen so that you can come
back to it easily.
Title:________________________ Notes:
Copyright Date:_______________
Relevant Pages:_______________
Title:________________________ Notes:
Copyright Date:_______________
Relevant Pages:_______________
Title:________________________ Notes:
Copyright Date:_______________
Relevant Pages:_______________
Step 5: Key Word List
As always, you MUST KNOW your key words. Each project must include a minimum
of five (5) relevant key words and their definitions. Use this chart to keep track. Check
with Ms. S. to sign off when complete.
Key Word
Step 6 Bibliography:
All research must include a bibliography or works cited to show where you found your
information. Use the resource packet from Ms. S. to complete your bibliography ONLY
for the sources that you actually used information from in your final background paper.
It must be checked by another student and then by Ms. S.
USE PENCIL so that errors can be erased easily.
Resource 1:
Resource 2:
Resource 3:
Resource 4:
Resource 5:
Author Check:___________________
Peer Check: ____________________
Ms. S. Check: ___________________ Date:____________________
Step 7: Research Paper Planner:
Background Research Focus (Introduction)
Key Science concept:
Interesting Fact(s):
How does this relate to your project?
SubTopic 1: _______________________________________________________
Fact 1:
Fact 2:
Fact 3:
How does this relate to/inform your project?
SubTopic 2:________________________________________________________
Fact 1:
Fact 2:
Fact 3:
How does this relate to/inform your project?
SubTopic 3:________________________________________________________
Fact 1:
Fact 2:
Fact 3:
How does this relate to/inform your project?
Step 8: Project Planner
Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!
Every excellent science project (big or small) follows the scientific method.
Your job is to follow the method and think like a scientist.
Complete the project planner on the next page. Ms. S. must sign off before you
begin your actual experiment.
Project Planner (Draft)
Research Question:
Hypothesis 1:
Independent Variable: ______________________________________________
Dependent Variable:________________________________________________
Controls: 1.______________________________________________________
How Will Data Be Collected?
Project Planner (Final)
Research Question:
Hypothesis 1:
Independent Variable: ______________________________________________
Dependent Variable:________________________________________________
Controls: 1.______________________________________________________
How Will Data Be Collected?
Required Materials list:
Data Table:
Step 9: Research Notes/Errors:
Errors or Mistakes in the Experiment:
Step 10 Conclusion:
Was the hypothesis correct or incorrect?
Explain in DETAIL using your data from your results. Be sure to include numbers
and specific examples from your experiment results.
What could you do to improve this experiment?
Step 11 Project Display Requirements
 Title
 Name of Researcher(s)
 Problem
 Hypothesis
 Experiment Procedure
 Data (in picture or chart form)
 Pictures (minimum of 3) of your experiment in action
 Results
 Conclusion
 Next Time
 Physical display of equipment, specimens, products, or other items used in
your experiment (minimum of 3).
 Research Paper and Planning Document
Parent Pledge of Support
Good Day Parents/Guardians,
You will be pleased to know that your child will be participating
in our annual M3 Science Fair. This is an exciting opportunity
for your child to explore an area of science that they find
personally interesting.
Science Expands Our World!
Please pay special attention to the following:
 Participation in the Science Fair is mandatory.
 Grades for this project will serve as 100% of the Quarter 4 grade.
 All projects are due no later than June 7th. Projects will be judged by members
of the community, therefore late projects will not be accepted.
 The science fair will be held on Friday June 8th. You are invited to attend!
 Students may need your assistance with basic household items to set up their
Please complete, sign and return the form below. Students who do not have a
form signed by a parent/guardian by May 3rdth will serve a lunchtime detention.
Yes, I am aware that my child _______________________has a major science
project due on ________________. This project counts for more than _________
of my child’s Quarter 4 grade. While there will be time to work on the project in
school, I will need to support my child working on the project at home as well.
Name:__________________ Signature:_________________ Date:___________