Physical Inventory Release 9.2 February 25, 2013 Copyright 2013 Invera Inc. All Rights Reserved. Invera Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Invera) has prepared this document for use by its personnel, licensees and customers. The information contained herein is the property of Invera and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval from Invera. Invera reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Invera to determine whether any such changes have been made. The terms and conditions governing the licensing of Invera software consist solely of those set forth in the written contracts between Invera and its customers. No representation or other affirmation of fact contained in this document, including but not limited to statements regarding capacity, response-time performance, suitability for use, or performance of products described herein shall be deemed to be a warranty by Invera for any purpose or give rise to any liability of Invera whatsoever. STRATIX is a Trademark of Invera Inc. Web: Invera Corp. Invera Inc. Email: 5090 Richmond Avenue, #540 4333 St. Catherine Street West, Phone: (514) 935-3535 Houston, TX 77056 Westmount, Quebec H3Z 1P9 Fax: (514) 935-3850 U.S.A. Canada STRATIX 9.2 PHYSICAL INVENTORY Table of Contents 1. PHYSICAL INVENTORY OVERVIEW ............................................................................................... 7 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 Suspending Warehouse Operations during a Physical Inventory .................................. 7 1.1.2 Physical Inventory Features ........................................................................................... 8 1.1.3 Physical Inventory Flow Diagram ................................................................................. 12 Recommended Business Procedures ........................................................................................ 14 1.2.1 Pre-Count Procedures .................................................................................................. 14 1.2.2 Count Sheets ................................................................................................................ 14 1.2.3 Reconciling Count Discrepancies ................................................................................. 14 1.2.4 Verification Prior to Update ......................................................................................... 16 1.2.5 Verification after Update ............................................................................................. 16 1.2.6 Post Count Procedures ................................................................................................ 16 Physical Inventory Functions .................................................................................................... 18 1.3.1 Creating a New Physical Count .................................................................................... 18 1.3.2 Count Parameters (IN.0500.30) ................................................................................... 18 1.3.3 Creating the Pre-Count Quantity of Perpetual Inventory ............................................ 20 1.3.4 Distributing Count Sheets ............................................................................................ 21 1.3.5 Accessing a Count ........................................................................................................ 21 1.3.6 Inventory Count Access (IN.0500.05) .......................................................................... 22 1.3.7 Inventory Count Browse (IN.0500.20) ......................................................................... 22 1.3.8 Count Detail Browse .................................................................................................... 24 1.3.9 Printing the Variance Report ....................................................................................... 27 1.3.10 Reconciling Count Discrepancies ................................................................................. 31 1.3.11 Updating the Count...................................................................................................... 32 1.3.12 Deleting a Physical Count............................................................................................. 34 1.3.13 Special Cases ................................................................................................................ 34 PHYSICAL INVENTORY VARIANCE REPORT ................................................................................. 36 2.1 2.2 2.3 Overview ................................................................................................................................... 36 2.1.1 Target Audience ........................................................................................................... 36 Report Selections ...................................................................................................................... 39 General Rules ............................................................................................................................ 40 2.3.1 Record Selections ......................................................................................................... 40 2.3.2 Variances ...................................................................................................................... 40 Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 6 of 51 STRATIX 2.4 2.5 3. 2.3.3 Conditions .................................................................................................................... 40 Data and Totals ......................................................................................................................... 42 2.4.1 Primary Source of Data ................................................................................................ 42 2.4.2 Grouped By .................................................................................................................. 42 2.4.3 Detail Lines Sequenced By ........................................................................................... 42 2.4.4 Control Breaks By ......................................................................................................... 42 2.4.5 Page Breaks By ............................................................................................................. 42 2.4.6 Data Totaled By ............................................................................................................ 42 Report Structure ....................................................................................................................... 45 2.5.1 Report Field Description .............................................................................................. 45 PHYSICAL INVENTORY INSTALLATION GUIDE ............................................................................. 48 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Prerequisite Applications .......................................................................................................... 48 Enterprise Parameters .............................................................................................................. 48 3.2.1 Setup Parameters ........................................................................................................ 48 Execution Options ..................................................................................................................... 48 Grid Display Configuration ........................................................................................................ 49 Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company 1. PHYSICAL INVENTORY OVERVIEW 1.1 Introduction A Physical Inventory is the process of counting inventory within a Warehouse to verify that the actual products and quantities on-hand match the Perpetual Inventory count kept in the STRATIX inventory. A Physical Inventory can be performed at any time during a fiscal year. Any adjustments made to the Perpetual Inventory as a result of a Physical Count are recorded for Transaction tracing and accounting purposes. The STRATIX Physical Inventory procedure involves the following manual and computer assisted steps: Creating a Physical Count control record by entering the Count Parameters Freezing the Pre-Count quantity of the items to be counted Creating and distributing Count Sheets for the Count Takers Entering the results of the Count Printing the Physical Inventory Variance Report Verifying and reconciling the differences between the Pre-Count and Count quantity Posting Product Item information changes or Location changes to the Perpetual Inventory items as required Adjusting Inventory Reservations for Count quantity variances Finalizing the Count quantity adjustments with the Physical Inventory Update procedure Products are selected for the Count based on pre-defined parameters of Warehouse, Product, Warehouse Zone, Location, Bought For and Ownership criteria. Variances between the Count and the Perpetual Inventory are verified and reconciled prior to adjustments being made during the Count update. 1.1.1 Suspending Warehouse Operations during a Physical Inventory It is a prudent policy that all Warehouse level inventory operations in the count area are suspended until the count taking is completed and the items recorded on the Count Sheets. This prevents confusion in identifying the items to be counted. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 8 of 51 STRATIX In addition, any new Inventory Receipts or Production Jobs that have been recorded but are not yet finalized should be identified. These transactions should be finalized and updated or the Product Items being created by the transactions must be excluded from the Count since Transient items cannot be adjusted via the Physical Inventory procedure. Once a Count is configured and the Pre-Count Inventory items and their quantities are frozen within the system, Warehouse operations can continue other than the areas affected by the Count. 1.1.2 Physical Inventory Features The following features are provided in the Physical Inventory Count application: __ Timing of Counts STRATIX provides for Physical Inventory Counts to be taken at any time during a year. This allows warehouses to break up the count and reconciliation of different products or areas of the warehouse. Each individual count can then be completed in a short period of time without affecting daily operations. __ Multiple Counts Multiple Counts for different combinations of Warehouse, Warehouse Zone, Location or Product can be taken at the same time. This provides warehouse flexibility to assign personnel to each Count for the greatest efficiency. __ Inventory Movement during Count Reconciliation It is recommended that all operations in the count area are suspended until the Count is updated, but if necessary the Physical Inventory procedure allows normal Warehouse operations to restart while a Count is being reconciled. This permits new receipts or shipments to be made while variances between the Pre-Count and Physical Count are verified or recounted. Since the Physical Count uses a copy of the Perpetual Inventory quantities frozen prior to the Count, the quantity of each item to be verified is static until the Count is finalized. The Stock Adjustment Report should be printed after a Count is updated to provide a list of changes made to the Perpetual Inventory. __ Variety of Count Options Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 9 of 51 STRATIX Each type of Physical Count contains multiple options to identify the scope of the Count to be performed and the classification of Product Items to be included in the Count. This includes options for: Warehouse Warehouse Zone Warehouse Location Product Ownership Bought For ‘Not Counted Since’ Date __ Initial Load of Inventory One of the Count Types that is provided gives the ability to manually load new Inventory for system conversion and live startup. This type of Count allows a warehouse to enter and reconcile its inventory during a system conversion using the same Warehouse or Production options as for a verification of existing inventory. In the New Inventory entry, each Product Item is added manually. Any reference data applicable to the item can be added as needed. A Cost rate is also entered for each Item so that the Product Item can be created with the current inventory cost. If the Product is costed using an Average Cost method, this new item value will be added to the applicable Cost Pool. Costs cannot be entered for Vendor or CustomerOwned Product Items. __ Reconciliation of Quantity The Physical Count procedure provides for on-line reconciliation between the Count quantity and the Pre-Count quantity for each Product Item. Variances are automatically calculated and displayed. The Physical Inventory Count Detail screen and Variance report both provide exception options to scan for items that have a Variance, that have no Count quantity entered or that are Reconciled. This identifies the problem items that need to be investigated and adjusted. __ Physical Inventory Variance Report The Physical Inventory Variance Report is used to: Display variances between the Perpetual Inventory and the counted Inventory. Verify that all Pre-Count Product Items are accounted for. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 10 of 51 STRATIX Verify new Product Items entered in the Count to ensure that the Count entries were classified correctly. Identify cases where a new Product Item has been entered in error leaving an unaccounted PreCount item for the same Product. __ Automatic Update of Adjusting Entries STRATIX provides for automatic posting of Inventory quantity adjustments to the Perpetual Inventory for the reconciled count variances. The difference between the Pre-Count and the Physical Count quantities is posted as an addition to, or reduction from, the Product Item quantity On-Hand. Differences in Value arising from the quantity adjustment are computed and applied to the Product Item Specific Cost or its Cost Pool according to the costing method for the Product. __ Inventory Adjustment Tracing Each Adjustment entry creates Inventory Transaction History records to log changes made to the Perpetual Inventory from the Count so an audit trail is maintained. Workflow Message Logging Logging and user notification of any warning or error messages encountered during the Count update is provided via the STRATIX Workflow Messaging subsystem so that corrective action can be taken to fix the Product Items that are in error. Multi-User Count Entry The Physical Count Entry function supports multiple users updating the same Count but different PreCount records. This reduces the data entry time to complete Count entry and reconciliation by permitting different users to enter portions of a Count. Example: Different users may enter Counts for specific Zones or set of Locations or specific Products. _ User Group Access Rights for Creation of New Counts To ensure Inventory Counts are not created by unauthorized personnel, user group access rights control access to the creation of Counts. The Physical Inventory Count Creation access right does not restrict users from creating a ‘New Inventory Count’ to add new stock. This option is always available to allow users to enter Products Items found in a Warehouse. All other Count Type options will not be available if the user group does not have access. _ Setting Product Items with a ‘Last Count Date’ Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Page 11 of 51 All Product Items counted on an Inventory Count are set with the update date of the Inventory Count. The ‘Last Count Date’ can be used to verify that all Product Items in a Warehouse have been reviewed or counted in an Inventory Count during a required period such as in the last year. Only Physical Inventory can set (or reset) the ‘Last Count Date’. The ‘Last Count Date’ applies to all Stock Keeping Methods. If an item was never counted on a Physical Inventory Count, then it will not have a ‘Last Count Date’. _ Physical Inventory Flow The Physical Inventory Flow diagram below displays the major functions and business procedures of a Physical Inventory. The manual business procedures are defined by a User Activity and are described in the next section. The functions that are provided for in the Physical Inventory Count application are defined as a User-System Activity or System Activity in the diagram and described in the Physical Inventory Function section. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 12 of 51 STRATIX 1.1.3 Physical Inventory Flow Diagram Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 13 of 51 STRATIX Inventory Count Screen Flow Browse existing or enter new Inventory Count Invt Count Access IN.0500.05 In vt Co un t Br o ws e In vt Co un t De tai l Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invt Count Browse IN.0500.20 Invt Count Detail IN.0500.25 Displays all Open Counts for a Warehouse Displays Product Items on a selected Count. Allows Count quantities and New Product Items to be entered. Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 14 of 51 STRATIX 1.2 Recommended Business Procedures 1.2.1 Pre-Count Procedures It is recommended that operations affecting inventory are temporarily suspended while Count is performed in a specific area. The implications of shutting down operations are dependent on the Count Parameters selected. A full Warehouse Count will imply that all operations are suspended. A Location Count will have less of an impact on operations since only a specific Location is affected. This procedure will increase the accuracy of the Count and prevent errors from occurring while counting the inventory. The Stock Status Detail report should be printed for a list of the Pre-Count inventory. This report should be maintained for reference until the Count is updated in case there are questions about the items, quantities or costs prior to the Count. 1.2.2 Count Sheets Count Sheets for recording the physical count should be organized by Warehouse Zone, Location and Product to facilitate the Count Entry. In order to verify and reconcile Count Sheets once they’ve been returned, a Count Sheet should include a Page and Line number for each Product Item counted. The Counter’s name can be signed on each Count Sheet for reference. 1.2.3 Reconciling Count Discrepancies Variance Report Verification The Variance Report should be reviewed to ensure that all Pre-Count Product Items have been accounted for. If no quantity is entered for the Pre-Count Product Item then it must be confirmed that the item was not found by the Count Taker. If a Count Sheet Page and Line number were entered for Counted Product Items, the Count Sheet can be easily referenced to ensure that no entry errors occurred. Product Items that are marked as having an Inventory Transaction History record should be verified since this indicates that a change was made to either the Product Item or its quantity since the PreCount quantity was frozen. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 15 of 51 STRATIX The current On-Hand quantities and Product characteristics of the Perpetual Inventory can be verified using the Stock Available Inquiry to determine what change occurred. If differences exist, the supervisor should investigate by accessing the Inventory Transaction History Inquiry to find the transaction that caused the difference and then adjust the Pre-Count Product Item accordingly. If the Product Item’s current On-Hand Pieces, Measure and Weight are accurate i.e., they are equal to the pieces, measure and weight that were physically counted, then the PreCount Product Item should be flagged as ‘counted’. This will ensure that the Count ‘Update’ function does not adjust the Product Item since there is no quantity variance. If the Product Item’s current On-Hand Pieces, Measure and Weight are not accurate then the Count Quantity should be adjusted to ensure that when the variance is applied the end result will be accurate On-Hand Pieces, Measure and Weight. E.g.: A Product Item starts with an On-Hand Quantity of 100 kgs but some is shipped during the count. Pre-Count Count Variance On-Hand Count is generated 100 0 100 100 25 kgs are shipped to a customer 100 0 100 75 Physical verification shows only 60 kgs in the warehouse. Since the actual variance is 60 – 75 = -15 kgs we want to enter 85 in the Count Qty. 100 85 -15 75 Count is Updated 100 85 -15 75 - 15 = 60 E.g.: A Product Item starts with an On-Hand Quantity of 100 kgs but more is received during the count. Pre-Count Count Variance On-Hand Count is generated 100 0 100 100 35 kgs are received 100 0 100 110 Physical verification shows 120 kgs in the warehouse. Since the actual variance is 120 – 110 = 10 kgs we want to enter 110 in the 100 110 10 110 Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 16 of 51 STRATIX Count Qty. Count is Updated 100 110 10 110 + 10 = 120 If the Product Item was deleted by a transaction outside of the Physical Inventory, the PreCount Product Item must be deleted from the Count to prevent an error from occurring at update. All new Product Items entered will appear in the Variance Report with a Count Item Status of ‘N’. The new Product Item needs to be verified to ensure that it does not already exist as an unaccounted item or as a Transient item. __ Specific Cases 1. If the new Product Item is found against the unaccounted items with a discrepancy between one or more Product characteristics then an Inventory Adjustment must be made to the Pre-Count Product Item to correct the discrepancy. The new Product Item must be deleted from the Count. 2. If the new Product Item is found as Transient then the item must be deleted from the Count. A list of all Transient items can be obtained by printing the Stock Status Detail report. 1.2.4 Verification Prior to Update Verify that all Count Sheets have been returned and accounted for. Print a final Variance Report to ensure that all Count entries and corrections have been completed. Confirm that final variances have been explained and marked as Reconciled. 1.2.5 Verification after Update The Session log should be verified to ensure that no errors were encountered during the update of the Count. If errors were encountered, the Product Item with the error must be corrected before attempting to re-run the update. 1.2.6 Post Count Procedures __ Print Reports The Stock Status Detail Report should be printed for reference after a Count is updated to provide a final, detailed snapshot of the new On-Hand and Available Inventory and its Value. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 17 of 51 STRATIX The Stock Adjustment Report should be printed after a Count is updated to provide a list of changes made to the Perpetual Inventory from the Count. The report will also provide the total change in value created by the Count. To view only the transactions made from a specific Count the following selections can be entered: the Warehouse in which the Count took place, the activity date of the Count, the Physical Inventory reference prefix ‘PH’, the Adjustment reference prefix ‘AJ’, and an Adjustment Reason of Physical Inventory. The Inventory Movement Summary Report can be printed to provide a total change in weight and value of inventory for a specific time period. __ Link to Test Sets and External Test Certificates If the Test Certificate functions are used, a link is established with Test Sets and External Test Certificate Catalogs for each new item so the certification can be printed when it is shipped. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 18 of 51 STRATIX 1.3 Physical Inventory Functions 1.3.1 Creating a New Physical Count A new Physical Count can be created at any point throughout the year. The user initiates the creation of a new Count by specifying the Count Type and entering the Count Parameters in the Count Parameters window. Product Items in the Perpetual Inventory are included in the Count based on the Count Parameters entered. 1.3.2 Count Parameters (IN.0500.30) Example: If the Count Type selected is Warehouse Zone, then entry of a specific Warehouse Zone is required for the Count. Only Product Items that are located in the specified Warehouse Zone will be included in the Count when the Pre-Count Inventory is generated. If the optional entry is made for Ownership within the Zone, then only Product Items located in that Warehouse Zone for the specified Customer are included in the Count. All Physical Counts operate within one specific Warehouse. The Warehouse is defaulted from the Preferences Warehouse. Multiple Warehouses cannot be selected. __ Count Type The Count Type determines which Count Parameters become available for entry. The following table provides a list of the Count Types and corresponding Count Parameters. Count Type Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Count Parameter Optional Count Parameter Entry Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 19 of 51 STRATIX Count Type Count Parameter Warehouse Default Warehouse Preference Warehouse Zone Warehouse Zone Location Location Product/Dimension (Frm, Grd, Size, Fnsh, Dim) Product/Dimension Wildcards can be entered for Grade, Size and Finish. Ranges are permitted for Dimensions. Optional Count Parameter Entry Location Picking Frequency Rank (Future Implementation) Location Picking Frequency Rank (Future Implementation) New Inventory __ Ownership An option is provided by Ownership to further qualify any of the Count Types selected. The following is a list of options for Ownership: Company-Owned All Non–Company-Owned Customer-Owned (All Customers or a specific Customer ID can be entered) Vendor-Owned (All Vendors or a specific Vendor ID can be entered) __ Bought-For An option is provided by Bought-For to further qualify any of the Count Types selected. The following is a list of options for Bought-For: Bought-For All Customers Bought-For Specific Customer Bought-For All Salespersons Bought-For Specific Salesperson Bought-For Stock only Bought-For Direct Ship/Buyout __ Not Counted Since This option selects Product Items that have not been counted since the specified date. __ Reference Information Entry of the following reference information is available for each Count creation: Count Reason Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 20 of 51 STRATIX Remarks Count Date __ New Inventory Count The New Inventory count does not follow the same procedural flow as all other Count Types. The purpose of this Count is to add new Product Items into the system therefore it does not generate a copy of Perpetual Inventory. No Count Parameters are available, only reference information can be entered. Product Items in different Locations can be added in the same Count session. All Product Items are considered as new. Entry of all Product attributes, costs and quantities are required. The Inventory Adjustments window is available to add or modify detailed Product information for any item. A precaution must be taken to ensure that the same Product Item is not accidentally inserted twice since no validation is provided by Product and Stock Keeping fields. 1.3.3 Creating the Pre-Count Quantity of Perpetual Inventory Once the Count Parameters are saved the Count Items can be generated. The generation can be executed from the Physical Inventory Count Browse. Product Items in the Perpetual Inventory that match the criteria established by the Count Parameters are copied to create a separate Count Item file. The Pre-Count quantities for the selected Product Items are frozen in this table so they can be compared to the Count quantity entries. This procedure allows normal operations to continue in the warehouse after the inventory is counted and count reconciliation is taking place. The Count Parameters cannot be changed after the Count is generated. Only the reference information for the Count is available for change. A Product Item may not be included in more than one Physical Count at the same time. Once a Product Item is included on a Count it is marked and excluded from appearing on any other Count. If any overlapping Count Parameters exist, the duplicated Product Items will be included in the Workflow Messages created form the Count Generation function so the user is aware of the error. If this occurs, the Parameters in error should be changed or special care must be taken to ensure the Counts are performed properly. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 21 of 51 STRATIX Locations included in the Count are marked with a status of Count In Process once the Physical Inventory has begun. The Location Status will be used by the Location Recommendation function (future implementation) to determine whether a Location is available for stocking inventory. __ Exclusion Conditions Transient and Planned Product Items are excluded from the Pre-Count list. 1.3.4 Distributing Count Sheets Count Sheets are pre-formatted inventory count sheets used to record product information, dimensions, and counted pieces, measure, weight of the inventory counted. Count Sheets are distributed to the Count Takers to perform the Physical Count. The format of the sheets is determined by each company according to their count methodology and the types of products the Warehouse carries. Count Sheets are not generated by STRATIX. Refer also to the Physical Inventory Recommended Business Procedures section under Count Sheets. 1.3.5 Accessing a Count Two Access Methods are available to access the details of an existing Count to perform Count entries or reconcile the inventory variances. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 22 of 51 STRATIX 1.3.6 Inventory Count Access (IN.0500.05) __ Count Reference Number Each Count is assigned a unique Count Reference number when it is created. The user can enter the Count Reference number to access the details of the Count and perform a Count Entry. __ All Open Counts Displays a list of all open Counts in the Physical Inventory Count Browse. Only the parameters of the Counts are displayed. A specific Count can then be selected to access the details of the Count and perform a Count Entry. 1.3.7 Inventory Count Browse (IN.0500.20) Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Page 23 of 51 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 24 of 51 STRATIX 1.3.8 Count Detail Browse Once a Physical Count is selected, the Count Detail Browse displays all Product Items that have been included in the Pre-Count plus any New Items that have been added in the Count. For each Product Item, the Product, Dimension and Stock Keeping Method information is shown along with the Pre-Count, Count and Variance Quantities. Product Items are sequenced by Warehouse, Warehouse Zone, Location and Product. __ Making a Count Entry Entry of the Physical Count is accessible from the Count Detail Browse. The user works from the Count Sheet to enter the Counted quantity for each Product Item. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 25 of 51 STRATIX __ Product Item Entry (OM.0130.00) __ Search If the Count Sheets are not already organized by Warehouse Zone, Location and Product, a search can be performed from the Pre-Count list to find the Product Items that appear on the Count Sheet. Since many Product Items may be included on one Count a search for an individual item can be made using one or more of the following options: Location Product (Form, Grade, Size, Finish). Wildcards can be entered for Grade and Finish. Ranges are permitted for Numeric Sizes. Variance Type (three options are available for entry) New Product Items only. Unaccounted only. Product Items with a Pre-Count quantity and a zero or blank Count quantity are selected. Variance only. Product Items with a positive or negative variance between the Pre-Count and Count quantity. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 26 of 51 STRATIX Non-Reconciled Only. Selects only non-reconciled Product Items. Count Sheet Page number and Count Sheet Line number Order Fulfillment Entry of a Sales Order or IP Job number. Only the Prefix and number are mandatory entries. CPS (Customer ID, Part number, Revision) Wildcards are permitted for Part number. All Revisions can be selected. Heat/Mill Tag/ID Lift ID __ Entering the Counted Quantity If the Counted Product Item is found from the Pre-Count list, then the user only needs to enter the Counted quantities if they are different. If there is no discrepancy between the Pre-Count quantity and the Count quantity, the Product Item can be marked as ‘Counted’ without entering the Count quantity. The Pre-Count quantity is defaulted to the Count quantity and automatically considered as Reconciled. If a Product Item is mistakenly marked as Counted, the ‘Undo Counted’ option will revert the Count and Variance quantities back to zero. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 27 of 51 STRATIX The Count Sheet Page and Line number can be entered for each Counted Product Item for quick reference and faster reconciliation against the Count Sheet in the case of variances. __ Adding a New Product Item If a counted Product Item cannot be found in the Pre-Count list, the counted Product Item is entered as a New Item. All Product information, quantities and costs must be entered. For Average costed products, the average cost is defaulted and can be overridden if necessary in the Cost Adjustment window. Access to the entry of costs is controlled by the ‘Cost Adjustment’ access right. Access to override the defaulted Cost can be restricted by enabling the ‘Protect Default Cost’ Execution Option. When this EXO is enabled the user cannot modify the Material Cost that was defaulted by the system. If the system could not default a Cost the user can make a manual entry. Costs cannot be entered for Vendor or Customer Owned Product Items. Entry of a Count Sheet Page and Line number is optional. The Inventory Adjustments window is available to add or modify detailed Product information. New Product items are given a quality based on the Default Quality (DFLT-QLTY) execution option. While a Count is open, the new Product Items can be consumed on a Production Recording. The Product Items that are produced from this Production Recording therefore inherit the attributes of the New Product Items. If the New Product Items are subsequently modified in the open Count, the system does not adjust the Produced Product Items. As a procedure, the Produced Product Items should be manually changed through Inventory Adjustments after the Production Recording has been Updated. __ Deleting Pre-Count Product Items A Pre-Count Product Item can be deleted from the Physical Count if a change was made to the Product Item’s characteristics and it no longer applies to the Count or if it was incorrectly added as a new item. Example: 1.3.9 Count Type is by Product for AA/5086/2214/*. If an adjustment was required to a PreCount item and the Grade was changed from 5086 to 6061, the Pre-Count item will need to be deleted from the Count as it no longer applies to that Grade. Printing the Variance Report Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 28 of 51 STRATIX The Variance Report is printed once all Product Items for the Physical Count have been counted and entered. The report displays an inventory list comparing the Pre-Count Product Items with the Counted Product Items if a variance exists. Variances are shown in relation to the Pre-Count. Product Items are sequenced by Warehouse, Warehouse Zone, Location and Product. Product Item information is displayed in addition to the Variance quantities and the value of the variance. The following selections are available to select Product Items displayed in the report: Count number Variance Type (options: New, Unaccounted, Variance) Include Reconciled A negative variance indicates that the Counted Product Item is less than the Pre-Count. The value of the variance displayed is based on the Average Cost or Specific Cost of the Product Item. The value can be used to determine the impact of the variance. If a Count Sheet Page Number and Line Number were entered for the Counted Product Items they will be displayed in the report to help in reconciling count discrepancies. The report may be reprinted as many times as required prior to update to verify that all recounts have been entered and the variances are within an acceptable limit. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Page 29 of 51 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Page 30 of 51 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 31 of 51 STRATIX 1.3.10 Reconciling Count Discrepancies Where a variance exists between the Pre-Count quantity and the Count quantity for a Product Item, a re-count of these items may be necessary. _ Accepting the Variance If it is determined that a variance between the Pre-Count quantity and the Count quantity is acceptable, then the variance can be ‘accepted’ and the Product Item marked as Reconciled. All Product Items included in the Count must be marked as Reconciled prior to update. This check is performed to ensure that all items have been counted and reconciled before adjusting the inventory. For each Count Entry, a remark can be entered to justify the reason for accepting the variance. Refer also to the Physical Inventory Recommended Business Procedures section Reconciling Count Discrepancies. _ Making an Inventory Adjustment If it is determined that an adjustment must be made to a Pre-Count Product Item due to incorrect Product Item information or because it was found in a different location, then the Pre-Count Product Item can be adjusted using Inventory Adjustments. This avoids the extra data entry of having to enter a new item and voiding the old item. An Inventory Adjustment can be made to any New or Pre-Count Product Item directly from the Physical Inventory Count application. Once the Inventory Adjustment is updated, an Inventory Transaction History record is created using an Adjustment transaction to record the change to the Pre-Count Product Item. The update of the Inventory Adjustment is not part of the update of the Count. It is recommended that Physical Inventory is selected as the Adjustment Reason in the Activity window upon update. This will allow a quick reference to be made against all Adjustments made during a Physical Inventory. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 32 of 51 STRATIX Refer to the Physical Inventory Recommended Business Procedures section under Verification Prior to Update. Also, refer to the Inventory Control Overview for information on the Inventory Adjustments function. _ Irregular-Drop Plates The usable rectangles and drawing of an Irregular-Drop Plate can be viewed by accessing the Drawing Tool from the Inventory Count Detail screen. The Drawing Tool is displayed in Inquiry only. If changes are required to the usable rectangles or drawing, the Drawing Tool is accessible from Inventory Adjustments. 1.3.11 Updating the Count This function is the final step in completing the Physical Inventory process. Once all discrepancies and variances have been reconciled and the user presses the Update button. Users must be granted access to the Update button via ‘Sensitive Data’. The Update performs the following functions: The Perpetual Inventory is updated with the variances between the Pre-Count and Count quantities. Product Item costs are updated with the current Average Cost or Specific Cost. New Inventory is finalized and added to the Perpetual Inventory. The value of the Product Item is computed using the entered Cost. Depending on the Count Type, the Last Physical Date of the Location or Product is updated. (Future implementation.) Inventory Transaction History records are created to record: Count Parameters and Count Date, Reason and Remarks. Quantity changes made to Product Items included in the Count. New Product Items added. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 33 of 51 STRATIX Deleted Product Items (Pre-Count Product Items with a Count quantity of zero). A check is performed to ensure that all Product Items are marked as Reconciled. An error is issued if a non-reconciled item exists on the Count. Reserved and Applied Product Items – if the Counted quantity is inconsistent with the current reservations against the Product Item, an error is issued. To correct the error the quantities of the Pre-Count Product Item must be verified and adjusted or the reservations will need to be adjusted prior to update. When a Product Item’s On-Hand Weight is affected by the count update the system will automatically adjust the weight of the corresponding Reservation. This is done when the following criteria are satisfied: There is only one Reservation. The Product Item is fully reserved (i.e., Pieces, Measure and Weight) on that reservation. The Product Item’s On-Hand Pieces have not been affected by the count (i.e., old Pieces = new Pieces). If the Pre-Count Product Item no longer exists at the time of update because the Product Item was deleted by another transaction, an error is issued. To correct the error the Pre-Count Product Item must be deleted from the Count. Pre-Count and Counted Product Item records created for the Count are deleted. If no errors are encountered, the Count is marked as Updated. If errors are encountered, the Count is marked as Update in Progress. Errors are written to the Session Log. Only Product Items with an error remaining can be modified from the Physical Inventory Count Detail screen. New Product Items cannot be added. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 34 of 51 STRATIX Refer also to the Physical Inventory Recommended Business Procedures section under Verification after Update and Post Count Procedures. 1.3.12 Deleting a Physical Count If a Count was incorrectly created it can be deleted prior to update under the following cases: The Count is not generated. The Count is generated but all Product Items copied from Perpetual Inventory or any new Product Items added have been deleted from the Count. No Inventory Transaction History record is created if a Count is deleted. 1.3.13 Special Cases The following cases may occur if the current On-Hand quantity differs from the Counted quantity at time of update. NOTE: The current On-Hand quantity must be less than or equal to the adjusted quantity to prevent errors from occurring during update. Example 1: Counted quantity is less than Pre-Count quantity. Pre-Count Qty Counted Qty On-Hand Qty Adjusted Qty 10 8 2 -2 A variance of –2 was identified during the count reconciliation. After the Product Item was counted, but prior to update, a shipment of 8 was made bringing the On-Hand quantity to 2. At time of update, the adjusted quantity of –2 is used to mark down the Product Item to zero. No error is encountered. Example 2: Counted quantity is greater than Pre-Count quantity. Pre-Count Qty 6 Counted Qty 8 Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 On-Hand Qty 0 Adjusted Qty +2 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 35 of 51 STRATIX A variance of +2 was discovered during count reconciliation. After The Product Item was counted, but prior to update, a shipment of 6 was made bringing the On-Hand quantity to 0. Because the Item balance was 0, the Shipment Update deleted the Product Item from Perpetual Inventory. To prevent an error at time of update: The adjusted quantity of +2 should be used to create a new Product Item with a Counted quantity of 2. The Pre-Count Product Item with a Count quantity of 8 must be deleted from the Count. Example 3: Counted quantity is less than Pre-Count quantity. Pre-Count Qty 10 Counted Qty 8 On-Hand Qty 0 Adjusted Qty -2 A variance of -2 was discovered during count reconciliation. After the Product Item was counted, but prior to update, a shipment of 10 was made bringing the On-Hand quantity to 0. The Shipment Update deleted the Product Item from Perpetual Inventory. To prevent an error at time of update: The Pre-Count Product Item with a Count quantity of 10 must be deleted from the Count. The Shipment should be investigated for errors. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company 2. PHYSICAL INVENTORY VARIANCE REPORT 2.1 Overview The Variance Report provides a listing of Product Items included on a Physical Inventory Count with a variance quantity. A variance exists when the Pre-Count quantity of the Perpetual Inventory differs from the Count quantity. The Variance Report is printed for a single Physical Inventory Count performed in a Warehouse. Multiple Physical Inventory Counts cannot be printed on the report. This report is used to: Display variances between the Perpetual Inventory and the Counted Inventory to be used in reconciling Count discrepancies. Verify that all Pre-Count Product Items are accounted for. Verify new Product Items entered in the Count to ensure that the Count entries were classified correctly and no match can be made against the unaccounted Pre-Count items. Provide a total variance value for the Count to be used in posting and adjusting entries to the General Ledger. It will also be kept as a permanent reference for future inquiries. The report should be printed after all Product Items have been entered for the Count and prior to the Physical Inventory Count update. The report can be reprinted as many times as required prior to update to verify that all recounts have been entered and the variances are within an acceptable limit. 2.1.1 Target Audience Inventory Managers use the report as a tool to help reconcile Count discrepancies. Auditors use the report to identify all Product Item variances and the total variance value for the Physical Inventory Count. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Page 37 of 51 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 39 of 51 STRATIX 2.2 Report Selections Selection Field Name Default Business Rules 1. Count Number CNT-NO None Mandatory selection. 2. Variance Type VARC-TYP-1 VARC-TYP-2 VARC-TYP-3 V Options: N New items only. U Unaccounted only. Product Items with a Pre-Count quantity and a zero or blank Count quantity are selected. V Variance only. Product Items with a PreCount quantity and an entered Count quantity that is not equal to the Pre-Count quantity are selected. If no selection is made, all Product Items on the Count are displayed. 3. Include Reconciled N Yes/No option to include Product Items with a variance that is marked as Reconciled. If the selection is set to Yes, then both Reconciled and Non-Reconciled Product Items are included in the report. 4. Report Comments 5. Library ID Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 40 of 51 STRATIX 2.3 General Rules 2.3.1 Record Selections Since the Variance Report is printed for a single Physical Inventory Count, a Count number is a mandatory selection. The Warehouse and Count Date is printed on the first page of the report and applies to all Product Items on the Physical Inventory Count. To narrow the scope of the report, a selection can be made by Variance Type. There are three cases where a Variance can exist for a Product Item. 1. The Product Item was entered as New on the Count. 2. The Product Item appeared in Perpetual Inventory but was not counted either due to an error or because it was not found. In this case the Product Item is considered as Unaccounted. 3. The Product Item appeared in Perpetual Inventory but the Pre-Count quantity is different from the Count quantity. A selection can be also be made to include in the report Product Items marked as Reconciled. This will provide an accurate total variance for the Count. 2.3.2 Variances Variances are shown in relation to the Pre-Count quantity. A negative variance indicates that the Product Item’s Count quantity is less than the Pre-Count quantity. 2.3.3 Conditions If a Product Item appearing on a Count is deleted from Perpetual Inventory, Product information displayed in the report is retrieved from the item’s most recent Inventory Transaction History record. Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company STRATIX Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Page 41 of 51 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 42 of 51 STRATIX 2.4 Data and Totals 2.4.1 Primary Source of Data INTPHO – Physical Inventory Options INTPHY – Physical Inventory Count 2.4.2 Grouped By Warehouse Zone Location Product (Form, Grade, Size, Finish) 2.4.3 Detail Lines Sequenced By Warehouse Zone Location Product (Form, Grade, Size, Finish) Dimension (Width, Length, Outer Diameter, Wall Thickness, Gauge) 2.4.4 Control Breaks By Warehouse Zone Location 2.4.5 None 2.4.6 Page Breaks By Data Totaled By Sum of all Product Items listed on the Report Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 43 of 51 STRATIX Physical Inventory Variance 08/08/01 10:58 PAGE: Product Ga Dimensions D Mil Heat T/L TSQB BgtFor VarP Warehouse WWW Count Date 99/99/99 Whs Zone Location WWW O Owner VarM Ord Ffm VarW VarVal I Pg Ln WWW QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ ZZ9.999W ZZ9’ZZ.ZZZZ-Z9’ZZ.ZZZZ W QQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ WWWW QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ W QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ WW-999999-999-999 -ZZZ,ZZ9 -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ - ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.ZZ W ZZZZ ZZ W W W QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ ZZ9.999W ZZ9’ZZ.ZZZZ-Z9’ZZ.ZZZZ W QQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ WWWW QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ W QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ WW-999999-999-999 -ZZZ,ZZ9 -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ Whs Zone WWW Location - ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.ZZ W ZZZZ ZZ W W W WWW QQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ ZZ9.999W ZZ9’ZZ.ZZZZ-Z9’ZZ.ZZZZ W QQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ WWWW QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ W QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ WW-999999-999-999 -ZZZ,ZZ9 -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ Whs Zone WWW Location - ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.ZZ W ZZZZ ZZ W W W WWW QQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ/QQQQQQQQ ZZ9.999W ZZ9’ZZ.ZZZZ-Z9’ZZ.ZZZZ W QQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ QQQQQQQQQQQQ WWWW QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ W QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ WW-999999-999-999 -ZZZ,ZZ9 -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 - ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.ZZ W ZZZZ ZZ W W W Invera The Metal Information Technology Company U R H 1 Page 44 of 51 STRATIX >> Final Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 -ZZZ,ZZ9 QQQ -ZZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.ZZ Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 45 of 51 STRATIX 2.5 Report Structure 2.5.1 Report Field Description Report Field Field Name Business Rules 1st Grp Heading Formatting Entire 1st Grp Heading is in bold. Warehouse PHO-WHS Printed once on the first page only. Count Date PHO-CNT-DT Printed once on the first page only. 2nd Grp Heading Warehouse Zone LOC-WHS-ZN Location PRD-LOC 3rd Grp Heading Entire 2nd Grp Heading is in bold. Entire 3rd Grp Heading is in bold. Frm PRD-FRM Prints only when there is a change in Frm/Grd/Size/Fns. Compressed format Grd PRD-GRD Prints only when there is a change in Frm/Grd/Size/Fns. Compressed format Size PRM-SHRT-SIZE-DESC Prints only when there is a change in Frm/Grd/Size/Fns. Compressed format Fns PRD-FNSH Prints only when there is a change in Frm/Grd/Size/Fns. Compressed format Gauge PRD-GA-SIZE Gauge Type PRD-GA-TYPE Dimension PRD-WDTH If there are Random Dimensions, printed based on the Dimension Designator of the Product using the Product Formatting standards. Uncompressed format. For Products with Dimension Segregation LD: Dimensions are printed as OD x Length. For Products with Dimension Segregation LDT: Dimensions are printed as OD x Wall x Length. Prod Detail Line PRD-LGTH PRD-ODIA PRD-GA-SIZE (for LDT Products) RDM-RDM-DIM-1 RDM-RDM-DIM-2 Extended Finish PRD-EF-SVAR Up to 10 EF codes are printed, separated by commas Dim. Des. (D) PRD-DIM-DSGN Mill PRD-MILL Heat PRD-HEAT Lot/tag # PRD-TAG-NO Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Only print if PRD-DIM-DSGN = C, M, G, or L. Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 46 of 51 STRATIX Report Field Field Name Inv. Type (T) PRD-INVT-TYP Inv. Status (S) PRD-INVT-STS Inv. Quality PRD-INVT-QLTY Business Rules Formatting (Q) Bought For (B) PRD-BGT-FOR K-Stock should always be suppressed. Bgt For CUS-CUS-NM or If bought for code is C-customer, print CUS-CUS-NM. If bought for code is S-Salesperson, print PSP-SLP. If bought for code is B-Buyout, print the Sales Order Number. If bought for code is K-Stock, leave blank. PSP-SLP or Ownership (O) PRD-OWNR If Ownership code is O, suppress. Owner CUS-CUS-NM If Ownership code is V or C, print Vendor or Customer name. Suppress zeros VEN-VEN-NM Order Fulfillment PRD-ORD-FFM Variance Pieces PHY-CNT-VAR-PCS Variance Measure PHY-CNT-VAR-MSR Measure UM OPT-E-PRT-LGTH-UM or No column heading is displayed for the Measure UM. OPT-M-PRT-LGTH-UM If the Product’s Dimension Segregation is L or SL, the Installation Options Print Length UM is displayed. OPT-E-PRT-AREA-UM or If the Product’s Dimension Segregation is WL or WLG, the Installation Options Print Area UM is displayed. No column heading is displayed for the Weight UM. Based on the Average Cost or Specific Cost of the Product Item. Printed in Base Currency. OPT-M-PRT-AREA-UM Variance Weight PHY-CNT-VAR-WGT Weight UM OPT-E-PRT-WGT-UM or OPT-M-PRT-WGT-UM Variance Value Count Item Status (I) Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 UM is based on the Installation Option Base Measure option. If English, print English UM code, if Metric print Metric UM code. UM is based on the Installation Option Base Measure option. If English, print English UM code, if Metric print Metric UM code. CNT-ITM-STS Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 47 of 51 STRATIX Report Field Field Name External Count Sheet Page No (Pg) PHY-ECS-PG-NO External Count Sheet Line No (Ln) PHY-ECS-LN-NO Business Rules Formatting Unaccounted Product Item (U) A ‘U’ is displayed if the Product Item has a Pre-Count quantity but a blank or zero Count quantity. Reconciled Product Item (R) An ‘R’ is displayed if the Product Item is marked as Reconciled. Reconciled Product Items are only displayed if the Include Reconciled option is selected. An ‘H’ is displayed if an Inventory Transaction History record was created for the Product Item since the copy of Perpetual Inventory was created. No column heading is displayed for the Weight UM. Printed in Base Currency. Inventory Transaction History (H) Totals Total Variance Weight Total Weight summed during compilation of the report. Weight UM OPT-E-PRT-WGT-UM or OPT-M-PRT-WGT-UM Total Variance Value Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Total Value summed during compilation of report. Invera The Metal Information Technology Company 3. PHYSICAL INVENTORY INSTALLATION GUIDE 3.1 Prerequisite Applications Application Installation Comments Company Setup Inventory Control 3.2 Enterprise Parameters 3.2.1 Setup Parameters Enterprise Parameter Group Enterprise Parameter System Common Reason 3.3 Specific Field(s) Installation Comments Reason type ‘PHY’ – Physical Inventory Execution Options Execution Option Program Option Name Type Installation Comments Default Quality inzphy DFLT-QLTY M Used to identify the default Quality for Product Items created from Physical Inventory. Option Type: M-Mandatory, O-Optional Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Page 49 of 51 STRATIX 3.4 Grid Display Configuration Function Browse Desc Access Method/Form Grid Name Disp Seq Physical Inventory Inventory Count Browse All Open Counts GRDPHYCNT PY Physical Inventory Inventory Count Detail Count Number GRDPHYDET PZ Physical Inventory – 9.2 Licensed Material, February 25, 2013 Invera The Metal Information Technology Company Invera Profile Invera is a leading provider of Internet Vertical Applications for the metal manufacturing, distribution, and processing industries. In business since 1978, Invera is the first and largest software company dedicated exclusively to the metal industry. Invera combines extensive metal industry knowledge, state-of-the-art technology, experienced software development, as well as world-class implementation and support services. Invera is setting the standard for leveraging the Internet and information technology across metal enterprises by implementing global, robust and scalable technology solutions that can be used on the production floor, for order processing, Internet self-service and supply chain management. Invera assists metal companies in rapidly achieving success through in-depth metal knowledge, exceptional software products and proven implementation expertise. In September 2000, Invera released STRATIX, our latest global, fourth-generation product. It provides metal-specific functionality combined with a state-of-the-art technology architecture facilitating optimum operational performance as well as staff productivity and efficiency within metal enterprises. In addition to purchasing and sales functions, STRATIX contains break-through functionality for warehouse and production operations enabling coordinated and integrated logistics for customer order fulfillment. Our commitment to and expertise in the metals industry is endorsed by more than 13,000 users at over 600 sites in the United States, Europe, Mexico, Canada, Mid-East and the Far East. The customer list includes some of the largest, publicly-owned service center chains in the USA, processors, metal mills to small independent processors and distributors. © Copyright 2013 Invera Inc. All Rights Reserved. Invera Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Invera) has prepared this document for use by its personnel, licensees and customers. The information contained herein is the property of Invera and shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written approval from Invera. Invera reserves the right to make changes in specifications and other information contained in this document without prior notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Invera to determine whether any such changes have been made. The terms and conditions governing the licensing of Invera software consist solely of those set forth in the written contracts between Invera and its customers. No representation or other affirmation of fact contained in this document, including but not limited to statements regarding capacity, response-time performance, suitability for use, or performance of products described herein shall be deemed to be a warranty by Invera for any purpose or give rise to any liability of Invera whatsoever. STRATIX is a Trademark of Invera Inc.