DØ RunIIb Trigger Upgrade Vivian O’Dell, FNAL for the DØ Trigger Upgrade Group 1 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Run IIb Trigger Upgrades Strategy and Motivation Latest Luminosity Predictions Basic trigger upgrade strategy Technical progress Installation/Commissioning plans Summary 2 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Run IIb Luminosity Projections Peak Luminosity (x1030cm-2sec-1) 300 ~2.8e32 Accelerator draft plan: Peak luminosities 250 200 You are here Peak FY03 ~4.5e31 ~1.6e32 150 100 50 0 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Start of Fiscal Year 10 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Core Trigger Menu Simulations 1E32 Trigger EM (1 EM TT > 10 GeV) Di-EM (1 EM TT > 7 GeV, 2 EM TT > 5 GeV) Muon (muon pT > 11 GeV + CFT Track) Di-Muons (2 muons pT > 3 GeV + CFT Tracks) Electron + Jets (1 EM TT > 7 GeV, 2 Had TT > 5 GeV) Muon + Jet (muon pT > 3 GeV, 1 Had TT > 5 GeV) Jet+MET (2 TT > 5 GeV, Missing E T> 10 GeV) Muon + EM (muons pT > 3 GeV+ CFT track + 1 EM TT > 5 GeV) Single Isolated Track (1 Isolated CFT track, pT > 10 GeV) Di-Track (1 isolated tracks pT > 10 GeV, 2 tracks pT > 5 GeV, 1 matched with EM energy) 4 Total rate: Example Physics Channels W e , SUSY, WH ejj Z ee, W , SUSY ZH eejj W WH jj Z J 2E32 2E32 L1 Rate (kHz) (no upgrade) L=1E32 0.65 L1 Rate (kHz) (no upgrade) L=2E32 1.3 L1 Rate (kHz) (with upgrade) 0.7 Total L1 bandwidth budget= ~3 kHz 0.25 0.5 0.1 Additional headroom available from 3 6 0.4 0.2 0.4 < 0.1 0.4 0.8 0.2 WH +jets tt +jets <0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 ZH bb , 1.1 2.1 0.8 <0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 8.5 17 1.0 0.6 0.6 <0.1 ZH jj WH e+jets tt e+jets SUSY HWW, ZZ H W H • topological cuts available in upgraded L1cal •Higher mu pT threshold with upgraded CTT SUSY ~15kHz ~30kHz ~3.2kHz DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Ingredients of the Trigger Upgrade Level 1 Calorimeter trigger upgrade more topological cuts Calorimeter track-match sharpens turn-on trigger thresholds fake EM rejection tau trigger L1 Tracking trigger upgrade improved tracking rejection esp. at higher occupancies inputs to Calorimeter track-mathc Level 2 L2 Processor upgrades for more complex algorithms Silicon Track Trigger expansion More processing power use trigger inputs from new silicon layer 0 Upgrade/maintain DAQ/Online systems 5 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 The L1Cal Team Saclay Physicists: Engineers: Columbia/Nevis Physicists: Engineers: Michigan State Physicists: Engineers: Northeastern Physicists: Fermilab Engineers: ADFs/ADF Timing/Splitters J.Bystricky, P.LeDu*, E.Perez D.Calvet, Saclay Staff TABs/GABs/VME-SCL H.Evans*, J.Parsons, J.Mitrevski J.Ban, B.Sippach, Nevis Staff M.Abolins* D.Edmunds, P.Laurens Framework/Online Software Online Software D.Wood Test Waveform Generator G.Cancelo, V.Pavlicek, S.Rapisarda * L1Cal Project Leaders 6 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Run IIa Limitations Poor Et-res. (Jet,EM,MEt) slow turn-on curves 5 Gev TT thresh 80% eff. for 40 GeV jets low thresholds unacceptable rates at L = 21032 Trigger Rate (kHz) EM Trigger W ev 1.3 Jet Trigger ZH vvbb 2.1 (L = 2e32) 1 TT>10 GeV 2 TT>5 GeV + MEt>10 GeV 7 Phys. Chan L1 Rate Limit <5 kHz DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Run IIb Solutions (2) Solution for Rates: Sliding Windows Algorithm Et cluster local max. search on 4032 () TT grid Jet, EM & Tau algo’s Better calc of missing Et Topological Triggers Jet, EM clust output for matching with L1 Tracks Data Needed for Declustering Jet Algo ET Cluster Region 8 ZHvvbb Rate: 2.10.8 kHz Similar gains for EM & Tau MEt, Topological Triggers under study O O O O O O O O O O X O O O O O O O O O O O O EM Algo 2.5–3 Jet Rate reduction at constant efficiency O Cand. RoI center Benefits O RoI RoI center used for compares Tau Algo Had Isolation X EM + Had Isolation X EM Isolation RoI / EM cluster RoI / Tau cluster DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Technical progress: L1Cal ADC+digital filtering Clustering Global sums & topological 9 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Signal Splitter Access to Real TT Data using “Splitter” Boards designed/built by Saclay active split of analog signals at CTFE input 4 TTs per board installed: Jan. 2003 Splitter Data 10 no perturbation of Run IIa L1Cal signals allows tests of digital filter algorithm with real data DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 ADF Prototype VME Digital Out Analog In Channel Link Serializers VME interface & glue logic Analog Section and ADCs Core FPGA logic DC/DC converters ~1300 components on both sides of a 14-layer class 6 PCB 11 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 TAB Prototype Channel Link Receivers (x30) Sliding Windows Chips (x10) power VME/SCL Output to GAB ADF Inputs (x30) L2/L3 Output (optical) Output to Cal-Track (x3) Global Chip Internal Functions ~Fully Tested 12 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 VME/SCL Board New Comp. of TAB/GAB system proposed: change control: Interfaces to not enough space on TAB for standard VME D0 Trigger Timing (SCL) (previously part of GAB) Why Split off from GAB simplifies system design & maintenance allows speedy testing of prototype TAB Prototype at Nevis: May 12 main VME & SCL functionality tested & working serial out x9 (VME & SCL) 13 VME interface VME (custom protocol) Feb 03 Mar 03 local osc’s & f’out (standalone runs) SCL interface Fully Tested DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 TAB/GAB Test Card TAB/GAB Data Rates TAB: LVDS (channel link) GAB: LVDS (stratix) 424 MHz 636 MHz Test Card at Nevis 14 power Cyclone TAB (ADF sim) VME / SCL Start Design mid-Aug Board at Nevis 29-Sep Cost ~$2K Status Channel Link ADF-to-TAB xmit tested before integration Will test TAB-to-GAB before sending out GAB for fabrication Stratix S10 LVDS xmit/rcvr Loopback TAB (GAB in sim) DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Prototype Integration Tests Want to start “System Tests” asap need to check cross-group links early First Tests with Prototypes starting now SCL VME/SCL TAB, ADF BLS Data (split) ADF TAB Flexible, staged schedule allows components to be included as they become available Set up semi-permanent Test Area (thanks to J. Anderson’s group at FNAL) 15 outside of Movable Counting House connection to SCL, split data signals allows L1Cal tests without disturbing Run IIa data taking DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Technical progress: L1Cal-Track Trigger University of Arizona J. Steinberg D. Tompkins C. Leeman N. Wallace B. Gmyrek K. Johns E. Varnes Exploit new L1Cal trigger Improve Run IIa matching granularity x8 Needed in triggers for Higgs searches electrons in WH and H W*W modes taus in H and H+ Fake EM rejection is improved by ~x2 Fake rejection is improved by ~x10 16 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Hardware Progress Block diagram of new Univeral Flavor Board: only really new board needed for L1 caltrack Flavor board (daughter) MTCxx (mother) 17 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 L1CalTrack Status MTCxx (Trigger Cards) Preproduction design complete Layout and final checks in progress Goal is to submit in November 03 UFB (Flavor Board) Prototypes in hand Boundary scan and downloading OK Receiver/transmitter testing in progress L1MU “05” algorithm implemented in Stratix EP1S20F780C7 (simulated but not tested) H algorithm implementation in progress MTCM (Crate Manger) 18 Not started, but only minimal changes to the existing design DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 L1CalTrack Status Infrastructure VME crates, processors, power supplies, cables in hand L1CTT to L1CalTrack cables being installed this weekend (not terminated) Rack space in MCH1 identified (but not settled) Commissioning Plan is to use spare L1MU cards in L1CalTrack crates to establish communication with TF and L3 Replace spares with L1CalTrack cards as available Simulator 19 Work has started writing the L1CalTrack package and integrating it into the D0 Trigger Simulator DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 L1CTT Upgrade Boston Univ M. Narain G. Redner S. Wu Fermilab M. Johnson J. Olson F. Borcherding Notre Dame 20 M. Hildreth Manchester L. Han T. Wyatt Kansas G. Wilson Brown R. Partridge Indiana K. Stevenson DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Technical Progress: L1Central Tracking Trigger Tracking trigger rates sensitive to occupancy Upgrade stategy: Narrow tracker roads by using individual fiber hits (singlets) rather than pairing adjacent fibers (doublets) Cal-track matching 21 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 L1 CTT Implementation Digital Front End Axial (DFEA) daughter cards get replaced with new layout with larger FPGA’s (Xilinx Virtex-II XC2V6000) Only 80 daughter cards get replaced; rest of Run IIa system remains intact Baseline algorithms compiled; occupy ~40% of the resources of the XC2V6000’s. 4.125” 40 mm (1.57”) 7.8” DFEA layout with new FPGA footprints 22 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Run IIb L1CTT Progress Implemented prototype firmware (Boston U) Includes equation files from all 4 momentum bins pT>10 GeV, 5<pT<10 GeV, 3<pT<5 GeV, 1.5<pT<3 GeV Resources used: DFEA logic is implemented in two FPGAs Prototype DFEA: •10/17/03 prototype PCB returned •10/31/03 first prototype assembled. •11/30/03 prototype fully tested 23 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 •Run IIb strategy: purchase additional, more powerful commercial processors as late as reasonably possible. 9U board 6U board Compact PCI 64 bit <2MHz VME J5 J4 Drivers L2beta Upgrade UII J3 J2 ECL Drivers J1 24 Clk(s)/ roms FPGA Drivers 64 bits 33 MHz PCI 32 bits 66 MHz (max) PLX Local bus 9656 128 bits ~20 MHz MBus DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Silicon Track Trigger for Run IIb STT upgrade needed to accommodate new L0? New L0 fits within baseline Run IIb upgrade even without L0, increase processing power for higher occupancy Modest STT upgrade requires small quantity of same boards that are used in Run IIa. Readout layers 0,1,2,3,5 25 Technical Progress: VME Transition Modules procured Concern about obsolescence Other procurements awaiting Layer 0 decision DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Installation Words here about trigger installation want to install as early as possible most benefits want to install during machine shutdown where do we need the most access also repeat a little what we have in “the document” on installation 26 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Summary Lots of trigger progress and potential Trigger workshop this weekend (Saturday/Sunday) url trigger upgrade is being redefined in light of run2b prospects 27 installation schedule new project approval will be happening in the next month workshop this weekend DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Backup slides follow 28 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Fake rate vs.luminosity (1 high pT track) Nominal 2E32 @ 396 ns 4E32 @ 396 ns (1 high+1 medium pT) Green points = Run IIa CTT Red points = Run IIb CTT Even at modest occupancies, the high-pT single track trigger would fire at >15 kHZ 29 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 Run IIb L1CTT: Granularity Run IIa Run IIb Use full fiber resolution to restrict roads 30 DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003 L1CalTrack System 31 Uses largely same hardware as existing L1muon modest cost and effort required DØ Collaboration Meeting October 10, 2003