
Tuesday, 12/1/15
Warm Up: Draw the Carbon Cycle from memory. What form of
carbon do animals take in?
1. Finish Chemistry Review
2. Organic Chemistry Notes
 Note blanks
 From the PPT
Homework: Chemistry Bonding Practice Sheet, turn in Thursday
Wednesday, 12/2/15
Warm Up: Draw a Venn diagram showing the similarities and
differences between inorganic and organic molecules.
1. O-Chem T-Chart
 In your journal
2. Finish Organic Chemistry Notes
 In Noteblanks
3. Update your Table of Contents
4. Watch the last of Battlefield Cell
If time:
5. Work on Chemistry Practice Sheet
Announcements: I am checking journals next week, during class
(in lab)! Also, if you need to make up your test, do so tomorrow,
after school
1. Chemistry Practice sheet, due Thursday
Thursday, 12/3/15
Warm Up: Look at the picture below, and answer the following 2
1. If one completed black
chain is a polymer, how
many different types of
monomers are needed to
make it?
2. Draw one example of each monomer.
1. Correct the Chemistry Practice Sheet
 Tape it into your journal!
2. Notes on Carbohydrates
 Noteblanks
Announcements: If you need to make up your test, please come
after school today. If that doesn’t work, please see me!
Homework: NONE!
Friday, 12/4/15
Warm Up: Draw the glucose molecule, as best as you can, from
memory. Where does it bond with another glucose molecule to form
1. Sugar (carbohydrate) cut and paste activity!
 Follow instructions to create different sugar molecules
 Glue the molecules into your journal, and answer the
 Classwork, but homework if you don’t finish.
2. Check your table of contents!!
 Journal check will be next week
Announcements: Journal check will be next week during your lab!!!
1. Sugar Structure Cut and Paste
Monday, 12/7/15
Warm Up: What happens during dehydration synthesis?
Announcements: I will be grading 4 assignments. Find them, and
be prepared to show me when I come to you:
The Cell Variety Lab
Color a Cell
Cell Concept Map
Chemistry Bonding Practice
1. Correct Sugar Structural Cut and Paste
 Trade with a neighbor
 Use the Rubric! Tape it over top of the page
2. Glucose and Dehydration Synthesis Quiz
 On notebook paper. Write your name, the date, and the
3. Begin the Photosynthesis and Respiration activity
 Read and follow all directions
 Answer questions in your journal as you go
 When you encounter a stop sign (like this:
1. Take the Photosynthesis notes
 Use the noteblanks posted on the website. Your are
 I will have copies tomorrow for anyone who needs it.
 Due Thursday
Tuesday, 12/8/15
Warm Up: How are combustion and cellular respiration similar and
how are they different?
Announcements: I will be grading 4 assignments. Find them, and
be prepared to show me when I come to you:
The Cell Variety Lab
Color a Cell
Cell Concept Map
Chemistry Bonding Practice
1. Dehydration Synthesis Modeling
 Work with a partner, and use modeling kits to create
 Draw Glucose into your journal
 Follow instructions to both model and draw the process
of Dehydration Synthesis
2. Begin the Photosynthesis and Respiration activity
 Read and follow all directions
 Answer questions in your journal as you go
 When you encounter a stop sign (like this:
2. Take the Photosynthesis notes
 Use the noteblanks posted on the website. Yours are
 I will have copies tomorrow for anyone who needs it.
 Due Thursday
Wednesday, 12/9/15
Warm Up: How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar?
1. Finish the Photosynthesis and Respiration modeling activity
 Get a stamp for every stop sign!
 Answer all the questions!
 Be kind to the model kits!
 Debrief with the class
2. Turn in your journal, if I haven’t graded it yet
 Make sure you have these 4 things: The Cell Variety Lab,
Color a Cell, Cell Concept Map, Chemistry Bonding
 Make sure they are in your table of contents!
1. Take the Photosynthesis Notes on the Website
 Use the noteblanks on the website!!!!
Thursday, 12/10/15
Warm Up: Draw the water cycle
1. Finish Photosynthesis and Respiration Chemistry Modling
 Questions due Friday
2. Debrief Modeling activity
 Watch, and answer questions. Draw if you want.
2. Debrief Photosynthesis Notes
 Same: watch and tell me what happens!
 Have your notes out
Announcements: There will be a test on o-chem, photosynthesis
and respiration next Thursday or Friday
1. Finish the modeling activity questions by tomorrow
Friday, 12/11/15
Warm Up: How does the carbon cycle relate to photosynthesis?
1. Finish Photosynthesis Notes Debrief
 watch and tell me what happens!
 Have your notes out
2. Biosphere activity
 Draw the Biosphere on my desk
 Trace how carbon moves through the system with arrows
 Follow instructions on the class copy
3. Photosynthesis/Respiration demo
 Demo is on my desk
 Draw the set up,
 Predict what will happen: what color will each of these
Announcements: There will be a test on o-chem, photosynthesis
and respiration next Thursday
1. Notes on Respiration in your noteblanks, due Monday
Monday, 12/14/15
Warm Up: What types of organisms go through respiration?
1. Finish Demo Experiment
 Did your predictions come true?
 Why or why not?
2. Respiration flipped notes
 Debrief notes take over the weekend
 Create a diagram in your notes along with me
If time:
3. Look at the test from a while ago
Announcements: There will be a test on o-chem, photosynthesis
and respiration on Thursday
1. Review guide for the test
Tuesday, 12/15/15
Warm Up: Explain why oxygen is needed to completely break down
1. Look over the Microscopy and Cells test
 I have a key, you may look at what you missed.
 The key, your test and the test book do not leave this
2. Correct the Review on the Chemistry of Photosynthesis and
Respiration Modeling Activity
 Trade with the person sitting next to you
 Count the number of stamps they have. Put this in the
top right corner of the page
 Correct in a different color. I will dock points if you
3. Work on the Photosynthesis and Respiration Practice
 In class
 We will correct tomorrow
Announcements: I will be gone on Friday. That is why the test is on
1. Finish the Photosynthesis and Respiration Practice, due
2. Study for the Exam on Thursday
Wednesday, 12/16/15
Warm Up: Draw glucose! Include all elements
1. Whiteboard Review for Exam
 In groups, on the large whiteboards, draw Dehydration
Synthesis. You have 5 minutes!!
 Gallery walk to review each diagram
 Repeat diagram and gallery walk with Photosynthesis
and Respiration
2. Correct Photosynthesis and Respiration Practice Problems
 From a Key
3. Ask questions for the exam tomorrow
Announcements: Exam tomorrow
Homework: Study for the exam
Thursday, 12/17/15
Warm Up: NONE
1. Drop your journals in the correct box
2. Put your homework in the correct box on my desk
3. Take a seat and prepare for the exam
Announcements: Have a happy break!!!! I won’t see you tomorrow,
so have a fun 2 weeks!