Pendulum Lab - Tallmadge City Schools

Pirate Ship Ride Challenge
Background Information: Cedar Point is considering purchasing a Pirate Ship Ride for the
2014 season as part of the park’s “Old-School-Rides-Rule” addition. Before deciding to add
the ride, the park’s architects want to know if they can improve the ship to make the ride a
more exciting experience.
Group Challenge: Brainstorm ways to increase the “Thrill Factor” of the Pirate Ship
amusement park ride, design and conduct experiments to determine which factors will
increase the “Thrill Factor” of the ride, and make a proposal to Cedar Point based on your
Group Goals :
Design and conduct experiments to determine how different variables affect the
“Thrill Factor” of a Pirate Ship amusement ride.
Use a pendulum as a model in a scientific experiment. Identifying similarities and
differences between the model and the ride.
Use a physical and computer simulation model to conduct your investigation.
Collect, organize, and analyze data to determine which variables would increase the
“Thrill Factor” of the ride.
Collaborate with other groups to compare results of experiments
Use your conclusions to explain the nature of gravity and energy.
Recommendation Report: As evidence of your learning, you will prepare a report that
includes the following sections:
 Introduction: Describe what you are investigating; which variables you will test, and
include a hypothesis for each variable.
 Procedure(s); Describe your experiments, must be detailed and sequenced. Include
 Data tables and graphs (including titles and labels). You should compare your data
with other groups to ensure that you controlled your variables.
 Conclusions - Make sure you use the data to answer the questions. You may identify
the range, median, trends, and any unusual findings in your data.
 Recommendations- Clearly identifies what variable(s) your group thinks will improve
the “Thrill Factor” of the ride. Explain how the change in the ride will result in a
more intense experience for the riders. Clearly explains the relationship between
gravity and energy.
The report is worth 40 points (see rubric) and may be created independently or collaboratively.
Pendulum Lab Resources
Physical Model Materials:
 500 g mass
 1 meter of string
 1 - roll of tape
 1 - pair of scissors
 1 - timer
 2- Meter Sticks
 Calculator
 Protractor
 Physics Text books to use as weights (6 per group)
Computer Simulations:
 Pendulum Simulation GIZMO:
o www.
o Username: tallmadgescience
o Password: gizmo
[you may choose to explore the Pendulum Clock GIZMO or the Period of the Pendulum
 PHET Simulation of a Pendulum
o You can simply google: PHET pendulum and choose the above link
Pendulum Lab Guide:
1. Brainstorm with your group variables that may affect the motion of the pendulum.
2. Select a variable and write a hypothesis stating the effect that the selected variable will have on
increasing the “Thrill Factor” of the pendulum.
3. Using materials you have, design an experiment to test your variable. Make sure to change only
one variable at a time. Write a detailed description of your experiment(s). Please plan to use both
the physical/computer models.
4. Decide how you will collect quantitative data and organize data tables. Do at least three trials
for each change in your variable and calculate the mean data for the trials.
* We will be comparing data so please plan to measure the time needed for 10 swings
5. Conduct your experiment and collect data.
6. Did your experiment support or refute your hypothesis Explain. Check the results of you physical
model with other groups and the computer simulations.
7. The pendulum used in this experiment serves as a model for the Pirate Ship ride. In what way(s) is
the pendulum model similar to the Pirate Ship ride? In what way(s) is the pendulum model different?
8. Create your Recommendation Report, relating the results of the pendulum lab to the swinging
pirate ship. The following items should be addressed in the summary:
a. Describe the purpose and outcomes of the lab.
b. Identify errors in your pendulum design and create strategies to improve your pendulums.
c. Speculate the role that force and energy transformation had on your pendulum.
d. Using class data - Identify which variable(s) will increase the Thrill Factor of the
amusement park ride and why.
9. Use your rubric as a checklist and have your final report ready on Thursday, November 21.
Pendulum Lab Grading Rubric
(0-5 pts)
Introduction/Hypothesis (10)
Clearly written and
Procedure (20)
Sequenced and
procedure explained
Data (20)
Easily Compares data
Proposal (30)
Supported by
Answers experiment
How do pendulums
help us understand
the nature of gravity
and energy?
Total: (80)
(6-8 pts)
(9-10 pts)