About Me • September 13- First Half Marathon • October 4- My Brother’s Wedding! I believe learning begins once a community is built. Expectations of class, students, and teacher Caring members and teacher Responsibility • Individual roles within the community • Students take ownership of their own education • Follow the routines Once a safe space is built, students will be able to: Take risks within the classroom Enjoy learning by using their curiosity and critical thinking skills. I am committed to... Fostering the love of livelong learning in each student. Bringing fun and student interest into curriculum Encouraging curiosity and critical thinking. Asking deeper questions and bringing in real world connections Instilling the importance of responsibility as a fifth grade student and community member inside and outside of school. Classroom responsibilities, assignment notebooks, etc. Building strong students academically, socially, and emotionally. I will make sure that my lessons reach each child through differentiation Reinforce the importance of community in a learning environment I will ensure that my students feel safe and comfortable in room 19 Developing Responsibility What do I expect of each child? Follow social contract/expectations Use the assignment notebook properly Completed work that is on time. Homework means something! Bring necessary materials to and from school and to and from other classrooms Ask questions…but think before! Taking responsibility of own education- communicating what he or she needs Communication Assignment Notebooks: Students are responsible for filling these out every day Good preparation for 6th grade Cumberland Website— Wfbschools.com Cumberland 5th Grade Home Available by phone or email Kara.gritzmacher@wfbschools.com (on website) 414-963-3943 x2019 Weekly Newsletter via email and Hard Copy All teachers are included in this newsletter Communication Each student will receive graded work on a timely basis Parents are to sign and return graded work This will keep you updated on student progress and to stay in communication with myself. The Fifth Grade Team Ms. Sarnowski, Ms. McCormick, Mr. Moore, Ms. Castleberry, and Ms. Gritzmacher Team Philosophy Common planning time Sharing of ideas Problem Solving/Brainstorming Similar goals— Success of all of our students Meeting the Common Core Standards Instilling the importance of responsibility Preparation for 6th grade ELA Curriculum Common Core State Standards English Language Arts: Reading Anthology Stories (Scott Foresman) Vocabulary and Comprehension Novel Reading/Independent Book/Stations Response journals, “Reading Notebooks” Engaged reading (independent, group, guided) Collaboration and discussion with peers Work with Mosaic comprehension strategies Various genres ELA Curriculum Common Core State Standards Reading Our objective is to build strong skills and strategies Reading Comprehension Identifying theme, defending thinking with evidence from text Making connections, questioning, visualizing, inferring, determining importance, synthesizing Central Skills Point of view, author’s purpose, author’s viewpoint, cause and effect, character, plot, compare and contrast, vocabulary development Assessments for Reading Comprehension Test- Multiple Choice and ShortAnswer Beginning-of-Year and End-of-Year Assessments and Unit Assessments Anthology Stories- Read in school, reread at school or home, selection test Assessment of Written Responses/Response Journals Fluency—Assessed up to 4 times a year. Words correct read per minute using grade-level passages that student has not seen before ELA Curriculum Common Core State Standards Language Arts: Lucy Calkins Writing Curriculum Multiple Formal Writing Pieces Completed in school, one-two per trimester Personal Narrative, Informational Writing: Compare and Contrast, Biography and Opinion: Persuasive Other Writing Pieces Ongoing shorter pieces of writing Reader’s Response Journals Memoirs Poetry ELA Curriculum Common Core State Standards Skill Focus Generating ideas, elaborating ideas, vivid word choice, descriptive language, interesting/effective introductions, satisfying conclusions, purposeful paragraphs, transitions, and editing Grammar Focus Complete sentences—subject and predicate, run-on sentences Subject-verb agreement, commas, punctuation in dialogue, apostrophes/possessive nouns Math Curriculum Common Core State Standards Math Expressions by Houghton Mifflin “Supports the Common Core State Standards by covering select concepts for deeper mastery...” “Research-based, proven to be effective in raising student achievement...” “Offers new ways to teach and learn mathematics through exploration, modeling and discussion...” Math Curriculum Common Core State Standards Students will be able to... Construct a deeper understanding of math skills Defend and communicate understanding using words, numbers, symbols (written and spoken) Continue to build critical thinking skills Strengthen fluency with math facts Math Curriculum Common Core State Standards Differentiation Pretesting to assess and plan for each student’s needs Frequent, ongoing assessments after each lesson Computer-based, multi-level practice, challenge questions and intervention resources Daily homework and remembering workbook FYI there is no “home textbook” students are to take home activity book if they feel they need it to do their homework. Check Links on my homepage! Science Curriculum Next Generation Science Standards FOSS: Develop Inquiry Skills 1. Living Systems Analyze everyday systems and subsystems. Analyze food chains and food webs as a way to study the biosphere. Make and analyze a worm habitat as a decomposition system. Investigate nutrient-getting systems of yeast, plants, and animals, including humans. Investigate and model transport systems in plants and animals. Investigate sensory systems in animals. Science Curriculum 2. Sun, Moon, and Planets Observe and compare shadows during a school day. Relate the position of the Sun in the sky to the size and orientation of an object's shadow. Use physical models to explain day and night. Record observations of the night sky. Observe and record changes in the Moon's appearance every day for a month. Analyze data to discover the sequence of changes that occur during the Moon's phase cycle. Make and interpret a model of the Earth, Moon, and Sun system. Classify planets by their properties. Record and display the organization of the solar system graphically. Identify several constellations as stable, predictable patterns of stars. Use models to build explanations. Social Studies Curriculum Emphasis on American History from the early arrivals during the Ice Age, to modern times. Geography is embedded throughout the text. Highly collaborative and interactive Online Access Eduplace.com/eservices Karagritzmacher 123456 Standards-Based Grading Grading –Three point system 3, 2, 1 Evaluative and Formative Assessment 3 = Proficient-can apply skill or concept correctly/independently 2= Developing-making progress towards grade level standard 1= Beginning-cannot complete task independently/shows little understanding of concept or skill +, , - Formative Assessment- Feedback purposes for teacher and/ or student + = 3 , = 2, - = 1 Grading is aligned with the standards Teachers work together to norm our grading practices Exemplary work is noted through comments Typically numbered grades indicate that a grade is in the grade book and a check, plus or minus indicates that the grade is for feedback purposes only and not entered in the gradebook Curriculum Overlap Life Skills Human Growth and Development Guidance Lessons Life Skills Curriculum Self esteem Build social skills Communicate feelings effectively Cope with stress Analyze decision-making strategies Learn harms of tobacco use Examine advertising techniques Guidance Lessons: Ms. Anstett Self esteem Build social skills Communicate feelings effectively Cope with stress Analyze decision-making strategies Conflict resolution Career Planning Human Growth and Development Adolescence and Puberty Self-Esteem Conception Physical Abuse and Safety Analyze decision-making strategies Male and Female Reproduction Systems AIDS Miscellaneous Buddy Classes Band/Orchestra: Once a week class lessons, twice a week grade level lessons Student Council: Monthly, lunch and lunch recess meetings Project Wisdom, weekly Announcements on character building read by 5th grade students over the PA system Room Parents: Kris McKinney and Crystal McClain Reminders Field trips- Kindness Retreat, Discovery World, First Stage Enter through front door and pick up visitor badge. No birthday treats, please.