Hendrickson High School Pre-AP Chemistry Course Information 2014-2015 COURSE DESCRIPTION: Pre-AP Chemistry is a highly rigorous and fast paced course designed for students with significant background in math and science, and who intend to take AP Chemistry the next year. The purpose of this course is to prepare students to successfully academically perform at the college level in AP Chemistry. Teacher Name: Mr. David Turner Room Number: B201 Contact information: david.turner@pfisd.net Tutorials: I am usually at school by 8 am and leave school at 4:45 pm. Whenever I am in my classroom you are welcome to come in to study or ask questions. My tutorials are student run; be prepared and know what you need help with. Please do not wait until the day before (or morning of!) a test to ask for help. Be proactive. When you do not understand something, come in and ask. General Assessment and Grade Calculation Minor Grades: homework, classwork, warm ups, exit tickets, minor labs/activities = 20% Major Grades: Tests, large labs = 80% **Also calculated into the semester averages are the Midterm/Final (10%) You can access your grades online anytime by logging in to txConnect (https://txconnpa.esc13.net/PAPF/login.aspx). Please contact student services if you do not have your login information. Materials 1. 1”-2” 3 Ring Binder (dividers recommended) 2. 2 different writing tools 3. Recommended (not required): Scientific Calculator Classroom Expectations Safety. Honesty. Respect. Tardies If you are not IN THE CLASSROOM when the bell rings, you are tardy, and must go to the front office for a tardy pass. Restroom It is best to take care of personal matters during passing periods or during lunch. You will not be allowed to leave class the first and last 10 minutes of each period. Only one student may be out of the room at a time. Academic Integrity Cheating will not be tolerated. You are expected to earn your own grade by doing your own work. All assignments must be done independently unless otherwise instructed. A grade of zero will be earned for assignments where inappropriate assistance is given or accepted or plagiarism or other academic dishonesty occurs. Cheating will also result in calls home and disciplinary referrals. Make Up Work & Late Work If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to get all work that was missed. For each day you are absent, you have one day to make up the work. If you know you will be absent, ask for work before you leave. If you only miss test day, you may come in before or after school to make up that test before you come to class again. If you are absent only the day before a scheduled test, you are expected to take the test the same day you return. Late daily work will not be accepted. A lab that falls in the Major Grades category of the grade book will be accepted late until the graded labs have been handed back to the rest of the class. After the graded labs have been returned to the rest of the class, the student will be required to complete an alternative assignment. Retest Policy For a test on which a student does not earn a 70 or greater, the student will be allowed to retest one time. The student has five school days from the day the graded test is handed back to take the retest before or after school during tutorials. Prior to being allowed to take the retest, the student is required to complete test corrections using the Test Correction Form and turn the corrections in when they take the retest. The retest may only bring the student’s grade up to a 70 on the test if they pass. If they do not pass the retest, but earn a grade higher than the original test grade, then their test grade will be changed to the retest grade. If they earn a grade on the retest that is lower than the original test grade, then their original test grade will remain in the grade book- a retest may not lower their test grade. Poor effort on test corrections may lead to the teacher requiring the student to complete the test corrections in a more complete manner and return at another time to take the retest. Should the student wait until the last day the retest is being offered and not provide complete, correct and organized test corrections, the student will not be allowed to take the retest on a later date. For a lab that the student does not earn a 70 or above or does not turn in, the student will be allowed to complete an alternate assignment. The student has five school days from the day the graded lab is handed back to turn in the alternate assignment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The complete Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) document, which was approved by the Texas State Board of Education, may be found on the internet at www.tea.state.tx.us/teks. THIS PAGE TO BE SIGNED BY STUDENT AND PARENT/GUARDIAN, AND RETURNED TO MR. TURNER I have read, and agree that I or my student will comply with, the policies explained in the attached “Class Information” handout for Mr. Turner’s 2014-2015 Chemistry class at Hendrickson High School. Student Name __________________________________________ Student Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Parent Name __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________________________________ Date _______________