Digestion - SharpSchool

Copy the schedule in your planner.
Digestive System
White Bread Challenge,
Notes, digestive system Digestive System Story
worksheet, exit slip
Homework: finish
digestive system wkst
Homework: Digestive
System HW
Tuesday Feb 19 or Wednesday Feb 20
Do Now:
1. Why does your body need you to eat food?
2. What do you know about the digestive
3. Predict your class’s quiz average.
Table of Contents
2-19-13 or
Digestive System Notes
Class Averages
1st hour: 71%
2nd hour: 66%
3rd hour: 78%
4th hour: 74%
6th hour: 71%
7th hour: 64%
Class Points
1st hour:
2nd hour:
3rd hour:
4th hour:
6th hour:
7th hour:
Today’s Plan
• Place Body Organization Quizzes in folders and
update trackers
• Complete a digestive system KWL chart to show
what we already know and what we want to
know about the digestive system
• Take digestive system notes to learn new material
• Digestive System Card Sort to practice working
with the new ideas
• Complete Digestive System worksheet to
reinforce the information
• Complete exit slip to assess your understanding
of the digestive system
Class Quiz Averages
1st hour: 82.4%
2nd hour: 80.0%
3rd hour: 85.5%
4th hour: 85.1%
6th hour: 85.8%
7th hour: 62.4%
Body Organization Quizzes
• Put the quiz in the metal prongs of your folder
• Fill out the tracking sheet at the beginning of your
• Choose your best and worst subjects:
–Body organization: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
–Homeostasis: 6, 7, 8, 21
–Skeletal System: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20
–Muscular System: 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
Digestive System KWL Chart
Want to know Learned
Have at least 2
ideas in the K
column and at
least 3 questions
in the W column
Digestive System Notes
• Quickly fill in each line on your notes sheet.
• Be prepared to answer questions about the
material and earn class points
1st questions (worth 1 pt)
• What is digestion?
• Where does digestion begin?
2nd questions (worth up to 2 pts)
Ingestion is another name for _______.
Where does ingestion happen?
What is mechanical digestion?
Give an example of mechanical digestion.
What is chemical digestion?
Give an example of chemical digestion.
Where does digestion occur?
3rd questions (worth up to 2 pts)
• What is absorption?
• Give three examples of nutrients our bodies
• Where do the nutrients go when we absorb
• What is elimination?
• What happens to the food we don’t absorb?
• What do we call the material not absorbed in
the body?
4th questions (worth up to 2 points)
• Give an example of chemical digestion that
happens in the mouth.
• Give an example of mechanical digestion that
happens in the mouth.
• The esophagus is a tube that connects what
two things?
• Why is the esophagus lined in mucus?
5th questions (worth up to 2 points)
How does the stomach digest food mechanically?
What kind of muscle is the stomach made of?
How does the stomach digest food chemically?
Where does most absorption of nutrients take
• What are villi?
• What happens in the large intestine?
Update Glossary
• Add these words and their page numbers to
your glossary:
– Digestive system
– Ingestion
– Digestion
– Absorption
– Elimination
Digestive System Facts
• Unfortunately, germs can stick to food dropped
on the floor in less than five seconds.
• Every time you lick a stamp, you consume 1/10 of
a calorie.
• If your stomach didn't produce a new layer of
mucous every two weeks, it would digest itself.
• People eat more popcorn when watching a sad
movie as compared to a happy one.
• Food can get to your stomach even if you are
hanging upside down.
• The small intestine is about four or five times
larger than the large intestine.
• The small intestine can be as short as 4.6 m (15
feet) to as long as 9.8 m (32 feet).
• And here is a picture of a pig’s digestive system:
Digestive System Card Sort
• 1st: Sort the cards as a table group. You can
use your notes in this round.
• 2nd: Sort the cards as a table group. You
cannot use your notes in this round.
Digestive System Card Sort Answers
• Ingestion: esophagus, getting food into our bodies
• Digestion: stomach, breaking food down into
smaller pieces
• Absorption: villi, getting nutrients in the
bloodstream so cells can use them
• Elimination: getting rid of waste products
• Note:
– Mouth could be ingestion or digestion
– small intestine could be digestion or absorption
– Large intestine could be absorption or elimination
Complete your KWL chart
• Fill in the last column (Learned) with what you
learned today. You need at least 3 ideas in
this column.
Digestive System Worksheet
• Complete side one first before you go on to
side two. This is by yourself.
• Whatever you don’t finish in class becomes
Exit Slip Time!
• Label your note card with your FIRST AND
LAST NAME, DATE, and HOUR. Labeling this
correctly is worth one point.
First and Last Name
Exit Slip
• Clear everything off of your table. Close lab
books and put them on the floor.
• NO TALKING, at all. If you have a question
raise your hand SILENTLY and wait for the
• When you’re done, flip your exit slip over and
draw a picture of your favorite food.
Question 1
• 1. What is digestion?
a) Getting food into our bodies
b) Breaking food down into smaller nutrients
c) Getting nutrients into the bloodstream so cells
can use them
d) Getting rid of waste products
Question 2
2. Give an example of mechanical digestion.
Question 3
3. The small intestine is lined in small finger-like
projections called villi. Why are villi important?
Question 4
4. Why is elimination important?
Thursday Feb 21 and Friday Feb 22
Do Now:
1. Put the 4 functions of the digestive system in
the order in which they occur.
2. Which organ do you think is the most
important for the digestive system and why?
3. Why do we need the digestive system to live?
Table of Contents
2-21-13 or
Digestive System Stories
Today’s Plan
• Complete the White Bread Challenge to
demonstrate the importance of one of the
parts of the digestive system
• Create a digestive system story to further
understand what exactly happens in the
digestive system
White Bread Challenge
Now we will review a few important
• Pay really good attention during the review or
the next assignment you have will be difficult.
• Remember that the digestive system’s
functions happen in this order:
– Ingestion (eating)
– Digestion (smashing the food down)
– Absorption (getting the nutrients from the food)
– Elimination (getting rid of the waste)
• The food goes through the digestive system’s
organs in this order:
– Mouth
– Esophagus
– Stomach
– Small intestine
– Large intestine
Digestive System Stories
• By yourself or in a group of up to three people,
you will write a story about a piece of food’s
journey through the digestive system.
• You have to pick a certain type of food and write
the story from the point of view of the food.
– Example: I’m a slice of pepperoni pizza from Papa
Johns. One day I was created in a very hot oven and
delivered to some hairy dude’s house. After licking his
lips, the hairy man chomped down on my crust! …
Digestive System Stories
• Your food has to go through ingestion, digestion,
absorption, and elimination. You must mention
each part of the body it travels through and
what happens in each part of the body.
• Your story should be creative and the info on
the digestive system must be accurate.
• Near the end of the hour we will read several
stories and vote on the best one. The winners
will get a prize next time they are in class.
Complete your homework!!
•Homework is
due on