Auburn Youth Soccer Association (AYSA)
Board of Directors Meeting
Valley Regional Fire Authority Headquarters
1101 D Street NE, Auburn, WA
June 16, 2014
Attendance: Chris Vance, President; Sandy Guiton, Secretary; Bob Zipp, Referee Director; Michael Hargett, RVS
Director; Joyce Harris, G97 Orange Rep/RVS Admin. Asst.; Sara Birt, VP Admin./Registrar; Rich Hargett, VP of
Purchasing; Kathy Zipp, B99 Orange/White; Michele Tang, B06 Academy/B02 White Rep; Katy Radcliffe, G01
Orange Rep; Jen Merte, G03 Orange Rep; Eric Robertson, B00 Orange Rep; Chris Pearisaeff, Rec Director/G02
Orange/White Rep; David Nichols, G98 Orange Rep; John Bomar, B01 Orange Rep; Cress Cookston, G99 Orange
Rep; Jamie Brockamp, G99 White Rep; Beth Bergeon, G01 White Rep; Kerry Cameron, G00 White Rep; Krista
Finney, RVS Team Manager Coord.; Jeremiah Carter, G06 Academy Rep; Sarah Vilaysom-Walker, Webmaster;
Valinda Horstman, Marketing Coordinator; Jolene Robinson, B02 Orange Rep.
Call to Order: President Chris Vance called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Greetings: Chris welcomed the new RVS Team Board Reps. He advised them that they are full members of the
Board of Directors and have voting rights. He asked them to attend meetings on a regular basis.
Election of First Vice President: No nominations were submitted via email. Chris asked if there were any nominations to be made from the floor; Joyce Harris nominated John Bomar. No other nominations were made from the floor. A motion was made to elect John Bomar as First Vice President; motion was seconded, none opposed. Chris asked that Kathy take care of adding John as a signor on the association’s bank account and to remove Michael Purcell.
Approval of Minutes: A motion was made to approve the meeting minutes of the May Board of Directors Meeting as written; motion was seconded, none opposed.
Scholarship Committee Proposal: Committee Chair Sara Birt advised that the committee members reviewed 63 applications that were submitted as of June 16. The committee’s recommendation was to approve 61 applications, for a total of $51,175 (two of the applicants did not qualify based on the established criteria). A motion was made to approve the scholarships recommended by the committee; the motion was seconded, none opposed.
Donation Presentation: Joe Poland, Assistant Coach for the RVS G97 team, presented a check to RVS Director
Mike Hargett. Joe’s employer, Ryan General Contractors, offered to match money the team raised to fund their trip to a college showcase tournament; the check was in the amount of $6500. Mike thanked Joe for his efforts to obtain the donation. Mike discussed the need for AYSA/RVS to obtain a corporate sponsor. As the new VP, John
Bomar will review the proposed sponsorship package that Michael Purcell drafted before he resigned, and he will get things moving toward finding a corporate sponsor.
President/Chris Vance: Field Space – Chris reiterated that ensuring the club has enough field space is his priority before his term ends in November (he does not plan on running again); according to Tim Secrest, the Brannan Park
Field does not look like it will be ready for use this summer like the City of Auburn promised, so Chris is going to make a follow up phone call to the Mayor’s office; Mike Hargett is working with people at Muckleshoot on a possible partnership that would include field space for RVS teams. RVS Recruiting Boundary – In follow up to the
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discussion at the last Board meeting pertaining to the boundaries in which RVS is permitted to recruit, it appears the State is not standing by its decision that Enumclaw is an area in which RVS can recruit; Chris feels the State has an obligation to make a firm decision on this issue and hopes that the RCS committee will create a firm guideline.
Vice President/John Bomar: Newly elected VP, John Bomar, will be overseeing Marketing, Sponsorships, the
Website, and Special Projects.
VP of Administration/Registrar/Sara Birt: Sara advised that registration for the Fall Mod and Rec programs is open. She said the majority of RVS players who have not yet completed registration are scholarship applicants.
Letters to all applicants will be sent via email on June 17. It is necessary for those receiving scholarships to register and sign up for the payment plan in order for their scholarships, if granted, to be credited. The registration deadline for every RVS player is June 23. Players not registered by the 23 rd will no longer be permitted to practice with their team or participate in games.
VP of Purchasing/Rich Hargett: Rich advised that uniform kits for the Academy teams have been ordered and should be ready to hand out next week. He said he was able to use club points to order balls. RVS
Classic Tournament – There are currently 105 teams registered, which is about 10 less than last year, which is probably due to the fact that there are several other tournaments in the area that are scheduled for the same weekend; Starfire expects the game schedule to be ready by Saturday (June 21); Rich said most of the profit of the tournament comes from the vendor sales, so hopefully parents and players attending the tournament will make purchases.
Treasurer/Kathy Gach: Kathy was not in attendance due to foot surgery; no report submitted. Chris Vance advised that the association’s budget and finances are in good shape.
Secretary/Sandy Guiton: Sandy had nothing to report.
Mod Director/James Gladwin: James was not in attendance due to training, but he submitted the following report – The Spring Mod program finished as a huge success with a lot of happy parents, coaches and soccer players. There were 44 teams and a total of 360 players. He strongly believes adding UK Elite to the training schedule was a massive success; every parent and coach he spoke to seemed very happy with it all. Each team received a Team Evaluation from their UK Elite coach. Registration is now open for the Fall Mod program and there are currently 69 players registered; he is confident the number will continue to grow. He spoke to Rich about ordering soccer balls, and he is looking into it; James asked Rich to find out if a logo can be placed on them. He also spoke to Tim and they are going to try to keep the same location for all the games and practices; he felt this was great and very central for all families.
Rec Director/Chris Pearisaeff: Chris advised that registration is open for the Fall Rec program; so far, 52 players have registered; he expects 10-15 teams.
Referee Director/Bob Zipp: Bob said there’s not much to report except that they are gearing up for the summer tournament season.
AYSA Field Coordinator/Tim Secrest: Tim acknowledged Chris Vance’s earlier comments about the fact that the
Brannan Park field is not yet ready for use; once it’s ready, he said there will be space for 1 full-size field and a couple of smaller fields for younger age groups. Tim advised that he needs to spend about $300 out of the field budget to purchase grass seed which is used to fill in gaps in fields used by AYSA.
AYSA Marketing Coordinator/Valinda Horstman: Valinda advised that she set up a spirit wear and a bake sale table at the Slammers Fest event; she said there was a lot of interest in the spirit wear, and that she handed out at least 20 order forms; the bake sale profit was $81. She would like to initiate a “How Orange is Your Team”
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campaign to generate even more interest in the spirit wear; she’ll come up with some ideas on how to organize it, decide on winners, prizes, etc.
AYSA Webmaster/Sarah Vilaysom-Walker: Sarah has been making updates on the website about current news and upcoming events. She asked that Board Reps remind their teams to check the site on a regular basis. Joyce
Harris recommended that AYSA’s PO Box address be added to the site. Kathy Zipp said some of the coach licenses may be incorrect on the Coaching Staff page; Mike Hargett will take a look.
RVS Director/Michael Hargett: Registered Players – Mike reported that the number of RVS players for 2014-
2015 will be about the same as last year; there are a couple of new teams, but unfortunately, there was not enough interest in the older boys age groups, so there will be no BU17 or BU18 teams. Slammers FC Training – The training sessions held by Walid and Cheyne from Slammers FC went very well; Walid and “Z” will be here in
July/August and any team that did not receive a training session this time around will get one then. Texas Shoot
Out Tournament – Due to excessive rainfall, the tournament director could not guarantee games would be played, so it was decided to pull out and take a refund of the registration fee for the G97 team; fortunately, a refund on the air fare was also worked out; another tournament will be chosen for the team to enter. Friday Night Lights – The
FNL technical training sessions are going very well; there were over 100 players in attendance for the first two sessions. Slammers Fest – The scrimmages went well, as did the spirit wear and bake sale tables; next year, the hope is to expand the event to include food vendors and other booths. Sounders Women – RVS has partnered with the Sounders Women for their game on June 27; RVS players will be recruited to walk out with the Sounders
Women players, carry flags, and help as ball “shaggers”; tickets can be purchased online for $15 each, and $3 of that amount will be donated to RVS; details will be sent out to team managers and posted on the website. Muckleshoot
– Mike is working on developing a partnership with Muckleshoot; RVS will be helping them organize a 3 v 3 tournament to be held August 10. Player Fees Price Structure – Mike did a cost comparison with other local clubs and found that the special training sessions that RVS provides as part of its annual player fees, such as the FNL technical training sessions and Goalkeeper training sessions, are offered for an extra cost at other clubs; RVS player fees are very reasonable compared to other local clubs.
RVS Academy Director/DJ Pogson: DJ was not in attendance due a work meeting, but he submitted the following report – The Academy practices started June 9; all the coaches are following the same curriculum and kids are having a great time; there are a total of 93 players, which is up from the 68 last year (GU8-8, BU8-18, BU9-14, GU9-
20, BU10-11, GU10-22); many players from WPFC and a few from PAC have joined this year. DJ attended the State meeting for the junior academy program and had the following updates: U8 and U9 teams will continue to play on
Sundays in a Jamboree format; PAC NW has joined the south group for this coming year; Todd Lincoln assured the
Academy Directors that there will be a set schedule for teams this year; schedule changes will not be allowed for coaches who have more than one team scheduled to play at the same time – ALL junior teams will be instructed to have assistant coaches who can cover the games; to prevent teams from playing up into U10 with their U9 teams, the State has created a competitive league for them; RVS will be trying it out this fall with a GU9 team to see how it functions; if all goes well, DJ will look to expand it in the spring with the boys’ teams; this league is ONLY for the players that are ready to play at a higher level and are not challenged by the jamboree format in place right now; the State has asked that clubs pay for field usage and maintenance; WSYS is asking for $500 from each club to help support the cost for the full year, which breaks down to be around $29 a weekend.
RVS College Coordinator/Megan DeHan: Megan was not in attendance due to training; no report submitted.
RVS Administrative Assistant/Joyce Harris: Joyce will be monitoring player fee payments; she reminded the
Board that the new Declined Payment Fee of $10 will be implemented.
RVS Team Manager Coordinator/Krista Finney: Krista advised that an orientation meeting for Team Managers was held June 12; she will be creating a check list to help new managers get started; she went over some topics that came up at the meeting: Window Decals – Rich said more had been ordered and should arrive in the next week or so; it was suggested that decals for new players could be handed out to team managers when they pick up player cards from Sara; First Aid Kits – it was agreed that AYSA would provide first aid kits for new teams if they want one, and a carton of ice packs will be ordered for each team; Benches and Canopies – She is still waiting for some
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teams to submit the name of their Equipment Manager; as soon as she has a complete list, she will let Rich know and he will schedule an instruction session; he advised that there will already be canopies set up at the fields at meetings; Player Agreement Form – Not all of the teams had the forms at their team meetings; Sandy will send the document to Krista for distribution to the team managers; the forms need to be signed by the players, and managers should keep them in their binders; Sounders Game – Krista will look into group tickets for RVS.
AYSA Annual Fundraiser: Chris Vance advised the new Team Board Reps that for many years in the past, the annual fundraiser to support the Scholarship Program has been an Auction/Dinner/Raffle, but the consensus of the
Board members was that it was getting harder and harder to coordinate. As the new VP, John Bomar will chair a committee to decide what to plan for this year’s fundraiser. He asked for volunteers to be on the committee, and the following people volunteered: Mike Hargett, Rich Hargett, Valinda Horstman, and Jolene Robinson.
Next meeting: The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on July 21, 2014, at the Valley Regional Fire
Authority Headquarters.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
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