Susan M. Pojer Ho race Greeley HS Chappaqua, NY The Geography of Iran Iranian Oil Resources Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, Prime Minister of Iran Became Prime Minister in 1951. Nationalized the fo reign oil companies. Got rid of co rrupt military officials. Was toppled in a coup aided by the America CIA in 1953. The Shah of Iran returns to power. Q4 Shah Reza Pahlavi (r. 1941 – 1977) Institutes Western refo rms & ties with the West . But, the majo rity of his people live in poverty. Brutal suppression Q5 The Shah & His Wi fe, Farah Iranian elite/upper- and intellectual classes: very pro-Western. “The White Revolution” 1. 2. 3. 4. The Shah’s Refo rm Program (1963) Land refo rm – 90% of Iran’s peasants became land own ers. Massive government-financed heavy industry projects. Granted women mo re political power – the right to vote. Poured government mon ey into education – especially in rural areas where illiteracy was very high. The Shah at Geo rge Washington’s Home, 1950s The Shah with Several American Presidents The Shah with President Jimmy Carter Reasons fo r the Fall of the Shah The Shah spent the oil profits fo r top of the lin e American military hardware. Little mon ey to reinvest back into the Iranian economy. Religious leaders angry with the Shah fo r too much “Westernization.” Government co rruption. Anti-Shah Protests The Shah’s Chief Oppon ents? 1. Oil field wo rkers. 2. Students and other intellectuals. 3. Middle class busin essmen. 4. Iranian nationalists. Q6 Anti-American Pin (1960s) Iranian Students Protest in Beverley Hills Anarchy & Revolution The Shah leaves Iran on 1/16/79. Ayatollah Khomeini Leads the Revolution Khomeini returns to Iran on February 11, 1979. Q7 Ayatollah Khomeini (r. 1979-1989) 1902 – 1989. Became an Islamic scholar (studied in Qom). Began to speak out against the Shah in the 1960s. Arrested and imprison ed Triumphant Muslim Clerics & Iranian Soldiers A theocracy is created! Q8 SAVAK Suspects Taken The Fate of the Shah’s Gen erals Iran Revolutionary Poster When the devil leaves, the angel returns! American Embassy in Tehran Taken Over Q9 52 Americans Held Hostage fo r 444 Days! President Carter Becomes a Hostage, Too Hostage Rescue Disaster 52 American Hostages Released in Jan., 1981 The Khomeini Revolution Women in Iran A woman’s hijab represents her Islamic and mo ral values. Political Cartoon Commentary The dictato rshi p is gon Suppo rt fo r the Palestinian Cause Funds Hamas and Hezbollah. The Ayatollah with Yasir Arafat. The Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988) Q10 The Iran-Iraq War: Taking Sides Secretary Rumsfeld & Saddam Hussein: 1983 Iraqi Soldiers At the Front 375,000 Iraqi casualties & 60,000 POWs! Iranian Soldiers Over 1,000,000 Iranian casualties! Q11 Khomeini’s Death (Jun e, 1989) Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamen ei The Ayatollah represents the fundamentalist Mullahs. Ayatollah Khatami The Ayatollah is considered a political moderate. Q12 Suppo rt fo r the Shi’ites in Iraq Today Moqtada al-Sadr, radical Shi’ite leader in Fallujah, Iraq Another Nuclear Power? US satellite photo of Iranian nuclear facility n ear Arak. An American view of Iranian nuclear power PINOCCHIAYATOLLAH Scott Stantis A view of Iran’s nuclear power from Al-Jazeerah Nobody else (particularly Iran and Arab countries) should have nuclear weapons except Israel, says Another Future Revolution? A “Shah” in the Waiting? Reza Pahlavi (III?), 43 year-old son of the deposed Shah. Bibliography “23 Year Picto rial Histo ry of Iran.” http://home.att.n et/~iranshahr/ “” “Iran Hostage Anniversary.” www.cbsn ries/2001/01/18/ CBS News.