Computer Science at UCSB • Phill Conrad CS Dept. Faculty Advisor • Benji Dunson CS Dept. Staff Advisor Joseph Collichio Leif Dreizler Brynn Kiefer Lane Meier Reasons to study CS at UCSB • Top 10 department in research quality according to National Research Council rankings S: (1) Stanford, (2) Princeton, (3) MIT, (4) CMU, , (6) Harvard, (7) UC Berkeley, (8) Penn, (9) Cornell, (10) Columbia R: (1) Stanford, (2) Princeton, (3) MIT, (4) UC Berkeley, (5) CMU, (6) Cornell, (7), Illinois (UIUC), (8) UNC, (9) UCLA Learn more at • Outstanding Courses • Recently revised undergraduate curriculum (to better reflect current real-world software development) • Three different degree options • More • Undergraduate research • Education Abroad (EAP) • Array of Talks series... Good Job Outlook • From CNN Money: – Information technology #1 in list of “10 hot careers for 2012 and beyond” • Search for yourself on “” – “Information Technology” • Lots of Santa Barbara companies offering internships: – RingRevenue, AppFolio, Citrix, … Good news / Bad news • If you were admitted to CS—awesome news: – No more pre-major—you start as a FULL CS MAJOR – We will make sure you get the classes you need to be able to graduate in four years • If you want to change major into CS: – Good news: process streamlined (no more “pre-major”) • take CS 16,24,40 (B or better), Math 3ABC, 5A (C or better) – But it may be impossible to get into the classes you need – There is just enough space for CS/CE/EE majors • And this is true at many schools throughout U.S. – Best advice: • If you want to study Computer Science, choose a school where you were admitted to Computer Science. Three options for studying CS at UCSB Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Best for most students Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with emphasis in (pick one): • Computational Biology • Computational Economics • Computational Geography College of Engineering College of Letters and Science College of Creative Studies Traditional Computer Science Program. Combine CS with Biology, Economics or Geography. Strong lower division preparation, strong upper division core, many elective choices. Opportunities for undergrad research in 3rd and 4th years. Great opportunity for interdisciplinary study. For very advanced students only—requires separate application. Emphasis: independent study, early involvement in research. 1st and 2nd year courses Math 3A. Calculus w/ Applications I Math 3B. Calculus w/ Applications II Math 3C. Differential Eq/Linear Algebra I Math 5A. Differential Eq/Linear Algebra II Math 5B. Vector Calculus w/ Applications PSTAT 120A. Probability and Statistics CS8. Introduction to Computer Science (Python) CS16. Problem Solving with Computers I (C) CS24. Problem Solving with Computers II (C++) CS32. Object-Oriented Design & Implementation (C++) CS40. Foundations in Computer Science (Math and Logic) ----------------------------------------CS48. Computer Science Project (C++) CS56. Advanced Applications Programming (Java) CS64. Computer Organization & Logic Design (Assembly) BS degree BA degrees 3A CS8 3B 3A CS16 CS8 3B CS16 3C 120A 5A 5B CS40 CS64 CS24 3C CS32 5A CS48 120A CS56 5B CS24 CS40 CS32 Sample Course Schedule, BS/CS