File - Nikki killen

Honors English
ENG 102
Nikki Killen
Semester Course 2013-2014
Clinton-Massie High School
Room 214
937-289-2109 ext. 2214
Course Description:
Prerequisite – For Juniors –B^ in Advanced English 10 & English teacher referral
For Seniors – minimum grade of a B in junior level English class and referral from English teacher
For Juniors planning on attending college or Advanced Seniors who want a challenge
This course is in preparation for the College Literature courses. Students will learn to complete in-depth
analysis of literary devices, author’s purpose, and author’s style. We will study works from numerous
disciplines and time periods. Students will also learn the different modes of writing for college essays and
their expectations. This is a writing intensive course and will require summer reading and writing, which
will be due the first day of school.
Required Texts:
Frankenstein- Mary Shelley
A Tale of Two Cities- Charles Dickens
Midsummer Night’s Dream- Shakespeare
Sula- Toni Morrison
Other selected short stories, essays, and poems
Classroom Policies:
Due Dates- It is expected that course work be completed on time. Due to the nature of the high
expectations of this class, handing work in after it is due will result in half credit. If work is not
submitted by the 2nd day, you will not receive credit.
If there are reasonable circumstances that prevent submitting your work in on time, you will
need to make prior arrangements with me.
Performance Expectations- This is a college level course, which means that you are expected to
write, present, and analyze at a level that meets collegiate expectations. Sloppy grammar and
weak formatting will result in the lowering of your grade by at least a letter grade. Treat all work
as formal.
Cheating- Plagiarism and copying answers (on tests or on worksheets) are not acceptable…ever.
This will result in a zero for the assignment and a detention (for the first offense). Urbana
University will also be notified of your academic misconduct. Should you partake in this behavior
again, it is Urbana policy that you be removed from their program. Zeroes will again follow with
your high school scores along with further disciplinary action.
Disability policies- Should you be on an IEP or 504 plan, be sure to meet with me at some time in
the first week of school to discuss our plans to meet your identified goals.
Attendance- Missing in class discussions and instruction can only hinder your progress in this
course. While I understand that advanced high school students are pulled out of class for a
multitude of reasons, missing more than 3 days without a valid excuse will result in a loss of a
letter grade. See me if there are issues with your attendance so that we might develop a plan to
keep you abreast of the instruction and development happening in the classroom.
Student Grievances- Should you disagree with a grade or academic misconduct charge, see page
13 and 14 in your catalog for directions.
Urbana Communications- You will be given an email account through Urbana University. It is
expected that you check this account daily for notices and correspondence.
Semester Schedule and Assignments
Vocabulary Units will be taught throughout the year with biweekly tests
Practice comes from Latin and Greek Roots vocabulary workbook
Monthly journaling will occur through REX entries (topics of their choice)
Honors English Yearlong Plan
Dates might fluctuate due to progress in class
3 Weeks
Grammar: ID verbs, nouns, gerunds, subject vs. predicate, sentence structure (clauses and punctuation
that follows)
Essential Questions:
- What constitutes humanity?
- What role does our environment and upbringing have in our decision making?
- What is the difference between guilt and being guilty?
Literary work:
Point of View- 3 narrators (chart and reasons for narration)
Development of characters- chart and class discussion
Views of Monster- post views and respond
Solitude quotes- post examples of these in history
Understanding of how diction and imagery work (creation scene)- class discussion and work
Romantic Literary Elements:
Nature Analysis- chart- done in groups
Read portions of Paradise Lost- discuss connections to monsterTrial- group divided into 3 characters (Frankenstein, Monster, Society). Prepare arguments for
who is at fault and prepare a defense for “yourself”.
Trial with counter arguments will follow preparation
Essays- Definition Essay- What is a man?…or what is a monster?
Science- questions of ethics and Scientific or technical progress
Argument Essay
Work on clear thesis, main idea statements, and examples
Introduce appeals to audience and logic with argument in essay
Poetry: Romantic poetsWilliam Blake- “Tyger,” “The Lamb,” “The Chimney Sweeper”
Keats- “Ode on a Grecian Urn,” “When I Have Fears”
Wordsworth- “The Tables Turned,” “The World is Too Much With Us”
Shelley- “Ozymandias”- group analysis and present explication of poem
Walstonecraft- “A Vindication On the Rights of Women”
Papp and Kirkland- “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”
Cochise- “I Am Alone”
Summative Assessment: Frankenstein test
A Tale of Two Cities 8 Weeks (3 spent on paper)
Essential Questions:
- What role does poverty play in decision making?
- What is the significance of personal sacrifice?
- What are the necessary core components of a strong and effective government?
Grammar: Continued sentence structure, parallelism, Irregular verbs, Joint ownership, pronounantecedent agreement, pronoun consistency
Literary work:
Characterization- Madame Defarge, Sydney Carton, Lucie Manette, Stryver
Imagery- analysis of imagery throughout novel- different types
Historical connections- background readings (news articles from time
Chart- extremes of society
Allegory- who the characters represent
Theme analysis- strong statement walk and response
Parallel elements in book- chart and analsis of themes
Essay Assignment- Process Essay- How does violence become the norm?
Paper Assignment:- Analytical paper- goes from pre-writing to publication stage
Focus on the process of writing
Imagery and its contribution to theme in novel.
Focus on choice of examples, clear thesis and main idea statements, explanations that
connect the imagery to theme
Victorian Writing and Historical Essays:
“Evidence Given Before Sadler Committee- testimony on the child labor laws
News accounts of the storming of the Bastille, the guillotine, and St. Antoine’s
Environment- analysis of rhetorical devices in editorials
“Death and Other Grave Matters”- dealing with time period
“My Last Duchess”- Browning
“To George Sand: A Desire” and “To George Sand: A Recognition”- Barret
“Dover Beach”- Matthew Arnold
“The Lady of Shallot”- Tennyson
Summative Assessment- A Tale of Two Cities Test
Non-fiction Essay Work 1 Week
News Article analysis and active reading strategies.
Midsummer Night’s Dream 3 Weeks (begin research for research paper)
Essential Questions:
- What are methods of “translating” Shakespeare?
- What are effective methods of solving relationship problems?
- How do the different social classes deal with life’s problems?
Grammar: Active and passive voice, combining sentences, misused words, collective nouns
Literary Work:
Format for Shakespearean prose and poetry
Understand historical nature of social norms in England
Diction, Symbolism, Allegory
PerformanceTranslation of scenes, performance with backdrop, costumes
Essay- College Admission Essay
Business Writing- cover letters, Resumes, Memos
View and critique samples of these
Essay- Cause and Effect Essay- What causes relationships to suffer- parental,
friendships, romantic?
Shakespearean Sonnet analysisDisplay process of analyzing odesAssessment- students responsible for analyzing one in class
Assessment- Midsummer Night’s Dream Test
Research Paper- choose a topic that requires a stance or position. Students will be responsible for the
Conducting valid research
Including references to the sources’ credentials within the writing
Submitting a correct WC pg, note cards for research, a body paragraph, a final
Sula 5 Weeks (2 weeks for finishing of research paper and speech)
Essential Questions:
- Is right and wrong a defined perspective (black and white) or is there a varied view of morality
and right and wrong (grey)?
- What is true friendship?
- What common threads exist between differing people?
- How should we deal with betrayal and pain?
Grammar: Idioms, review of punctuation rules-compound sentences vs. compound predicates,
verb tenses consistency
Literary Work:
Symbols, Imagery, Allegory
Setting Analysis
Research paper- topic of student choice- process piece
Controversial topic involving research and persuasion
Focus on valid research and citations
Formal presentation of research findings
Discuss effective power points, interaction with power points, vocal inflection, etc.
Post-Modern poetry and essays
“Still I Rise,” “Phenomenal Woman,” “Our Grandmothers”- Angelou
Essays by Angelou from Wouldn’t Take Nothin’ For the Journey Now
Editorials and articles on social issues surrounding teens, family,
identity, and views of “right and wrong”
Assessment- Sula Test