Activity sheet5 Medical Word Analysis body organs

Medical Word Analysis for the body organs.
You will be divided into groups of 4 or 5 and the teacher will give you 2 or 3
combining forms for each group. You will also all have a list of suffixes.
1. As a group search for the medical words that contain this combining form
and one of the suffixes on your list. The mini dictionary begins on pg. 337
. Go through the suffix list and check to see if there are words that
contain suffixes on your list. Write down all these words. Eg. Gastr/o---gastritis, gastroenterology, gastroenterologist, gastric etc . Do not
write words that contain suffixes NOT on your list.
2. Write the combining form and then the list of medical terms clearly and
in neat writing on A4 paper. Do this for each of the combining forms you
are given.
3. When you have completed this, swap your medical word lists with the
group next to you .
4. Close the book. (and close the mini dictionary!) Now you will have 2 or 3
different combining forms and lists of medical words associated with
these combining forms.
5. Divide the words equally among the group members . Analyse the medical
words using the method you have been shown i.e. ,...look for the ‘o’ , put in
the lines,etc.
6. Put all the words and the method of the word analysis together with the
7. Now swap again with the next group and continue until all the lists of
words for each combining form are collected and each of the medical
terms are analysed.
8. After class type the analysis of the medical words for your group and
photocopy so that everyone in the group has a copy.