Software Testing 2

Damian Gordon
Born May 11, 1930
Died August 6, 2002
Born in Rotterdam,
A Dutch computer
scientist, who received
the 1972 Turing
Award for fundamental
contributions to
“Testing shows the
presence, not the
absence of bugs”
“Program testing can
be used to show the
presence of bugs,
but never to show
their absence!”
Let’s call that Principle #1:
Testing shows the presence of defects, but
if no defects are found that is no proof of
Principle #2:
Exhaustive Testing is impossible, all
combinations of inputs and preconditions
are impossible to test, instead of this it is
important to focus on risk analysis and
Principle #3:
Early Testing is important, test as soon as
possible and focus on defined objectives.
Principle #4:
Defect Clustering, a small section of code
may contain most of the defects.
Principle #5:
Pesticide Paradox, using the same test cases
over and over again will never lead to
finding new defects – review them regularly.
Principle #6:
Testing is Context Dependent, safetycritical software is tested differently to an ecommerce site.
Principle #7:
Absence-of-Errors fallacy, if the system
does not fulfil the users needs, it is not
Planning and Control
Planning and Control
Analysis and Design
Planning and Control
Analysis and Design
Implementation and Execution
Planning and Control
Analysis and Design
Implementation and Execution
Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
Planning and Control
Analysis and Design
Implementation and Execution
Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
Test Closure Activities
Understanding the goals and objectives of
the customers, stakeholders, and the
project, and the risks that testing is
intended to address.
This gives us the mission of testing or the
test assignment.
To help achieve mission, the test strategy
and test policies are created
◦ Test Strategy: An overall high-level approach, e.g.
“system testing is carried out by independent
software testers”
◦ Test Policies: Rules for testing, e.g. “we always
review design documents”
From here we can define a test plan.
Test Plan:
◦ Determine the scope and risks and identify the
objectives of testing. We consider what software,
components, systems or other products are in
scope for testing
Test Plan:
◦ Determine the test approach (techniques, test
items, coverage, identifying and interfacing with
the teams involved in testing, testware)
Test Plan:
◦ Implement the test policy and/or the test strategy
Test Plan:
◦ Determine the required test resources (e.g.
people, test environment, PCs): from the planning
we have already done we can now go into detail;
we decide on our team make-up and we also set
up all the supporting hardware and software we
require for the test environment.
Test Plan:
◦ Schedule test analysis and design tasks, test
implementation, execution and evaluation: we will
need a schedule of all the tasks and activities, so
that we can track them and make sure we can
complete the testing on time.
Test Plan:
◦ Determine the exit criteria: we need to set criteria
such as coverage criteria (for example, the
percentage of statements in the software that
must be executed during testing) that will help us
track whether we are completing the test activities
This phase focuses on moving from more
general objectives to tangible test
conditions and test designs.
We start by designing some Black Box tests
based on the existing specification of the
testing. This process will result in the
specifications themselves being updated,
clarified, and disambiguated.
Next we identify and prioritise the tests, and
select representative tests that relate to the
software that carry risks or are of particular
Next we identify the data that will be used
to test this software. So this will include
specifically design test data as well as “likelive” data.
It may be necessary to generate a large
volume of “like-live” data to stress-test the
It is important that the “like-live” data
doesn’t include real customers names, etc.
If there would be any confidentiality issues.
Finally we design the test environment setup and identify any required infrastructure
and tools.
Including support tools such spreadsheets,
word processors, project-planning tools,
We build the tests based on test cases.
We may set up testware for automated
We need to plan that the set-up and
configuration will take significant time.
Prioritise test cases
Group together similar test cases into a test
suite, which usually share test data
Verify that the test environment has been
set up correctly
Execute the test suites following the test
Log the outcome of test execution and
record all important information.
Compare actual results with expected
results, and report any discrepancies as
Repeat test activities as a result of action
taken for each discrepancy.
Comparing test execution to stated
objectives of the development.
Exit criteria (c.f. Fagan inspection) are
requirements which must be met to
complete a specific process, might be
“testing team completes and files testing
Check test logs against criteria, is all
evidence present and fully documented
Assess if more tests are needed
Write a Test Summary Report for
Test closure activities include:
◦ Check all deliverables have been delivered
◦ Finalise and archive all testware such as scripts,
infrastructure, etc. For future projects.
◦ Evaluate how testing went and analyse lesson
learned for future projects.
Independent Testing – who is a tester?
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
Independent Testing – who is a tester?
A tester is coming to the process from a
critical perspective, unlike a designer or
developer who are working positively or
optimistically towards the project, the tester
must always focus on judging and
Independent Testing – who is a tester?
Suppose you were going to cook a meal to enter in a
competition for chefs. You select the menu, collect the
ingredients, cook the food, set the table, and serve the
meal. If you want to win, you do each task as well as you
Suppose instead you are one of the judges evaluating the
competition meals. You examine everything critically,
including the menu, the ingredients, the methods used,
keeping to time and budget allowances, choice of
ingredients, the elegance of the table setting and the
serving, and the look and taste of the meal. To
differentiate between the competition chefs, you'll praise
every good aspect of their performances but you'll also
note every fault and error each chef made.
So it is with software testing: building the software
requires a different mindset from testing the software.
Independent Testing – who is a tester?
This is not to say that a programmer cannot
be a tester, or a tester cannot be a
programmer, and in fact in many
organisations people assume both roles at
different time.
The programmer is usually the first line of
testing since they will be testing elements of
the programs as they are writing the code,
and will be finding and eliminating errors
before anyone else sees the code.
Independent Testing – who is a tester?
The big problem is that it’s hard to spot
issues with your own work, so someone who
is independent of the development process
is better to review and judge.
Independent Testing – who is a tester?
Several levels of independence can be
identified, listed here from the lowest level
of independence to the highest:
◦ tests by the person who wrote the item under test
◦ tests by another person within the same team,
such as another programmer
◦ tests by a person from a different organizational
group, such as an independent test team
◦ tests designed by a person from a different
organization or company, such as outsourced
testing or certification by an external body
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
Some people on a team want to get the
project done and delivered as quickly as
possible, whereas others what to ensure
that a bug-free system is delivered.
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
If people are unclear as to the amount of
testing that has to be done to complete the
test strategy, or if development takes longer
than anticipated, there may be pressure to
truncate the test process.
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
When a tester is checking code, if they
detect errors they perceive this as a good
thing, we have found defects or failures in
the system.
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
However many developers take great pride
is their work, and the software they write
becomes personal to them, from their
point-of-view any flaws that are uncovered
about the system could be taken as a
personal attack on them.
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
Communicate findings on the product in a
neutral, fact-focused way without criticizing
the person who created it. For example,
write objective and factual incident reports
and review findings.
◦ Don't gloat - you are not perfect either!
◦ Don't blame - any mistakes are probably by the
group rather than an individual.
◦ Be constructively critical and discuss the defect
and how you are going to log it.
Why do we sometimes not get on with the rest
of the team?
Explain that by knowing about this now we can
work round it or fix it so the delivered system is
better for the customer.
◦ Say what you liked and what worked, as well as what
didn't work.
◦ Show what the risk is honestly - not everything is high
◦ Don't just see the pessimistic side - give praise as well
as criticism.
◦ Show what risks have been uncovered and the benefits
of the review or test.
Why do we sometimes not get on with the rest
of the team?
Start with collaboration rather than battles.
Remind everyone of the common goal of better
quality systems.
◦ Be polite and helpful, collaborate with your colleagues.
◦ Try to understand how the other person feels and why
they react as they do.
◦ Confirm that the other person has understood what
you have said and vice versa.
◦ Explain how the test or review helps the author what's in it for them.
◦ Offer your work to be reviewed, too
Why do we sometimes not get on with the
rest of the team?
Maybe we could use the Six Thinking Hats?