What was the world population at the time of Jesus Christ? 300 million When did it shoot up? 1850 Why?? engines Medicines Technologies Imagine the year is 1885. The US Navy is sailing its ships through the Pacific Ocean and to their great surprise, they discover a whole new continent. It is no small island, but a continent almost as big as Australia. No one knows how it was never discovered before, by anyone. The continent is not inhabited so people from Europe and America move in. By the year 1900 it is expected that 250,000 people (1/4 million) will have relocated there permanently. Help the many governments of the new continent plan for future growth. On the map below make your prediction as to where people will settle. Directions: 1. On the map below place 25 dots with a marker to show where you think people will be living in the year 1900. Each dot = 10,000 people. You may place the dots where ever you see fit. The triangles in the middle represent mountains. 2. Any place that you have more than three or more dots close together (size of your pinky nail) you must give a short reason as to why you are putting them so close. Write your justification and draw an arrow to the dots you are referring to. Pacific Ocean Directions: 1. On the map below place 25 dots with a marker to show where you think people will be living in the year 1900. Each dot you place represents 10,000 people. You may place the dots where ever you see fit. They may be bunched together, spaced apart or some combination of both. Use whatever you know about climate or people’s needs and preferences to help you place your dots. The triangles in the middle represent mountains. 2. Any place that you have more than three or more dots close together (size of your pinky nail) you must give a short reason as to why you are putting them so close. Write your justification and draw an arrow to the dots you Tropic of are referring to. Capricorn 22.5 S Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean 1 . Near water (i.e. 2/3 <300 mi of oceans ) For travel & food sources 2. Potable water sources 3. Flatter land (for crops) 4. Fertile soil (deltas & volcanic ash, so…?) 5. Moderate temperature (mid latitudes) 6. Natural protection (bays) 7. Major “crossroads” points/travel routes (CHOKE POINTS) Where are there the most layers overlapping? If you had “first picks”, where would you want to buy land? …any land in the middle? Click after point #4 Nile River delta created by soils carried by the river & deposited in the Mediterranean Sea Click to return to presentation Deltas “grow” the land out into the water but are VERY low & flood easily. Great soil though! East Asia China, Japan, Koreas, Taiwan South Asia India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka Europe Largely concentrated in urban areas “Our Place” Largely concentrated in urban areas POPULATION HIGH Negative growth Positive growth LOW 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Americans - Caucasians (whites) Developed countries around the world America - OVERALL: including minority groups and immigrants Underdeveloped countries around the world 2020 ACTIVITY: What is happening to the size of the populations in each of the following? Germany Nigeria WHY? Write down 2 ideas why. India HIGH POPULATION Norway Bolivia LOW 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Developed countries around the world Underdeveloped countries around the world 2000 2010 2020 Reasons for Reasons for Positive Negative Population Growth: Population Growth: Example countries: Example countries: poor economy poor health care poor education 1) want kids but high infant mortality 2) Little or no birth control or family planning People CHOSE to not have many kids, What ‘technology’ allows them to chose? birth control What do people want INSTEAD • money •education •jobs •pets 20th Century 21st Century Undeveloped UnderEmerging developed Developed 21st Century Underdeveloped Emerging Developed deaths births + health care + jobs + education deaths births Video: Ikea boxes explain population growth http://www.gapminder.org/videos/p opulation-growth-explained-withikea-boxes/ As a country ages, people relocate where they live. Where do people move from, and where do they move to? Where do most people in the world live in 1950? Rural or Urban? POPULTAION PERCENTAGE 70 % 30 % 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Urban, means _________________________ Rural, means _________________________ push/pull factors…? 2020 What countries do you suppose these are? (Think about Underdeveloped, Emerging, Developed) Nineteen countries in the world have a negative or zero population growth. Where are they? Russia: will lose 22% of their population by 2050 shrinking 30 million people (from 142.3 million today to 110.3 million in 2050) Japan is expected to lose 21% of its population by 2050 (shrinking from 127.8 million to a mere 100.6 million in 2050). Video: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v =jbkSRLYSojo Put these in order top to bottom: positive, stable, negative 1000 births - 1100 deaths Growth = Births - Deaths 1000 births - 900 deaths 1000 births - 1000 deaths Growth = (partially) Births - Deaths Growth = Births - Deaths + Immigration - Emigration Using simple numbers, create and write an example where the population growth would be slightly positive even if the birth rate was lower than the death rate. Be ready to write it on the front board. 2 - 3 Natural Increase Births Deaths . -1 + 5 - 2 Immigration Emigration . 3 =2 But that is the addition to the population, not the rate. Using simple numbers, create and write an example where the population growth would be slightly positive even if the birth rate was lower than the death rate. Be ready to write it on the front board. 2 - 3 . -1 + - 5 2 3 . = 2 But that is the addition to the population, not the rate. Population 2010 Add in 2011: New total in 2011: 2 people 2 people 4 people What is growth rate as a %? 100% Rate means change, so you need to know the PAST population . 1. What are the three variables in this graph? •% in Age group •Age group •Gender ! 2. What percent of the population is under 20? 22%! 3. What percent of the population is over 45? 10-12%! 4. Write a ratio for kids to adults:? 2:1 (kids) : (adults) 5. Estimate and write a ratio for kids to adults in the USA 1:4 (kids) : (adults) 6. Fill in the blank in the title. Population Pyramid Where are the “baby boomers” on this pyramid? What do the top 2-3 rows tell you about gender? Which of these communities is a college town? Which is a retirement community? For the bottom left pyramid, explain why the two sides aren’t equal in overall size. For the bottom right pyramid, what problems might this place have to deal with? Complete the Population Growth Activity Sheet economic stages of development: a Simplistic look Services Manufacturing Ag Manufacturing Agriculture Agriculture (farming) What are most people doing daily to survive? Blue White Collar Collar Underdeveloped Emerging Developed (Early stage) (Middle stages) (Later stages) US as a Part of World Population USA 5% Rest of World 95% US as Consumers in World USA, 35% Rest of the World 65% Developed “North” Developing “South” Underdeveloped & Emerging Video: 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 minutes VIDEO: A Life on Hold: The story of a teenage refugee Print the following slides for student handouts. POPULATION HIGH LOW 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 __________________- ____________________ ______________countries around the world America - _________________: including ____________________________ Reasons population declines in developed countries _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Reasons population increases underdeveloped or emerging countries _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Reasons for Reasons for Positive Negative Population Growth: Population Growth: Example countries: Example countries: POPULTAION PERCENTAGE HIGH LOW 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Rural, means _________________________ Urban, means _________________________ 1. What are the three variables in this graph? 2. What percent of the population is under 20? 3. What percent of the population is over 45? 4. Write a ratio for kids to adults:? 5. Estimate and write a ratio for kids to adults in the USA 6. Fill in the blank in the title. Which of these communities is a college town? Which is a retirement community? For the bottom left pyramid, explain why the two sides aren’t equal in overall size. For the bottom right pyramid, what problems might this place have to deal with?