
Egypt Unit
“I CAN” Statements
_____ I can identify the location of ancient Upper and Lower Egypt and know what the terms
_____ I can identify on a modern map the location of modern countries Egypt and Sudan.
_____ I can create visual representation of the structure of Egyptian society including: pharaoh
as god/king, dynasties, at least one ruler, the relationship of pharaohs and peasants, and the
role of slaves.
_____ I can explain the religion of ancient Egyptians using evidence from informational text.
_____ I can reproduce a map of ancient Egypt that includes the Mediterranean and Red Seas,
the Nile River and Delta, and the areas of ancient Nubia and Egypt.
_____ I can recognize and explain why Egyptians settled along the Nile River.
_____ I can compare and contrast the lives of individual Egyptian citizens in ancient Egypt.
_____ I can summarize important achievements in Egypt including tools, agriculture, irrigation,
the invention of a calendar, features of art, architecture, the evolution of writing, and the
invention of papyrus.
_____ I can describe ancient Egypt’s writing system and its influence on people.
_____ I can create a timeline identifying the Old, Middle, and New Kingdom time periods of
Egypt that includes major cultural achievements.
_____ I can evaluate the significance of: Menes, Khufu, Hyksos invasion, Ahmose, King Tut, and
Queen Hatshepsut
_____ I can locate and describe the Kush civilization and its political, commercial, and cultural
relationship with Egypt.
_____ I can compare and contrast the religious, social, and political structures in Mesopotamia
and Egypt.
_____ I can investigate and explain the evidence used by archaeologists to make connections
between the kingdom of Kush and Egypt.
_____ I can explain the economic importance of the Nile River to ancient Egypt.
_____ I can identify types of Egyptian artifacts by pictorial representation.