JEWISH COMMUNAL NETWORK COMMISSION INVITATION TO APPLY FOR BUILDING REPAIR AND VEHICLE PURCHASE GRANTS FY 2015-16 DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS IS JANUARY 9, 2015 For more than 90 years, UJA-Federation of New York has been a central force for communal planning and philanthropy in the New York Jewish community. Through UJA-Federation, close to 60,000 donors pool their resources to help people in need, inspire a passion for Jewish life and learning, and strengthen Jewish communities around the world — to address the issues that matter to us most as Jews and as New Yorkers. UJA-Federation’s Jewish Communal Network Commission (JCNC) works closely with a local network of nearly 100 beneficiary agencies that serve the 8-county area of New York City, Long Island, and Westchester. The network includes grassroots organizations, sophisticated health care institutions and family service agencies, Jewish community centers, camps, advocacy organizations and those that focus on Jewish education. In addition to awarding unrestricted, core operating support to these local agencies, JCNC supports the infrastructure of UJA-Federation’s beneficiary agencies through grants for emergency repairs, necessary maintenance, and vehicle purchases. JCNC awards about $300,000 annually for project specific grants. The funding for these grants comes from the Building Repair Fund, a second line campaign and endowments created by UJA-Federation’s Real Estate Division. SUMMARY AND OBJECTIVES UJA- Federation is pleased to introduce a Building Repair grants program that enables beneficiary agencies to apply for three grant opportunities, but only one grant could potentially be awarded per agency. UJA-Federation of New York awards grants to support agencies in the following categories: 1. Building Repair Network agencies may apply for funding under the Building Repair category for physical plant grants. UJA-Federation will consider one grant request per agency for up to $10,000. Agencies must agree to the stipulations of the grant and the certification contained on the application form (e.g., regarding bidding and approval of work). Building repair projects must begin within 18 months and agencies will be responsible for the balance of funding of the project. Eligible Projects and Funding Criteria In reviewing grant applications, UJA-Federation will consider whether an agency has developed a master plan for the repair and upgrading of the agency’s physical assets, and the extent to which the plan considers energy efficiency, safety, and security. Agencies may submit requests for building repair projects in the following areas: 1. Health, Safety & Code Compliance 4. Replacement 2. Building Integrity 5. Enhancement or beautification 3. Environmental Standards 6. Planning and Surveys Eligibility to Apply: Any UJA-Federation network agency that owns or leases a non-residential structure or leases a space within a non-residential structure and has the authority to make improvements is eligible to apply for a Building Repair grant. 2. Preventive Maintenance Agencies may apply for Preventive Maintenance grants, which are intended to enable agencies to think more strategically and anticipate and plan for maintenance, repair, and replacement. A thirdparty consulting firm will work with the grant recipients to develop a preventive maintenance plan with an eye to the general fitness of the facility. Additionally, the agencies will have the opportunity to apply for an implementation grant after the consultation is completed to help them implement the plan to its fullest effectiveness. Implementation grants will be made available for: training, software purchase, or additional consulting and plan implementation. The grant program scope will include a comprehensive facilities analysis by experienced professionals and will culminate in a customized preventive maintenance plan (The Plan). The Plan will lay out a custom tailored preventive maintenance program, a long-term replacement schedule with estimated costs and projected savings for more efficient systems, and a routine maintenance plan and disaster planning for the facility. Best practices in facility management are the goal of this grant program. Expectations for Agency Participation: Agency will engage in candid dialogue with consultants about their facility and will make available documentation as requested. Agency has staff whose primary responsibility is to oversee the facility. Director of facilities will provide staff support throughout the consultation process and serve as the point of contact for the consultant (unless this role will be undertaken by the executive director). Executive Director and at least one Board member are active participants throughout the project. They will help to represent the needs of the agency and will be part of the decisionmaking process regarding a scope of work resulting from the plan. Agency will demonstrate that the timing is it right for the agency and for its staff and that the goals can realistically be achieved. As a result of the plan, the Agency will set aside an appropriate amount of funds in reserve to plan for necessary maintenance and improvements, and the staff will incorporate the customized Preventive Maintenance Checklist for routine maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis into their work plan. Eligibility to apply: Any UJA-Federation network agency that owns or leases a non-residential structure or leases a space within a non-residential structure and has the authority to make improvements is eligible to apply for a Preventive Maintenance grant. 3. Vehicle Purchase Agencies may apply for grants to be used towards the capital purchase cost of transportation vehicles for client-related use. Funding, which was made available by the Women's Campaign, can cover purchase of new or used vehicles. UJA-Federation will consider grant requests up to $7,500. Agencies must be prepared to share in the costs of vehicle purchases. Agencies are encouraged, whenever possible, to utilize the grants to purchase vehicles that are environmentally friendly. UJA-Federation vehicle purchase grants may be used toward the local matching share of vehicle purchase awards made available through New York State for transportation of elderly and handicapped clients. To find out about the New York State grant program please contact Edie Mesick at or 518.436.1091. Applications for vehicle purchases need only include an application form cover page (see below) and brief supporting statement explaining: a. The need for the vehicle (i.e., services to be provided with the vehicle). Please specify annual number of trips and clients served. b. Breakdown of costs for vehicle purchase, equipment, and other related items. c. Agency's plan to finance the annual operating costs (e.g. driver, insurance, maintenance, fuel) of the vehicle. d. Full narrative and statistical and budget forms are not required. e. Submission of a dealer's quote or invoice. Eligibility to Apply: Any UJA-Federation network agency is eligible to apply for a Vehicle Purchase grant. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Proposal Requirements Submit the grant application, including a Cover Page, the appropriate Narrative page and as a separate attachment, your budget for the project on a Financial Reporting Form in excel format: Grant form type: New grant proposal For Building Repair Grants, submit the following as attachments: o Completed Bid Comparison Sheet o Rendering, sketch, and/or floor plan, if relevant o Architect and/or engineer’s reports (or other written professional reports), if relevant o Copy of Request for Proposal (RFP) or Solicitation of Bid used to solicit vendors developed by the agency – A draft template is at the end of the grant application package (Addendum A) o Detailed Price quotes from at least three vendors, that have insurance and are licensed for their trade, itemize the following: Vendor name Contact information Name of person who provided the quote Detail the materials, units, labor and trades, see the Bid Comparison Sheet The price quoted Date price quote was obtained Duration of the price quote (i.e., how long the vendor is willing to sell at this price or rate) o Digital images that illustrate the need and/or show existing conditions UJA-Federation may decline or defer agency requests that do not follow guidelines such as: a. Agencies that submit more than one request b. Requests that do not include the adequate supporting documentation c. Requests that do not follow RFP guidelines d. Agencies that have outstanding building repair grant commitments Grant requests should not include the cost of services provided by agency staff members. In the event that a grant is made, UJA-Federation reserves the right to conduct a construction audit of the project. All requests for funding for Building Repair projects will be reviewed on a competitive basis. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Completing the Application 1. Both the chair and the executive director must sign the cover page of the application. 2. Before completing the Bid Comparison Sheet, we expect the agency to have determined with adequate professional consultation the need and specifications for the proposed repair and/or replacement. In order to qualify for a grant, each application must include three detailed price quotes that are comparable in quantity and quality. Please document the results of your bid process on the Bid Comparison Sheet. 3. In the narrative section briefly respond to the questions. Please limit the narrative to no more than three pages. 4. Provide architect and/or engineer’s reports or other written professional reports if required for the project. 5. Provide no more than four digital images, limiting the size of your email to 15mb that illustrate the need and/or show existing conditions – sent electronically in JPG format by email to Submit the application, attachments, and digital images electronically to . Limit the size of your emails to 15MB. The application deadline is Friday, January 9, 2015. You may contact Betsey Knapp, Program Associate, Network Commission at 212-836-1132, or Kevin Curran, Assistant Director of Real Estate at 212-836-1681, with questions about the application form, review process or project specific concerns. Timeline Application available November 1, 2014 Application due January 9, 2015 Notification of grant award by July 1, 2015 ____________________________________________________________________________ JEWISH COMMUNAL NETWORK COMMISSION BUILDING REPAIR AND VEHICLE PURCHASE GRANTS FY 2015-16 COVER PAGE Submission Date Click here to enter text. Organization Name Click here to enter text.. Project Location Address Click here to enter text. Contact Name Click here to enter text. Phone Click here to enter text. Contact Title Click here to enter text. Email Click here to enter text. Proposal Title Click here to enter text. Total Project Budget Click here to enter text. Amount Requested Click here to enter text. Agency Match Click here to enter text. Grant Category (Check which type of grant(s) you are applying. Only grant one has the potential to be awarded per agency): 1) Building Repair ☐ 2) Preventive Maintenance ☐ 3) Vehicle ☐ Grant Ranking: If applying for more than one grant, rank them in order of preference (1, 2, and 3): Building Repair Preventive Maintenance Vehicle Purchase Has your organization submitted a similar proposal to UJA-Federation through another RFP or funding source? ☐Yes ☐No If yes, please explain: Click here to enter text. Name of Organization’s Chief Voluntary Officer: Click here to enter text. Signature or e-signature: Click here to enter text. Name of Organization’s Chief Executive Officer: Click here to enter text. Signature or e-signature: Click here to enter text. In considering applications submitted for a Building Repair Grant, United Jewish Appeal-Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York, Inc. (“UJA-Federation”), in its sole discretion, may accept or reject applications, and determine the acceptability of applications of any applicant. No warranty or representation is made by UJA-Federation that any application conforming to the requirements set forth will be selected for consideration, negotiation, or approval. UJA-Federation shall have no obligation or liability with respect to the selection and award process contemplated hereunder. All costs incurred by an applicant in preparing and responding to this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) are the sole responsibility of the applicant. Any recipient of this RFP who responds hereto fully acknowledges all the provisions of this disclosure and disclaimer and agrees to be bound by the terms hereof. Any proposal submitted pursuant to this RFP is at the sole risk and responsibility of the party submitting such proposal. The RFP is made subject to correction, or errors, or withdrawal, without notice. JEWISH COMMUNAL NETWORK COMMISSION BUILDING REPAIR GRANTS FY 2015-16 BID COMPARISON SHEET Organization Name Click here to enter text. Grant Title Click here to enter text. Instructions: Each application is required to submit three detailed price quotes that are comparable in quantity and quality. Complete the table to document the results of your bid process. It is important that materials and labor costs are broken out as indicated in the chart below. VENDOR INFORMATION (Include Contact Name) EXISTING SERVICE CONTRACT () SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Should be the same for all) MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT (As Specified) UNIT(S) MATERIALS/ EQUIPMENT COSTS LABOR COSTS COMMENTS (Explain your selection and the differences between the quotes) TOTAL COSTS (per vendor) JEWISH COMMUNAL NETWORK COMMISSION BUILDING REPAIR GRANT NARRATIVE Organization Name Click here to enter text. Grant Title Click here to enter text. Project Type: Select the type of project that best reflects your proposal: ☐ Health and Safety & Code Compliance (C100) ☐ Replacement (C160) ☐ Building Integrity (C110) ☐ Enhancement or beautification (C170) ☐ Environmental Standards (C130) ☐ Planning and Surveys (C900) Need: Provide a detailed narrative describing the need for this project. Click here to enter text. Scope of Work: Provide a detailed narrative of the work to be completed. Please include where appropriate any information that highlights changes that are energy efficient and/or environmentally sound. Where possible, please demonstrate how this project may impact on the safety and security of the agency and the clients/community that the agency serves. Click here to enter text.. Urgency: Is this request an emergency? If not, explain the urgency for the request. Click here to enter text. Does your agency have any of the following? Preventive Maintenance Plan Click here to enter text. Reserve for System Replacements, valued at $ Click here to enter text. Outstanding Grants: If the agency has any open Building Repair grants, please provide a detailed status report on the project. Click here to enter text. Professional consulting services, called Service Grants, are available through UJA-Federation's Management Assistance Program (MAP). These grants are provided pro bono by architects, engineers, and other professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to network agencies. Facilities management project areas include: project management, project advisor/consultation, space usage study, and interior design. Recent examples include: A CUNY Hillel received a Building Repair Grant towards their gut renovation. MAP Consultants served as expert architectural and construction management advisors to provide high level advice - unbiased to the executive director overseeing the project. A JCC in Brooklyn received an engineering consultation from a MAP Consultant on the refurbishment of their boiler. Could your agency benefit from professional consulting services? Click here to enter text. JEWISH COMMUNAL NETWORK COMMISSION PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE NARRATIVE Organization Name Click here to enter text. What is the total square footage of your building(s)? Click here to enter text. Does your agency own or lease a Non-Residential Structure? Click here to enter text. If it is a lease, provide a brief statement on the terms of the lease and renewal plans. Click here to enter text. Describe specific features to the facility, for example: pool, gym, theater, etc. Click here to enter text. Describe the agency’s need or areas of concern this grant opportunity seeks to address. Click here to enter text. How will this type of grant be helpful to your agency? Click here to enter text. Provide title(s) and a brief job description of your facility and/or maintenance staff (including outsourced services). Click here to enter text. What leadership support (lay and professional) does this proposed project have within your organization? Which board member(s) will be participating in the project? Click here to enter text. Describe how your agency will staff this project, including a point of contact throughout the consultation process, qualifications, time commitment, and supervision. Click here to enter text. Does your agency have any of the following? Preventive Maintenance Plan Click here to enter text. Reserve for System Replacements, valued at $ Click here to enter text. Outstanding Grants: If the agency has any open Building Repair grants, please provide a detailed status report on the project. Click here to enter text. Professional consulting services, called Service Grants, are available through UJA-Federation's Management Assistance Program (MAP). These grants are provided pro bono by architects, engineers, and other professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to network agencies. Facilities management project areas include: project management, project advisor/consultation, space usage study, and interior design. Recent examples include: A CUNY Hillel received a Building Repair Grant towards their gut renovation. MAP Consultants served as expert architectural and construction management advisors to provide high level advice - unbiased to the executive director overseeing the project. A JCC in Brooklyn received an engineering consultation from a MAP Consultant on the refurbishment of their boiler. Could your agency benefit from professional consulting services? Click here to enter text. JEWISH COMMUNAL NETWORK COMMISSION VEHICLE PURCHASE GRANT NARRATIVE Organization Name Click here to enter text. Total Cost of Vehicle Purchase $ Click here to enter text. Funding from an additional source $ Click here to enter text. Sources(s) Click here to enter text. UJA-Federation Request (Up to $7,500) $ Click here to enter text. Brief supporting statement explaining: The need for the vehicle (i.e., services to be provided with the vehicle). Please specify annual number of trips and clients served. Breakdown of costs for vehicle purchase, equipment, and other related items. Agency's plan to finance the annual operating costs (e.g. driver, insurance, maintenance, fuel) of the vehicle Click here to enter text. Submission Requirement: Provide Dealer's quote or invoice as an attachment. Outstanding Grants: If the agency has any open Building Repair grants, please provide a detailed status report on the project. Click here to enter text. Professional consulting services, called Service Grants, are available through UJA-Federation's Management Assistance Program (MAP). These grants are provided pro bono by architects, engineers, and other professionals who volunteer their time and expertise to network agencies. Facilities management project areas include: project management, project advisor/consultation, space usage study, and interior design. Recent examples include: A CUNY Hillel received a Building Repair Grant towards their gut renovation. MAP Consultants served as expert architectural and construction management advisors to provide high level advice - unbiased to the executive director overseeing the project. A JCC in Brooklyn received an engineering consultation from a MAP Consultant on the refurbishment of their boiler. Could your agency benefit from professional consulting services? Click here to enter text. Addendum A Request for Proposal Template This template is a guideline intended to highlight best practices when developing a Request for Proposal or Bid for a specified scope of work and materials. Please consider format and questions when soliciting proposals. Agency and project information Agency name, address, contact name and phone/email Statement that agency is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization Proposed scope of work Material list and specifications Bidder information Company name, address, contact name and phone/email Type of organization (Sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation) as well as principal’s (or primary shareholder’s or President/ Managing Director’s) Name and direct contact information (phone number and email address) Guidelines Request for signed and sealed bids to be delivered to (receiving location address) by (Time and Date) Bidder to provide the following information o List all material, labor, and services to complete the Scope of Work o Define quantities of material and labor units and provide unit pricing for additional materials and labor o Provide a synopsis of the method and procedures that you will use to complete the required work o Certificate of insurance evidencing Bidder’s general liability insurance limits (successful bidders will be required to name agency as an additional insured) o Request for bidder to take responsibility to apply for and obtain all permits, local work approvals and inspections, fees to be included in the price for the project Awards are typically awarded to the lowest conforming bid. However, other considerations such as past performance, recommendations; etc. can be considered in determining award. Typical questions to ask What percentage of the project and labor will be performed by a sub-contractor(s)? Request for the quote to include “issues” with the base bid’s scope or material specifications. Up to three references Current insurance certificates for liability and workers compensation A typical bidder affirmation The bidder hereby acknowledges and affirms that the Bidding organization and all of its subcontractors who will do work on this project will comply with all Federal, State and Local Labor, Tax, Minimum Wage, Safety, Licensing, and Professional Services laws, codes and regulations. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE