Spirit Bear Vocab

Touching Spirit Bear - Vocabulary List
1. defiant (p.3) Marked by defiance; boldly resisting
2. skiff (p.3) A flatbottom open boat of shallow draft, having a pointed bow and a square
stern and propelled by oars, sail, or motor.
3. at`oow (p.19)a tradition of passing on a gift which cannot be owned - only cared for
before passing it on to another person
4. Circle Justice (p. 12) a form of justice designed to rehabilitate and heal youth rather than
contain them in detention centers
5. devil's club - ...A spiny deciduous shrub (Oplopanax horridus) of western North America,
having wide palmate leaves, greenish-white flowers, and scarlet fruit clustered in
6. barrage - bombard, pepper, shower1 These verbs mean to direct a concentrated
outpouring at something or someone:...
7. venomous - Secreting and transmitting venom: a venomous snake. b. Full of or
containing venom. 2. Malicious; spiteful: a venomous remark. See synonyms at
poisonous. venom·ous·ly...
8. sullenly (p.30) - ...Showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment; morose or sulky. 2.
Gloomy or somber in tone, color, or portent: sullen, gray skies. 3. Sluggish; slow: the
9. banishment (p. 31) - NOUNbanish, exile, expatriate, deport,...
10. symbolizes (p.38) - . To represent or identify by a symbol. To use symbols
11. obligations (p.38) - A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or
promise that compels one to follow...
12. dignity (p.44) - The quality or state of being worthy of esteem or respect. 2. Inherent
nobility and worth: the dignity of honest labor. 3a. Poise and self-respect. b. Stateliness...
13. isolate - To separate
14. devoted - Devote implies faithfulness and loyalty: Nurses devote themselves to the care
15. taunted - See synonyms at ridicule. 2. To drive or incite (a person) by taunting. A
scornful remark or tirade; a jeer.
16. persistent - 2. Insistently repetitive or continuous: a persistent ringing of the telephone.
17. scrounged - to steal.scrounger -NOUN...
18. manipulated - . To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: He manipulated public
opinion in his favor. 3. To tamper...
19. remote - The control of an activity, process, or machine from a distance, as by radioed
instructions or coded signals. 2. A device used to control an apparatus or machine...
20. vanished (p.59) - ..See synonyms at disappear. b. To pass out of existence.
21. boughs (p.60) - branches in a tree or bushy plants
22. shrouded (p.60) - ...Something that conceals, protects, or screens: under a shroud of fog.
23. incessant (p. 63) - Continuing without interruption. See synonyms at continual
24. gluttonous (p. 68) - 2. Indulging in something, such as an activity, to excess; voracious.
See synonyms at voracious. glutton·ous·ly -ADVERB...
25. mauling (p.69) - being tackled
26. bile (p. 72) - Any of the liver-generated steroid acids, such as cholic acid, that commonly
occur in the bile in combination with glycine and taurine as sodium salts....
27. haphazard ( p.75) - By chance; casually. hap·hazard·ly -ADVERB hap·hazard·ness NOUN...
28. detonated (p.77) - To explode or cause to explode.
29. silhouetted (p.96) - shadowed
30. bizarre (p.98) - ...Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd.
See synonyms at fantastic
31. antibiotics (p.104) - Antibiotics are widely used in the prevention and treatment of
infectious diseases
32. hobbled (p. 115) - ...See synonyms at hamper1. 1. A hobbling walk or gait
33. diminished (p.126) - ...Music To reduce (a perfect or minor interval) by a semitone. 1. To
become smaller or less. See synonyms at decrease
34. sarcastically (p.129) - ...Expressing or marked by sarcasm. 2. Given to using sarcasm.
sarc(asm) + -astic, as in enthusiastic.sar·casti·cal·ly -ADVERB sarcastic, ironic, caustic,
35. savoring (p.139) - . A distinctive quality or sensation: enjoying the savor of victory.
36. ancestry (p.183) - Ancestral descent or lineage. 2. Ancestors considered as a group
37. totem (p.183) - Native American peoples of the northwest coast of North America. 2.
Slang A hierarchy: low on the totem pole....
38. ceremoniously ( p. 191) - ...Strictly observant of or devoted to ceremony, ritual, or
etiquette; punctilious: borne on silvery trays by ceremonious world-weary waiters
39. indifferently ( p. 229) - Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: indifferent to
the sufferings of others. 2. Having no marked feeling for or against: She remained
40. massive (p. 238) - Consisting of or making up a large mass; bulky, heavy, and solid: a
massive piece of furniture. 2. Large or imposing, as in quantity, scope, degree, intensity,