File - Ms. Strait's Class Website

September and October 6th Grade Reading Blog Posts
Thursday, October 29, 2015
- Silent Reading (annotate)
- checking Wordly Wise today!
- Wordly Wise answers overview
- Papa’s Parrot discussion sheet
norms, discussion
reflection tomorrow in class!
- Study Vocabulary words!
- Vocabulary Test tomorrow!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
- Silent Reading (annotate)
- Papa’s Parrot discussion sheet
norms, discussion
continue tomorrow
- Wordly Wise exercises 4E
- Checking Wordly Wise books tomorrow!
- Vocabulary Test this Friday!
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
- Silent Reading (annotate)
- Review Character Flaw Notes
- Papa’s Parrot discussion sheet
norms, discussion
continue tomorrow
- Wordly Wise exercises 4C and 4D
- Vocabulary Test this Friday!
Monday, October 26, 2015
- Silent Reading (annotate)
- Checking annotations today!
- Word Study time (10 minutes)
- Review Character Flaw Notes
- Papa’s Parrot discussion sheet
- norms, discussion
- Wordly Wise exercises 4a and 4b
- Vocabulary Test this Friday!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
TURN IN: Vocabulary Test #3 Make-ups
- Silent Reading (annotate)
- Checking annotations today!
- Review Character Flaw Notes
- Papa’s Parrot Short Story (read/STEAL chart)
- Papa’s Parrot discussion sheet
- Answer Papa’s Parrot Discussion question
- Keeping up with annotations in IRN
Wednesday, October 22, 2015
- Silent Reading (annotate)
Checking annotations tomorrow!
- Review Character Flaw Notes
- Papa’s Parrot Short Story (read/STEAL chart)
- Papa’s Parrot finish reading and STEAL chart
- Keeping up with annotations in IRN
- Vocabulary Test #3 Make-ups due tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
- Silent Reading (annotate)
Checking annotations on Thursday!
- Wrap up STEAL chart discussion for The Stray (turn in both chart and short story!)
- Character Flaw Notes
- Keeping up with annotations in IRN
-Vocabulary Test #3 Make-ups due Thursday!
Monday, October 19, 2015
- No Silent Reading today!
- Checking annotations on Thursday! (Making at least 3 each day)
- Reading Goal reflection
- Reading log update
- Review Characterization Notes
- Characterization and The Stray
- The Stray STEAL chart if not completed in class
- Keeping up with annotations in IRN
- Vocabulary Test #3 Make-ups due Thursday!
Friday, October 16, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
checking next week!
- Review Characterization Notes
- Some videos?
Thursday, October 15, 2015
TURN IN: The Stray plot diagram
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
- Characterization Notes
- Quick Write
- Cool Videos/Discussion
- Characterization and The Stray
Review the short story we read this week The Stray. Fill out a STEAL chart based on the
character of Doris. (Use your annotations to your advantage.)
Homework: Complete STEAL chart of Doris!
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
- Vocabulary Test return tomorrow!
- Short Story The Stray
Review plot diagram video
Read story with partner
Wrap up plot diagram of The Stray on a separate piece of paper!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
TURN IN: Socratic Seminar worksheet if you didn’t on Friday
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
- Vocabulary Test: returning tomorrow!
- Short Story The Stray (Quick write, Read story with partner, Annotate!)
Friday, October 9, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
- Vocabulary Test!
- Checking annotations!
- Socratic Seminar about identity- write your reflection of the seminar and turn in sheet!
Thursday, October 8, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
- Word Study: check exercises (3D as a class)
- Socratic Seminar about identity
review yesterday, wrap-up and reflection
- Vocab test TOMORROW!
- Checking annotations TOMORROW!
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
TURN IN: Vocabulary Test #2 Make-ups
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations!)
- Word Study Check-in
- Socratic Seminar about identity (review yesterday, wrap-up and reflection)
- Wordly Wise 3A-3E exercises due tomorrow!
- Vocab test on Friday!
- Checking annotations on Friday!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations in your book!)
- Vocabulary 2 Make-up due Tomorrow!
Good example of make-up response: 5. I think the correct answer for number 5 is D which
would be noble
I wrote the answer was B, however, this is wrong because the word does not mean unrealistic. I
believe the real answer is D because this word means tall or high and the question is asking for
a synonym of the word.
- Establish class norms for discussion
- Arrange desks/chairs in a circle
- Socratic Seminar about identity
- Wordly Wise 3A-3E exercises due Thursday!
- Vocabulary 2 Make-up due Tomorrow!
- Vocab test on Friday!
- Checking annotations on Friday!
Monday, October 5, 2015
Turn in: Vocabulary Test Question Make-up/Reading Goal if you haven’t
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations in your book!)
- Word Study time with partner
- Charles annotating practice
- Socratic Seminar Question Sheet
- Answer Socratic Seminar question for tomorrow!
- Vocabulary Test #2 Make-ups by Wednesday!
- Vocab test on Friday!
Friday, October 2, 2015
- Silent Reading
- Checking annotations today!
- Vocabulary Test
- Independent Reading Work Time
Make a reading goal for this novel
What do you want to work on?
On a notecard:
Write at least 1 reading goal for yourself to focus on in the coming weeks
summarizing, noticing characters, understanding the plot diagram, reading X amount of
Wrap up reading goal
Vocabulary Test #1 Make-ups are due MONDAY (see below for more information)
Thursday, October 1, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations in your book!)
- Checking your annotations tomorrow!
- Vocabulary Test from last week!
- Make-up words you missed! (by Monday!)
- Go over Wordly Wise exercises
- Vocab test tomorrow!
- Vocab Test #1 Make-ups due Monday (will not be accepted after Monday!)
Vocabulary Test Make-ups
1. Review the questions you got incorrect
2. Determine what you think is the correct answer
3. Write why you got the question wrong and explain why you think it is this new answer.
Example: I wrote the answer was B, however, this is wrong because______. I believe the real
answer is ______ because this word means_____and the question is asking for______
Make-ups will not be accepted after the due date (MONDAY 10/5)
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations in your book!)
- Charles annotating practice (how to make inferences)
- Bring Wordly Wise book tomorrow!
Wordly Wise Exercises 2E
Vocab test on Friday!
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
- Silent Reading (make 3 annotations in your book!)
- Charles annotating practice (how to make inferences)
- Wordly Wise Exercises 2C & 2D
- Vocab test on Friday!
Monday, September 28, 2015
- Overview Wordly Wise words
- Charles annotating practice
- how to make inferences
Inference Notes:
Reading between the lines
Inference=what I know already+what I read in the text
Helpful sentence starters:
I can infer….
When ___________, it could mean that….
How the character acts/feels/thinks tells the reader…..
The text says….
- Wordly Wise Exercises 2A & 2B (need to bring book every day!)
- Vocab test on Friday!
Friday, September 25, 2015
- 10 minutes of silent reading (every day!)
- Vocabulary Test!
- Homework if not finished: Independent reading task: Summarize what you have read this
On a piece of scrap paper, please summarize what you have read this week in your IRN. Include
title and author at least once
Also, identify what part of the plot diagram you are at in your novel and how you know this
Example: I am currently reading about the character of ______ and they are coming into all of
these conflicts. These conflicts are….. This is part of the exposition and rising action.
Homework: Bring Charles reading back to class on Monday
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Turn in any missing work! (Check Student Portal of Gradebook!)
- 10 minutes of silent reading (every day!)
- Wordly Wise overview (go over 1E)
Homework: Study Vocabulary!
Vocabulary Test TOMORROW!
Check out for more practice and games!
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Turn in any missing work! (Check Student Portal of Gradebook!)
- 10 minutes of silent reading (every day!)
- Wordly Wise overview (go over 1C and 1D)
- Charles story overview (how to annotate, respond to text evidence)
Homework: Read exercise 1E and complete questions 1-6 at home! (we will finish the rest in
Vocabulary Test on Friday!
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
- 10 minutes of silent reading (every day!)
- Wordly Wise overview (go over 1A and 1B)
- Charles story overview (how to annotate, respond to text evidence)
Homework: Exercises 1C and 1D in Wordly Wise
- Vocabulary Test on Friday!!! (over Wordly Wise Lesson 1 Words)
Monday, September 21, 2015
- 10 minutes of silent reading (every day!)
- Reading Logs
- Wordly Wise overview-Experience with Vocabulary
- go over Unit 1 words
- Pixar short film and diagram (if time allows)
Homework: Exercises 1A and 1B in Wordly Wise
Friday, September 18, 2015
- Bellwork: What should you do when you are absent in Ms. Strait's class?
- 10 minutes work on Grimm PD
- Pixar short film and modeling of plot diagram
- Watch a Pixar short film and create Plot Diagram on separate sheet of paper (should all be on
Day and Night
Dug’s Special Mission
For the Birds
Knick Knack
Tin Toy
- Find and bring IRN starting Monday! (a book you are reading or never read before)
Thursday, September 17, 2015
- Bellwork: 2 reading recommendations for Ms. Strait and Ms. Marquez
- How to chose an independent reading novel
- Review PD and work time on fairy tale plot diagram
- Make a plot diagram for a story/novel/fairy tale of your choice (separate sheet of paper)
- Find and bring IRN (Independent reading novel) starting Friday!
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
- Bellwork: What does Ms. Strait mean when she asks you to find text evidence?
- Plot Diagram Notes
- Groups of 3
Will receive a copy of Grimm’s Fairy Tales
Read the fairy tale individually and put a star next to plot diagram elements
Discuss the tale as a group and create a detailed plot diagram
Prepare to talk about your story to the class (tomorrow)
Homework: We ran out of time!
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
- Bellwork: What is a statement of inquiry? Why do we have a unit question in reading?
- Reading Assignment: Charles Short Story
- Finish reading assignment and table at the end of the packet.
- Write paragraph about Laurie. What do you think of him as a character?
Monday, September 14, 2015
Reading Class:
- Bellwork: Who are you?
- Finish Learner Profile Assignment from Friday
Homework: What do you like about the stories you read?
Friday, September 11, 2015
- Learner Profile Overview and partner assignment are due by end of period
- start thinking about an independent reading novel. (More on this next week)
Thursday, September 10, 2015
- Learner Profile Overview and partner assignment
- Parent Letter, Academic Honesty, and Parent Questionnaire with signatures are due!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
- Turn in Student Interest Survey
- Reminder to bring magazines tomorrow!
- Hand-print Activity--This will be worth 15 points (10 for information, 5 for decoration)
1. Trace your hand on the paper
2. Include the following on your hand-print:
Your name
3 traits to describe you (on fingers)
2 interesting things about you (on fingers)
Decorate the rest to show off who you are as a person; be creative!
- Pass out Reading and Writing notebooks--Your name and subject (Reading or Writing) should
be on the notebook! Bring to class everyday!
- Tomorrow 9/10: Bring magazines for a class project!
- Friday 9/11: Parent Letter, Academic Honesty, and Parent Questionnaire with signatures are
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
- Procedures
- Overview of Ms. Strait's website and syllabus
- Paperwork: Family Questionnaire, Student Interest Survey, Parent Letter, Academic
Honesty/Syllabus overview
- Post-It Classroom Norms activity
- Due Tomorrow 9/9: Getting to know you survey
- Due Friday 9/11: Family Questionnaire, Parent Letter/Academic Honesty/Syllabus signature
**Bring magazines from home for Thursday and Friday!**