
UNIDAD 3 Lección 2
• Government elections
• Portraits and instruments from Puerto
Rico and Peru
• Quinceañeras in Puerto Rico and Peru
• Meals in Puerto Rico, El Salvador, and
Puerto Rico
• Easternmost island of the Greater Antilles, lying
approximately 1,000 miles southeast of Miami.
• Puerto Rico’s interior terrain is mountainous
Puerto Rico
Ruled by Spain from 1493-1898
Capital: San Juan
1917: Puerto Ricans were granted U.S. citizenship
However, they have chosen to remain a selfgoverning commonwealth of the U.S.
• Puerto Rican students are required to study English
as a second language
La sobremesa
• In many Spanish-speaking countries, families share
time together at the table long after a meal is over.
This custom is called La sobremesa.
Las elecciones en Puerto Rico
• Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United
• Puerto Ricans have U.S. citizenship
• Puerto Ricans living on the mainland can vote in
presidential elections.
• On the island, Puerto Rican vote for their
governor and local legislature.
Political Parties in Puerto Rico
• Partido Popular Democrático
– Favors the current political status
• Partido Nuevo Progresista
– Wants Puerto Rico to become the 51st State
• Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño
– Supports independence from the U.S.
Los Retratos
Rafael Tufiño
Born in New York and moved to parents’
homeland, as a child.
Work reflects the people and culture of PR
In addition to paintings like Lavandera, he painted
many portraits of his mother, giving them the title
These portraits came to represent PR
women overall.
Los Retratos
Fernando Sayán Polo
• From Peru
• Reflects the people of his country through his
• Niña campesina sonriente depicts a young girl
wearing traditional Andean (Peruvian natives)
La quinceañera
La quinceañera
• ¿Qué fiesta en Estado Unidos es similar a la
fiesta de quinceañera?
• ¿Cuántas damas de honor tiene una
quinceañera en Perú?
• ¿Cuándo tienen la fiesta las chicas de Puerto
Un repaso en inglés
Similar to a sweet sixteen
For 15 year old girls
14 or 15 maids of honor
Eat food typical to the country
1. ¿Qué tipo de ropa es?
2. ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?
3. ¿Qué color de ropa
4. ¿De qué estación te
gusta más la ropa?
1. ¿Qué tipo de ropa es?
2. ¿Cuánto cuesta(n)?
3. ¿Qué color de ropa prefieres?
4. ¿De qué estación te gusta más la ropa?