Dr. Tarek El Sewedy Department of Medical Laboratory Technology Faculty of Allied Medical Sciences LECTURE 3 Intended Learning Outcomes By the end of this lecture, students will learn: Basic common prefixes and combining forms Lecture content • 1-Common Prefix used In Medical Terminology. • 2- Combining forms. Prefixes Used In Medical Terminology Prefixes Related to Numbers Term Semi Mono Uni - Bi Di Tri Tetra Penta Hexa Hepta - Meaning Octa - Enne - Deca - Poly - Deci - Centi - Milli- Kilo- (B) Prefixes Related to color Meaning Example Chlor - green Chlorophyil Cyan - blue Cyanosis Erythr - red Erythrocyte leuk - white Leucocyte, leukocyte Melan - Black,dark Melanoma Xanth - yellow Xanthoderm Meaning Example (c) Prefixes Related to Direction = inside of endoscopy (to inspect the inside of an organ or space with a lighted instrument) = around pericardiac (around the heart) = behind retrosternal (behind the breastbone) = on top epidermis (the top or outermost layer of skin) = within intravenous (inside the veins, e.g. IV fluids = below Sublingual (below the toungue) Endo Peri Retro Epi Intra Sub (D) Prefixes Related to Quantity or amount Meaning Example hyper - Excessive,high hyperglycemia hypo - Deficient, below hypotention super - Above/more Than normal supersensitivity brady - slow bradycardia tachy - fast Tachycardia (E) Prefixes Related to Size Meaning nano -micro - Small size macro - Large size (F) Prefixes related to time and position Meaning Example pre - Before, in front of premature post - After, postcranial dextr - Right side Dextrocerebral Lev, Left side Levocardia supra - Above,over Supraspinal epi - ,above Epidermis extra - outside Extracellular Review • Word parts that make up medical terminology are prefixes, suffixes and roots. • The most typical sequence is prefix, root, suffix, with the word root being central but this is not always the case. Some medical terms contain a combining vowel (O) after the root and this is called combining form. Some terms contain two or more roots and therefore called compound word (ex. osteoarthritis ) Combining form • It is a root with an added “combining vowel” which connects the root with the suffix or with another root . o Root + ( o , i , e ) + suffix = Combining form o Root + ( o , i , e ) + root = Combining form • The most common combining vowel is “ o “ Each element is essential to understand the meaning of the medical term Prefix Combining Root REVIEW Vowel Suffix or root Rules for using the combining vowels • 1 . To join a root to another root. • Example : • Oste + arthr + itis = osteoarthritis (root)+(root) +( suffix ) Bone + joint + inflammation Rules for using the combining vowels • 2 . to connect a root with a suffix that begins with a consonant. Ex : Cardi + megaly = cardiomegaly (root)+ (suffix) Heart + enlargement • 3 . combining vowel is not used when suffix begins with a vowel. Ex : Hyster + ectomy = hysterectomy ( root )+ ( suffix ) Uterus + excision Rules for the combining vowels • 4 . if a root ends in a vowel and the suffix starts with the same vowel , the second vowel is dropped . Ex : Cardi + itis = carditis (root)+ (suffix) Heart + inflammation • 5 . when a prefix ends in a vowel and the root starts with another vowel the vowel from the prefix is dropped . Ex : Para + enter + al = parenteral (prefix)+ ( root )+ ( suffix ) Beyond + intestine + connected with How to read medical terms Start with the suffix… • When you analyze a medical term, begin at the end of the word. The ending is called a suffix. • The suffix in HEMATOLOGY is –LOGY, which means “study of ”. Cont ……………. Next, read the beginning of the word.. • Now look at the beginning of the term. HEMAT is the word root. • The root gives the essential meaning of the term. • The root HEMAT-means “blood.” Combining vowel (s)… • The third part of this term, which is the letter O, has no meaning of its own but is an important connector between the root (HEMAT) and the suffix (LOGY). • The O is the ??. Start at the end of the word and work to the left Prefix Root Combining Vowel Suffix Examples of combining vowels • 1 . cardi = heart Pathy = disease Cardiopathy = disease of the heart • 2 . psych = mind Logy = study of Psychology = study of the mind Exercise Nephroangiosclerosis REVIEW • Root: gives the essential meaning of the term • Suffix: is the word ending • Prefix: is a small part added to the beginning of a term • Combining vowel: connects roots to suffixes and roots to other roots • Combining form: is the combination of the root and combining vowel Students selected for assignments Group A Group B احمد سعيد عبد الرزاق احمد البنداق محمد ابو المجد ابو زيد عبد الفتاح احمد شفيق محمد عبده على محمد احمد عباس الشحات تركى احمد عبد السالم احمد عبد السالم العبد محمد احمد فؤاد بسيوني خرابة احمد عبد هللا حامد احمد ماضى محمد احمد فتحى محمد عبد الحميد احمد عبد هللا كامل محمد احمد محمد على حموده احمد عبد المقصود فؤاد عطيه محمد احمد معوض موسى احمد عبد النبى محمد قناوى محمد الصابر محمد على الصابر Nutrition تغريد محمود ابراهيم مصطفى روزالين راوبين يعقوب فرج Assignments • Students on next slide are requested to prepare a presentation (minimum of 7 slides) on any the following topics: 1. Respiratory system terminology (including disease) 2. Circulatory system terminology (including disease) 3. Cancer terminology 4. Digestive system Terminology 5. Combining forms and vowels Assignments should be delivered by next week Study questions Write the suffix in each of the following words that means “study of,” “medical specialty,” or “specialist in a field of study”: 1.dentist (one who treats the teeth and mouth) 2. neurology (the study of the nervous system) 3. pediatrics (treatment of children) 4. technologist (specialist in a technical field) 5. psychiatry (study and treatment of mental disorders) Reference books 1 – Medical Terminology an illustrated Guide by Barbara Jonson Cohen 2003 2 – “Medical Terminology Simplified” F. A David 2009 3 – “Medical Terminology system : Approach Fifth Edition” Barbara A Gylys 2004