English III (2014/2015 School Year) August 6th –August 26th: Reading & Analyzing Lit:Origins & Encounters/Short Stories/Memoirs (Foundations of Research: I-Search incorporated) To Cover -Rules/Syllabus/Letter to parents (6th) -Introductions/Hands activity (7th) -ACT Diagnostic test/Writer’s Notebook decoration-work on for homework (DUE 15th decorated) (8th) -“How to write an paragraph”/examples (TCC-TECAPE)/Intro I-search/Writer’s Notebook Decoration-finish for homework(11th) -Weird Al’s video(Nan’s lesson); Parts of speech review; Current article to find POS; Short story elements PP/Flocabulary video-SS elements (12th) -Read Ambush by Tim O’Brien;Discuss POS; Identify;Discuss SS elements;Write a paragraph (TCCTEC-APE) copying O’Brien style (13th) -Native American poem; Discuss punctuation-why it is what it is; Native American PP (notes) (14th) -Vocab Quiz as bellringer;Introduce Current Event Cardsdo together;Choose I-search topics/discussion/questions(15th) - Native American Creation Myths;Coyote stories/Fox/Whale;In group develop own creation story (18th) -Peer edit creation stories;Read Equiano-annotate (handout from Jess)(19th) -Slavery video;Writing assignment from point of view of your choice (use TCC, TEC or APE) (20th) -Parts of a sentence-What are they? Define; Read Blue Winds Dancing by Whitecloud-chunk article/divide in groups/identify parts of speech(21st) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions;Discussion of I-Search expectations (22nd) -Use of apostrophe-discussion;The Joy of Reading Superman & Me by Alexie-identify/clarify parts of speech/parts of sentence/apostrophe usage (25th ) -Test: Analysis summary of The Man to Send Rain Clouds;Annotate properly;Grammatical identification;Proper analysis(26th) August 27th-October 3rd :Extensions of Reading & Analyzing Lit: Colony to CountryDrama/Novel (Foundations of Research: I-Search incorporated) *WN DUE DATE: August 29th & September 26th -Friday To Cover -Ethos/Pathos/Logos PP; Read The Devil & Tom Walker; Identify any semi-colons, colons, hyphens or dashes;Discussion of theme/central idea (27th) -Introduce & Read Anne Bradstreet poetry; Re-write into paragraphs using TCC, TEC or APE in memoir style/syntax (28th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Current event cards; I-search in lab (go over chunks)(29th ) - Article on “Death & justice: How Capital Punishment affects real life “; Students annotate article; Write analyzing paragraph including their opinion; Introduce the Crucible (Tim teach?)(2nd ) -Crucible web quest (3rd & 4th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions; Identify verb tenses (past and past participle); Begin Act 1 (5th) -Finish Act 1; Quiz; Reflect; Begin Act 2; Identifying verb tenses (8th) - Finish Act 2; Quiz; Reflect; Begin Act 3; Identifying pronouns (reflective & personal) (9th) -Finish Act 3; Quiz; Reflect; Begin Act 4; Identifying pronouns (reflective & personal) (10th) -Finish Act 4; Quiz; Reflect; Begin Act 5 (11th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Current Event Card due;I-search day in lab (go over chunks) (12th) -Finish Act 5;Review;Reflect; Character activity; Movie clips (16th) -Crucible Test-including excerpts, grammar components, writing portion (TCC, TEC, APE);Movie clips (17th) -Intro John Steinbeck as an author; Great Depression Era (Tim teach); Discuss & show excerpts of his syntax (style of writing);Adjective & Adverb clause focus; Introduce Of Mice & Men (18th) -Vocab Quiz as a bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions; Of Mice & Men web quest in lab (19th) -Of Mice & Men web quest in lab (22nd) -Read Of Mice & Men;Discussion;Annotation-Reading Logs (Persuade,Inform, Entertain);Grammar components of punctuation focus (comma rules, semicolon, colon, hyphen, dash) (23rd, 24th, 25th) -Vocab Quiz as a bell ringer; Current Event Cards due;ISearch day in lab (go over chunks) (26th) - Read Of Mice & Men;Discussion;Annotation-Reading Logs (Persuade,Inform, Entertain);Grammar components of part of speech focus (29th & 30th) -Review & Reflect Of Mice & Men;Movie clips (1st) -Divide students into grammar component groups to create questions for nine-week review (2nd) -Vocab Quiz as a bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions; Have students teach grammar components-Parts of speech, parts of sentence, apostrophe’s, punctuationcomma, semi-colon, colon,hyphen, dash, verb tense, pronouns, adjective, adverb; ALL students answer questions to ALL parts October 13th-November 14th : Reading & Responding to Informational Texts (Foundations of Research: I-Search incorporated) *WN DUE DATE: October 31st-Friday To Cover -Review rules; Define ‘informational text’;Pre-reading for Letter From Birmingham Jail (Cosby lesson); Tim teach Civil Rights time period (13th) -Letter From Birmingham Jail lesson (Cosby lesson);Participial & Gerund focus/define;ACT practice excerpt (15th) (14th & 15th) -Ethos/Pathos/Logos powerpoint; Discussion; Excerpts from Sinner’s In the Hand’s of an Angry God (16th) -Vocab Quiz as bellringer; Current Event Card due;I-search day in lab (go over chunks) (17th) -Tim introduce Declaration of Independence; Read text in groups; Identify Ethos/Pathos/Logos within;Discuss punctuation differences,etc. (20th) -America Needs Its Nerds by Fridman;Screech videocollege years; Evaluate the structure of the argumentrespond (convincing, engaging, clear points?) (21st) -ACT practice excerpt;Read Sharing The American Dream by Powell & Obama’s Charge to Educationcompare/contrast; Identify central idea & reasoning-discuss & respond in groups (22nd) -I am an American Day by Hand; Identify participial & gerunds throughout; Create I am a ____Day poem (23rd) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Article of the week with 4 questions;Checkpoint with I-search in classroom (where are you? Where should you be?); Share examples of thesis;MLA websites;Questions;Students create maps of where they want to be/goals (24th) -Franklin’s speech to the convention-cut it up in chunks and have student groups try to arrange them correctly and then tell why-using punctuation reasoning, syntax and parts of speech/parts of sentence reasoning (27th) -Read Learning to Read & Write by Fredrick Douglas;Reading & Writing by Malcolm X;Partners work on handouts over the text; Compare/Contrast the two readings(discuss syntax); Writing assignment in various POV’s (give to students divided)(28th) -Students share out their paragraphs; Discuss; ACT practice excerpt (29th) -War Prayer by Mark Twain;Show without punctuation (have students punctuate & then respond to why)(30th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Poe-Raven Simpson’s quick lesson;Current Event Card due; I-search day in lab (go over chunks)(31st) -Read “On Dumpster Diving”-LeNoir’s lesson;Include discussion; ACT excerpt practice (3rd & 5th) -Discussion over article;Respond to the informational text (6th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Article of the week with 4 questions;Introduce the jigsaw activity about articles & videos;Thankful Leaves activity (7th) -Start jigsaw activity (Cosby’s lesson) with the environmental articles: Global Warming, Battle Over Sea Lions, Battle Over Blair Mountain;Polar Bear Article;Dicaprio Article;Inhofe Article (creating ACT like questions from the articles) (10th, 11th, 12th) -Finish up jigsaw reading;introduce video clip jigsaw;ACT practice excerpt (12th) -Video clip jigsaw: Global Warming-Al Gore,Battle Over Blair Mt,Sea Lions, 11th Hour; Watch clips, reflective response, share out to others-they respond based on what they are told (13th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Current Event Card due;ISearch day in the lab (go over chunks) (14th) November 17th-December 19th: Extensions of Reading & Responding to Informational Texts (Foundations of Research: I-Search incorporated) *WN DUE DATE: November 19th & December 19th-Friday To Cover - Introduce Kite Runner;Article of relevance; Identify parts of speech,parts of sentence as focus(17th) -Show clips of Iraq video;Questions to analyze & discuss;Written responses in paragraphs (TCC, TEC, APE)(18th) -ACT practice excerpt;Article on different types of Muslims from KR (handout);Read excerpt from book;Grammar focus on syntax (19th) -Discuss relationships within cultures;Excerpt from KR about Baba & Rahim Khan (handout);Article on Kite Fighting;Identify various types of pronouns as focus(20th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week;Begin silent reading (or group) of Chapter 7 (tournament);Written response-focus on responding to author’s development (21st) -Discuss/Debate chapter 7 & after effects-Amir lying and making Hassan leave excerpt;Excerpt from KR about coming to America (grocery store scene);Handout;Group compare/contrast relationship changes that occurred(24th) -Article on courtships/marriages in various countries;Read excerpt from KR about both;Discuss cultural pride;Watch clip from the movie(25th) -Review article on marriage/pride;Prep for Socractic seminar about differences in cultures marriages/pride(1st) -Socractic seminar;Reflection last chunk(2nd) -KR excerpt about diagnosis & reaction to cancer,living with them, death bed wishes,funeral; Article about cultural death;ACT practice excerpt (3rd) -Writing activity of “planning my funeral”;Peer share & edit-pronoun focus(4th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Current Event Card due;Isearch lab day (go over chunks) (5th) -KR Handouts on Taliban & Muslim female laws;Recent article on Taliban/Muslim female laws;Annotate & discuss(8th) -KR excerpt reading of the Taliban activities (Stadium & Streets);Watch movie clip;Develop written response (refer back to capital punishment & crucible)(9th) -ACT practice excerpt; Article on adoption in America versus adoption in/from other countries (Haiti crisis)(10th) -KR excerpt about trying to adopt & troubles; Handout in groups(11th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions;KR excerpt about suicide attempt;Discussion (12th) -Various articles about suicide statistics; Written response about KR suicide attempt/personal experience (adjective/adverb clause focus)(15th) -Create thematic kites;Share with class(16th) -ACT practice excerpt;End of KR movie clip;Review for final exams (17th) -Review for final exams (18th & 19th) January 5th-February 27th : Developing Analysis: Argumentative Writing (Foundations of Research: I-Search incorporated) *WN DUE DATE: January 30th & February 27th -Friday To Cover -Review rules;“house keeping”;I-Search review (go over goals, etc…) (5th) -Intro Lit Circles/Major works data sheet/List of books (6th) -ACT practice excerpt;Form groups/discuss roles;Get books;Critical Reading activity (conclusions & inferences) (7th) -Read in groups: 8th,(predictions) 12th, 13th, (author’s purpose)15th, 20th,(text features) 22nd, 26th,(summaries of text) 27th, 29th, (main idea) *1st chunk ACT strategies/critical reading; 2nd chunk Read together;3rd chunk Silent reading* -Work on projects (library lab): 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, 4th (I-search 2nd & 3rd chunks 9th & 23rd) -Major Works Data Sheet/Butcher Paper/Gallery Walk (chunked 1-2-3): 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th -DUE/Present 5th & 6th -NO CURRENT EVENTS-Article of the week:16th & 30th -Vocab Quiz as bellringer:9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th,6th -Introduce On Demand (refer back to our writings this year so far);Give handouts;Critical reading activity (supporting details/fact & opinion) (9th) -Critical Reading activity(sequence);On Demand article/writing-for homework (10th) -ACT practice excerpt;Critical reading activity (cause/effect);On Demand article/writing-for homework (11th) -Critical Reading activity(compare/contrast);On Demand article/writing for homework (12th) -Vocab Quiz as bellringer;Article of the week;Critical reading (organizational structure);On Demand writing-for homework (13th) -I-search checkpoint (DUE Mar 6th);Go over goals/changes/edits/peer reviews (17th) -ACT task rotations (6 chunks-do 3)(18th) -Article to discuss/identify participials & gerunds(19th) -Vocab Quiz as bellringer;Current event card due;Isearch day in the lab (go over in chunks)(20th) -Use previous readings to identify grammar components (assign excerpts from past readings & various grammar components)(23rd) -Article about ACT;Annotate & written response;Peer discussion about ACT (fears,etc)(24th) -ACT task rotations (6 chunks-do 3)(25th) -Grammar review PP (Nann or make one);Review simple tips for ACT PP (Nann or make one)(26th) -Vocab Quiz as bellringer; Article of the week with 4 questions;Peer review I-Search in lab(27th) March 4th-May 21st : Extensions of Developing Analysis: Argumentative Writing (Foundations of Research: Career/College Research) *WN DUE DATE: March 27th, April 24th, May 15th -Friday To Cover -Introduce Career/College (choose either a college or career to focus on & tell why) research project (Prezi-google docs);Lab to begin work (4th) -Guest Speaker;Write reflection over speaker (5th) -Vocab quiz as bell ringer;Current Event Card due;Lab to work on research;I-SEARCH DUE (6th) -Guest Speaker;Write reflection over speaker (9th) -Lab to work on research (10th) -Guest Speaker;Write reflection over speaker (11th) -Lab to finish research;Begin presentations (12th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Article of the week with 4 questions;Presentations (13th) -Presentations;Read The Yellow Wallpaper;Author’s purpose focus (16th) -Presentations; Read Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper;Dicussion about mental illness (postpartum) (17th) -Presentations;Article about mental illnesses in groups;Reflection writing activity (18th) -Read 17 Syllables;Cultural awareness focus; Read American Dream;Prep for Socratic seminar(23rd ) -Socratic seminar on Cultural Awareness (24th) -Written reflection about seminar; Introduce Huck Finn characters/Mark Twain (25th) -Huck Finn webquest in lab;Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Current Event Cards due (27th) (26th & 27th) -Huck Finn excerpts/discuss/racism-Zimmerman (30th, 31st, 1st & 2nd) -Review of rules; Introduce Scarlet Letter-author & character focus(13th) -Scarlet Letter webquest (14th & 15th) -Article on adultery back in 1800’s;Annotate;Identify grammar components (16th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions;Read excerpt from SL;Show movie clips;Discuss themes (17th) -Read excerpt from SL;Show movie clips;Discuss themes;Assign position essay/argumentative (20th) -Work on argumentative essays;Peer edit;Revise for homework (21st) -Share argumentative essays;Class reflection of theme-argument-syntax within writing,etc (22nd) -Introduce Emily Dickinson;Life & times;Documentary clip;Family explanations;Begin reading some of her poems (23rd) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer;Current Event Cards due;“Dickinson to Music” lesson;Form opinions as a class (fact vs opinion), conclusions & inferences about Dickinson;Re-write one of her poems with Their punctuation (accurate) (24th) -Argument/Specific Claims/Reasoning/False Statements (LeNoir’s lesson);Everthing’s An Argument (27th & 28th ) -Give topics for debates & prep research(29th & 30th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week with 4 questions; Prep debate research (1st) -Student debates;Student reflective grade (4th, 5th, & 6th) -Introduce Jigsaw activity with argumentative essays (Cosby’s lesson) “Everything’s An Argument” book (7th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Current Event Card due;Work on group jigsaw (8th) -Switch jigsaw group;Respond accordingly with prepared answers (11th) -“Top” I-search papers read out loud; student response (12th) -Divide several I-search papers into chunks in groups to identify grammar focus components(13th & 14th) -Vocab Quiz as bell ringer; Article of the week; Grammar Exit Exam(15th) -Grammar Exit Exam Review;Final Review (18th) -Prepare for & review final exams;Take finals (20th & 21st)