English as a Second Language ESL Objectives • • • • • • Training Objectives ELL Background and Statistics (IU1) Culture and Acculturation Instructional Methods Review of Procedures Evaluation Training Objectives 1. To become more familiar with needs of English Language Learners 2. To review procedures for supporting English Language Learners ESL Background Information Federal Background Civil Right Act of 1964, Title VI Department of Health, Education and Welfare (D/HEW), May 25, 1970 Memorandum US Supreme Court, Lau v Nichols, 1974 Equal Education Opportunities Act of 1974 Serna v Portales 1974 Rios v Reed 1974 ESL Background Information Federal/cases Castaneda v Pickard 1981 Plyler v Doe 1982 Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA ‘97) ESL Background Information State Background School Code of 1949, Section 1511 and 1512 Curriculum Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 4.26 ESOL Memorandum from Thomas Carey, August 31, 1999 BEC-Educating Students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and English Language Learners, July 1, 2001 Languages (IU1 area) 22 Chinese (18 Mandarian dialect) 9 English 8 Hindi 7 Spanish 4 Arabic 4 Bengali 3 Portuguese 3 Russia Local Statistics Statistics Twelve (12) districts being served by IU1 Sixty-two (62) students Twelve (12) instructors Thirteen (13) countries Fourteen (14) languages represented •Spanish •German •Taiwanese •Cantonese •Japanese •Thai •Russian •Vietnamese •German •Slovak •Maradhi • Mandarin •Korean •Hindi Culture What is Culture? Culture is a set of common beliefs and values that is shared by a group of people that binds them together into a society. All people are members of at least one culture. The norms of a culture define roles and provide a framework that makes people’s behavior predictable and understandable to one another. Culture Shapes The way we think The way we interact The way we communicate The way we transmit knowledge to the next generation Visible Culture Food Fiestas Famous People Deep Culture Values, beliefs that influence the way people think, act, communicate Unspoken rules Unconscious rules Culture Affects… Culture affects the organization of learning, pedagogical practices, evaluation procedures, and rules of schools, as well as instructional activities and curriculum. CultureGrams 1305 North ResearchWay, Bldg. K Orem, Utah 84097-6200 USA 1-800-528-6279 ; 801-705-4250 Fax 801-705-4350 www.culturegrams.com First Step in Cultural Awareness Understanding the values and rules for behavior of our own culture that are so ingrained that we feel they are the “normal” or “right” way of doing things Acculturation Acculturation is the process of adapting to a new culture. All people experience the acculturation process when they move from one culture to another. Variables Affecting Acculturation The amount of time spent in the process The quantity and quality of interaction Ethnicity or nation of origin Language proficiency Stages of Acculturation Stage 1 Euphoria Stage 2 Culture Shock Stage 3 Recovery Stage 4 Acceptance Excitement over the newness of being in the United States Engenders feelings of anger, hostility, and frustration Individual starts to feel comfortable in the new culture Acceptance of new culture In the acculturation process, the ELL must adapt to: New language Different cultures Values/beliefs Communication system • Non-verbal/body language • Conversational style Adapted from “Instructional Support for Students who are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse: A collection of Background Information and Training Materials,” April 1997 Implications for ESL Be conscious of your own nonverbal behavior with ELL Avoid judging student’s behavior by your values Recognize that the learning environment in America may differ from what the student is accustomed Instructional Methods Learning Style - Latino Group/cooperative learning Learning by doing Sensitive to peers’ and teachers’ opinions Remember faces and social words Concrete representations to abstraction Learning Style - Asian Values academic achievement Responsible for himself/herself Respects teacher authority Quiet, sell organized, highly structured Prefers cooperation to competitiveness Prefers listening to speaking Learning Style - African American Approximates space and numbers Focus on people rather than things Active learning/kinesthetic High degree of emotional interaction Responds to whole Multiple Intelligences Visual/Spatial Mathematical/Logical Interpersonal Intrapersonal Kinesthetic Linguistic Naturalist Musical Other Things to Try Learn a new culture and teach it to the whole school Make him/her feel comfortable Celebrate diversity day Buddy club Pen pal Tape (audio and video) recorder Talk, reading and writing time Environmental Adaptations Appropriate seating Take short breaks Appropriate light Reduced noise level Flexible scheduling Adapting with Assistive Devices Books and dictionary Games and art supplies Visual aids Calculator, tape recorder, software Computer Adapting to Classroom Instruction Multi-sensory approach Write key points Repeat information many times Provide study guide Allow group work Allow extra time to finish A variety of assessments Adapting to Read Provide stories on tape Allow to work with a peer Ask parents to encourage reading Assign time for reading Enrich vocabulary Allow a read-aloud Adapting to Write Reduce the length and complexity Limit number of steps Pair students Do not penalize for spelling, punctuation, and grammar Teach from the mistakes Allow first draft in native language Adapting to Homework Communicate with parents Provide clear and concise directions Assess the amount of homework Coordinate homework with other teachers Do not expect parents to spend lots of money on the projects Adapting Tests and Grades Simplify the terminology Allow student to retake the test Use multiple ways of assessment Use a rubric Allow them to work in group or pair Allow extra time to take the test Content Area Support Contextual Support Tap prior knowledge Use visuals and graphics Use manipulatives Provide labels Content Area Use Visuals and Graphics Pictures Graphic organizers Teach visualization strategies Allow pictorial responses Content Area Manipulatives Use real artifacts Use maps, globe, models, etc. Creat games Use poster projects Publish books Do experiments Art projects Content Area Model by the Teacher Demonstrate Simulate Activate Write key points Provide examples Content Area Format Reduce page clutter Use text boxes Divide into sections Use simple words Content Area Language Use short phrases Reduce sentence length Use present tense Avoid double negatives Void wordiness Provide word bank Content Area Cooperative Learning Role Play Projects, research, internet search Paired reading Think aloud Problem solve Discussion group Three Principles for Helping ELL’s in Content Classrooms Increase Comprehensibility Increase Interaction Increase Thinking Skills Increasing Comprehensibility Use visuals to facilitate learning in the classroom Build prior knowledge of students Pre-teaching vocabulary Use variety of questioning techniques Use interactive, authentic classroom tasks Increasing Interaction Cooperative Learning Increases language opportunities Improves the quality of student conversation Provides more opportunities to use specific vocabulary of lesson Helps individualize instruction Promotes a positive social climate Motivates learners Increasing Thinking Skills Higher Level Thinking Skills Questions for beginnings • Yes/No • Either/Or • Who, What, Where, When Move towards Analysis, synthesis, problem solving Allow ample time for learner response Expand of student response to model correct grammar and punctuation Supporting ELL’s in Your Classroom Scaffolding Providing contextual supports for meaning Reducing language demand Flexible time limits How? Simplifying the language Providing choices Visuals and graphics Manipulatives Cooperative learning Simplifying the format Modeling by teacher Progression of students through an ELL Program Chart credit: http://www.ed.gov/OCR/ELL Enrollment in School Identification as Potential ELL Assessment Determines Need for ELL Services Provision of Appropriate ELL Services Transition from ELL Services Monitoring Ability to Participate Meaningfully New ELL Student Enrollment Two documents Parent/Guardian must supply to enroll: Immunization Proof records of residency New Student Enrollment Packet Accommodations for ELL and Family Forms Home Language Survey Emergency Forms Immunization Forms School Calendar Before and After-school Care Bus Information • Support for ELL (someone to ride with ELL?) Other ELL Considerations Open House Procedures PTO/ Parent Organizations Sporting Events Social Events Assessment of ELL First level assessment Given by school. By whom? When, Where Determines English proficiency Second level assessment Determine level of proficiency Guides instruction Given by school or Intermediate Unit Provision of Services Provided at school Replaces language arts Need to determine location, time, materials Collaboration between professionals Considerations for non-class time: Cafeteria Library Gym Transition from ESL Services Post Assessment Collaboration with other professionals Proficient in English Competent in Content Areas Monitoring Periodic (annual) Maintains grades Progresses academically and socially Resume provision of service if necessary Websites for Program Development PDE- PA Department of Education http://www.pde.state.pa.us OCR-Office for Civil Rights http://www.ed.gov/offices/OCR/ELL