Name:_________________ ECO-WARRIORS STEWARDSHIP AWARD NOMINATION Summative Assignment There are many notable individuals from countries all around the world who have made significant contributions towards addressing the most pressing environmental issues of our day. Whether they are business leaders, politicians, academics or celebrities, these stewards of the earth, or “Eco-Warriors,” have set an example of how people can have an enormous impact on the future of our planet. You will select an Eco-Warrior who has made a significant contribution to addressing or creating awareness about an environmental issue in the 21st Century. You will create a nomination submission for the Global Stewardship Award - an incredibly prestigious honour for exceptional environmental stewardship - that will be used to judge their eligibility for the award. Choose an individual from the list below, or discuss your Eco-Warrior request with your teacher. You will document this individual’s contributions by creating an interactive Popplet Profile (or other type of visual presentation like a Google Map, Prezi, iBook, Google Site etc). Your presentation format must include a minimum of 10 entries (popples, slides, pins etc) and include the following headings: Biography: A short biography of the individual written in your own words (~250 words) Environmental Issue of Focus: An overview of the environmental issue they are involved with addressing and the geographic region of the issue (5WsH) (~250 words) Involvement and Contributions: How the individual became involved with the issue in the first place and the contributions s/he makes to address it. Identify 3-5 practical examples of projects/initiatives/policies they have been involved with creating or supporting (~200 words) Nomination Pitch: A two-paragraph pitch that identifies why this individual in particular should win this prestigious award. Avoid repetition of information from other sections of the assignment. Include a wide variety (6+) of visuals, digital maps, pictures, video clips etc. of the individual, the issue, and geographic location of the issue, to make the presentation interactive and engaging A properly formatted APA or MLA bibliography that includes 4 reliable sources (min.). You can include this as a separate popple/pin on your presentation. PLEASE MAKE YOUR PRESENTATIONS PUBLIC SO I CAN VIEW IT! Paul Nicklen Vandana Shiva Jane Goodall Al Gore Julia Hill David Suzuki Prince Charles Wangari Maathai Severn Cullis-Suzuki Maude Barlow Naomi Klein Franz Weber Barry Commoner Margaret Atwood Jane Fonda Elizabeth May Ed Burtrinsky Name:_________________ ECO-WARRIOR ASSIGNMENT RUBRIC Expectations Level 4 (80-100%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 2 (60-69%) Level 1 (50-59%) Knowledge and Understanding Profile Content Biography Issue overview Involvement and Contributions 20 marks Demonstrates exceptional level of k/u of the individual, environmental issue, involvement and contributions. All information is included and accurate. Thinking Nomination Pitch 10 marks 15 marks Very high level of critical thinking evident in nomination pitch. Conclusions connect to their work and contributions. Selection of visuals and media in the Popplet demonstrate exceptional level of critical and creative thinking. Application Issue Overview: Applies 5WH research format 5 marks Applies 5WH approach with great effectiveness to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the ERM issue. Demonstrates some level of k/u of the individual, environmental issue, involvement and contributions. Some information is included and accurate. Some evidence of critical thinking in nomination pitch. Conclusions somewhat connect to their work and contributions. Selection of visuals and media in the Popplet demonstrate some level of critical and creative thinking. Applies 5WH approach with some effectiveness to ensure a understanding of the ERM issue. Demonstrates very limited to no k/u of the individual, environmental issue, involvement and contributions. A lot of information is missing or inaccurate. Very limited evidence of critical thinking in nomination pitch. Conclusions somewhat connect to their work and contributions. Selection of visuals and media in the Popplet demonstrate very limited level of critical and creative thinking. 5WH approach not used to ensure a understanding of the ERM issue. Research sources, variety and bibliography 5 marks Wide variety of sources (4+) used to inform the Popplet profile. Proper MLA or APA format respected. Demonstrates significant level of k/u of the individual, environmental issue, involvement and contributions. Most information is included and accurate. Significant level of critical thinking evident in nomination pitch. Conclusions connect to their work and contributions. Selection of visuals and media in the Popplet demonstrate significant level of critical and creative thinking. Applies 5WH approach with significant effectiveness to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the ERM issue. Selection of visuals and media 5 marks 10 marks Communication Organization, clarity and overall presentation 5 marks Length, interactivity and engagement 5 marks Spelling and grammar 5 marks Variety of sources (3) used to inform the Popplet profile. Proper MLA or APA format respected. Popplet is extremely well organized, clear and easy to read. Popplet is well organized, clear and easy to read. Popplet is somewhat organized, but hard to follow in parts. Popplet is extremely interactive and engaging. Proper length requirement. Popplet is interactive and engaging. Additional information can be added. Popplet is somewhat interactive and engaging. Additional information needs to be added. Spelling and grammar have been peer-edited. Only a few spelling and grammar errors. 15 marks K/U:____/20 Some variety of sources (2) used to inform the Popplet profile. Thinking:____/15 Application:____/10 _____/60 Several spelling and grammar errors. Additional research is necessary. 1 source used to inform the Popplet profile. Popplet is difficult to read and follow. Popplet is lacks visuals and media to make it interactive and engaging. Additional information needs to be added. Spelling and grammar errors detract from message. Communication:____/15