Hamlet Group Project - Mr. Funk's Web Site

PERIOD_________ DATE________________
For this project, you will be working with a group to create a PowerPoint presentation about parts of Hamlet. Your group will give
your PowerPoint to the class. Approximate time for the presentation is 10 minutes. Be sure to use pictures and direct quotes (with
act, scene, and line numbers) in your presentation.
Useful Sites:
http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk (mostly for Group 1)
Group 1: The Time Period
Your group will be discussing the historical aspects of Shakespeare. Be sure to discuss the following:
1. Shakespeare’s Life
Give Biographical information about William Shakespeare. When did he live, what was his family life like? Discuss his
education, marriage and children. Discuss his success as a playwright, and some of his plays. Did he do any other types of
writing besides plays?
(Useful resource: www.folger.edu -click “Discover Shakespeare” and follow links)
2. The Elizabethan Time Period
When was the Elizabethan period? Why is it called “Elizabethan?” What was life like? What are some historical events
happening around that time? Discuss some of the customs, especially marriage and courtship. What was life like for
women? Discuss fashion, holidays, and popular trends. What were some beliefs, superstitions, and medical practices?
What problems did people face? Were the people divided into classes?
(Useful resource: http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk )
3. The Globe Theatre
Present information about the theatre the plays were performed in. What did the theatre look like? How large was it?
When and where was it built? Discuss the actors, the stage, and how the performances were put on. How/when did it burn
down? Discuss the audience, who attended the plays?
(Useful resource: www.folger.edu -click “Discover Shakespeare,” then “Shakespeare’s Theatre”)
Group 2: Act I
Your group will discuss Act I of the play. Be sure to discuss the following.
1. A brief summary of each scene. What is happening? How have the characters changed and developed? Choose an important line
or speech from each scene to enhance your summary.
2. Important speeches: Explain the speech and the events surrounding it. How does it connect to main themes of the play, Why is it
-Discuss King Claudius’ speech to Hamlet (1.2.89-119)
-Discuss Hamlet’s soliloquy (1.2.131-161)
Group 3: Act II
Your group will discuss Act II of the play. Be sure to discuss the following.
1. A brief summary of each scene. What is happening? How have the characters changed and developed? Choose an important line
or speech from each scene to enhance your summary.
2. Important speeches: Explain the speech and the events surrounding it. How does it connect to main themes of the play, Why is it
-Discuss King and Queen (2.2.1-26)
-Discuss Hamlet’s soliliquy (2.2.536-595)
PERIOD_________ DATE________________
Group 4: Act III
Your group will discuss Act III of the play. Be sure to discuss the following.
1. A brief summary of each scene. What is happening? How have the characters changed and developed? Choose an important line
or speech from each scene to enhance your summary.
2. Important speeches: Explain the speech and the events surrounding it. How does it connect to main themes of the play, Why is it
-Discuss Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” soliloquy (3.1.63-97)
-Discuss Hamlet (3.4.155-171)
Group 5: Act IV
Your group will discuss Act IV of the play. Be sure to discuss the following.
1. A brief summary of each scene. What is happening? How have the characters changed and developed? Choose an important line
or speech from each scene to enhance your summary.
2. Important speeches: Explain the speech and the events surrounding it. How does it connect to main themes of the play, Why is it
-Discuss Hamlet and King (4.3.20-39)
-Discuss King and Laertes (4.7.122-177)
Group 6: Act V
Your group will discuss Act V of the play. Be sure to discuss the following.
1. A brief summary of each scene. What is happening? How have the characters changed and developed? Choose an important line
or speech from each scene to enhance your summary.
2. Important speeches: Explain the speech and the events surrounding it. How does it connect to main themes of the play, Why is it
-Discuss Hamlet (5.1.93-105)
-Discuss Hamlet and Laertes (5.2.217-245)
Group 7: Major Themes and Symbols
Your group will be discussing some of the major themes of the play. Discuss two themes, answer the thought questions and discuss
two Symbols/Motifs.
Themes: revenge, mortality, madness, corruption, appearance vs. reality, power, a theme of your choice
Thought Questions: Is Hamlet truly insane? Is Hamlet a virtuous character? Is Hamlet responsible for Ophelia’s death?
Symbols/Motifs: disease/poison, weeds and flowers, frailty, supernatural, uncertainty, Yorick’s skull, Hamlet’s clothing