Tuesday, 12/1/15 Warm Up: Draw the Carbon Cycle from memory. What form of carbon do animals take in? Agenda: 1. Finish Chemistry Review 2. Organic Chemistry Notes Note blanks From the PPT Homework: Chemistry Bonding Practice Sheet, turn in Thursday Wednesday, 12/2/15 Warm Up: Draw a Venn diagram showing the similarities and differences between inorganic and organic molecules. Agenda: 1. O-Chem T-Chart In your journal 2. Finish Organic Chemistry Notes In Noteblanks 3. Update your Table of Contents 4. Watch the last of Battlefield Cell If time: 5. Work on Chemistry Practice Sheet Announcements: I am checking journals next week, during class (in lab)! Also, if you need to make up your test, do so tomorrow, after school Homework: 1. Chemistry Practice sheet, due Thursday Thursday, 12/3/15 Warm Up: Look at the picture below, and answer the following 2 questions. 1. If one completed black chain is a polymer, how many different types of monomers are needed to make it? 2. Draw one example of each monomer. Agenda: 1. Correct the Chemistry Practice Sheet Tape it into your journal! 2. Notes on Carbohydrates Noteblanks Announcements: If you need to make up your test, please come after school today. If that doesn’t work, please see me! Homework: NONE! Friday, 12/4/15 Warm Up: Draw the glucose molecule, as best as you can, from memory. Where does it bond with another glucose molecule to form maltose? Agenda: 1. Sugar (carbohydrate) cut and paste activity! Follow instructions to create different sugar molecules Glue the molecules into your journal, and answer the questions! Classwork, but homework if you don’t finish. 2. Check your table of contents!! Journal check will be next week Announcements: Journal check will be next week during your lab!!! Homework: 1. Sugar Structure Cut and Paste Monday, 12/7/15 Warm Up: What happens during dehydration synthesis? Announcements: I will be grading 4 assignments. Find them, and be prepared to show me when I come to you: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Cell Variety Lab Color a Cell Cell Concept Map Chemistry Bonding Practice Agenda: 1. Correct Sugar Structural Cut and Paste Trade with a neighbor Use the Rubric! Tape it over top of the page 2. Glucose and Dehydration Synthesis Quiz On notebook paper. Write your name, the date, and the period 3. Begin the Photosynthesis and Respiration activity Read and follow all directions Answer questions in your journal as you go ) When you encounter a stop sign (like this: STOP AND GET A STAMP! Homework: 1. Take the Photosynthesis notes Use the noteblanks posted on the website. Your are wrong! I will have copies tomorrow for anyone who needs it. Due Thursday Tuesday, 12/8/15 Warm Up: How are combustion and cellular respiration similar and how are they different? Announcements: I will be grading 4 assignments. Find them, and be prepared to show me when I come to you: 1. 2. 3. 4. The Cell Variety Lab Color a Cell Cell Concept Map Chemistry Bonding Practice Agenda: 1. Dehydration Synthesis Modeling Work with a partner, and use modeling kits to create Glucose Draw Glucose into your journal Follow instructions to both model and draw the process of Dehydration Synthesis 2. Begin the Photosynthesis and Respiration activity Read and follow all directions Answer questions in your journal as you go ) When you encounter a stop sign (like this: STOP AND GET A STAMP! Homework: 2. Take the Photosynthesis notes Use the noteblanks posted on the website. Yours are wrong! I will have copies tomorrow for anyone who needs it. Due Thursday Wednesday, 12/9/15 Warm Up: How are photosynthesis and cellular respiration similar? Agenda: 1. Finish the Photosynthesis and Respiration modeling activity Get a stamp for every stop sign! Answer all the questions! Be kind to the model kits! Debrief with the class 2. Turn in your journal, if I haven’t graded it yet Make sure you have these 4 things: The Cell Variety Lab, Color a Cell, Cell Concept Map, Chemistry Bonding Practice Make sure they are in your table of contents! Homework: 1. Take the Photosynthesis Notes on the Website Use the noteblanks on the website!!!! Thursday, 12/10/15 Warm Up: Draw the water cycle Agenda: 1. Finish Photosynthesis and Respiration Chemistry Modling Questions due Friday 2. Debrief Modeling activity Watch, and answer questions. Draw if you want. 2. Debrief Photosynthesis Notes Same: watch and tell me what happens! Have your notes out Announcements: There will be a test on o-chem, photosynthesis and respiration next Thursday or Friday Homework: 1. Finish the modeling activity questions by tomorrow Friday, 12/11/15 Warm Up: How does the carbon cycle relate to photosynthesis? Agenda: 1. Finish Photosynthesis Notes Debrief watch and tell me what happens! Have your notes out 2. Biosphere activity Draw the Biosphere on my desk Trace how carbon moves through the system with arrows Follow instructions on the class copy 3. Photosynthesis/Respiration demo Demo is on my desk Draw the set up, Predict what will happen: what color will each of these turn? Announcements: There will be a test on o-chem, photosynthesis and respiration next Thursday Homework: 1. Notes on Respiration in your noteblanks, due Monday Monday, 12/14/15 Warm Up: What types of organisms go through respiration? Agenda: 1. Finish Demo Experiment Did your predictions come true? Why or why not? 2. Respiration flipped notes Debrief notes take over the weekend Create a diagram in your notes along with me If time: 3. Look at the test from a while ago Announcements: There will be a test on o-chem, photosynthesis and respiration on Thursday Homework 1. Review guide for the test Tuesday, 12/15/15 Warm Up: Explain why oxygen is needed to completely break down glucose. Agenda: 1. Look over the Microscopy and Cells test I have a key, you may look at what you missed. The key, your test and the test book do not leave this room. 2. Correct the Review on the Chemistry of Photosynthesis and Respiration Modeling Activity Trade with the person sitting next to you Count the number of stamps they have. Put this in the top right corner of the page Correct in a different color. I will dock points if you don’t. 3. Work on the Photosynthesis and Respiration Practice In class We will correct tomorrow Announcements: I will be gone on Friday. That is why the test is on Thursday! Homework: 1. Finish the Photosynthesis and Respiration Practice, due Tomorrow 2. Study for the Exam on Thursday Wednesday, 12/16/15 Warm Up: Draw glucose! Include all elements Agenda: 1. Whiteboard Review for Exam In groups, on the large whiteboards, draw Dehydration Synthesis. You have 5 minutes!! Gallery walk to review each diagram Repeat diagram and gallery walk with Photosynthesis and Respiration 2. Correct Photosynthesis and Respiration Practice Problems From a Key 3. Ask questions for the exam tomorrow Announcements: Exam tomorrow Homework: Study for the exam Thursday, 12/17/15 Warm Up: NONE Agenda: 1. Drop your journals in the correct box 2. Put your homework in the correct box on my desk 3. Take a seat and prepare for the exam Announcements: Have a happy break!!!! I won’t see you tomorrow, so have a fun 2 weeks!