Guidelines for Preparation a Two-column Paper for an Engineering

First Author1, Second Author2, Third Author (corresponding)3*
Orgnization, Country name,
Orgnization, Country name,
3* Corresponding autor’s organization, Country name1,
1 e-mail
2 e-mail
Abstract– The Abstract states clearly and concisely what is dealt with in the paper. It is a concise statement of the
questions, general procedure, basic findings, and main conclusions of the paper. There is no need to put citations
or equations here. The abstract must not exceed 200-250 words and 15 rows and write in Mongolian and English.
Please insert your abstract here. English version of the abstract will be posted on internet.
Keywords–Please provide a maximum of five keywords and include the words in the title. Keywords should be in
singular noun.
APNN&ICWSTEM hopes to give these conference by-products a single, high-quality appearance. To do this,
we ask that authors follow some simple guidelines. See Table 1. In essence, we ask you to make your paper
look exactly like this document. The easiest way to do this is simply to download a template form and replace
the content with your own material.
1. Type sizes
The font to be used is 10 points Times New Roman throughout the text, both sides justified. The following
shows a typical font size of our proceedings.
Table 1: Font size and style of the text
Location of text
Name of the Author
Affiliation of the Author
Abstract or keywords
List of symbols
Main text
Section heading
Subsection heading
Figure caption
Table caption
Table text
14 pt
11 pt
9 pt
9 pt
10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
10 pt
9 pt
9 pt
9 pt
9 pt
9 pt
LETTER, bold
Paragraphs, sections, subsections, figures and tables will be 1sp or enter.
2. Format
The top, bottom are 3 cm, left and right margins are 2.5 cm on A4. Do not шиёлгбу header, fooder, footnote
and page numbers. These will be added later when the papers are merged into the proceedings.
3. Equations
Equations are at the left and its indication number at the right and must be in a table as shown below.
Equations could not be moved when we manage whole papers in same standard if you put equations in a table.
When two or more equations are presented, they should be aligned according to the equal (=) or the inequality
sign (<, >). A table that is written a equation should be same as the margins.
3* e-mail
of corresponding author
VTq =
d  1
 Jd(k - 1) tanh
 Jd(k - 1) coth
2  M
k=(q - 1)M +1 
k=(q - 1)M +1
2 Jd(k -
) tanh d
Symbols in your equation should be defined before the equation appears or immediately following. Use ‘(1),’
not ‘Eq. (1)’ or ‘equation (1),’ except at the beginning of a sentence: ‘Equation (1) is …’.
4. Figures style
The annotation of figures must be clear and large enough in size. This is especially important when the figure is
generated automatically from another software package where the size of the annotation is small. The
reference to a figure may use “Fig. 1” because of concise requirements. The figure must be in a table as shown
below. Figures could not be moved when we manage whole papers in same standard if you put figures in a
table. The caption appears at the centre of the line after a figure In the second row.
Fig. 1: Examples of the annotation in a figure
5. Table
Set table number and title in bold, centered above table (See Table 1 as an example).
6. References and Citations
All the citations should be in numerical sequence so easy access by reader. Its style is a square bracket to
enclose the reference number [2]. Block references are in the form [2-4]. Single and block references can be
combined, e.g. [1],[5],[7-9],[15]. The format of references is given at the end of this document.
7. Pages Numbers
Paper should be limited to 8 pages in 297x210mm (A4) inclusive of everything (Figures, Tables, biography
8. Biography
Finally, biography is written at the end of the paper. Please include graduation university, supervisor, research
interests and researches and current pwork. Please write it in English and . English version of the abstract will
be posted on internet.
The “Materials and Methods” section tells how the work was done. This section should be written in the past
tense. Please insert your materials and methods here.
The “Results” section presents in words the major results of the study. Your data should be presented
succinctly in the body of the report and presented in detail as tables or graphs. However, do not present the
same data in both tabular and graphical form in the same paper. Explain your results in detail, speculating on
trends, possible causes, and conclusions. Try to present the principles, relationships, and generalizations
shown by the Results. Please insert your results and discussion here.
The “Conclusion” section states what conclusions can be drawn from the results addresses problems that arose
in your study and how could they be avoided in the future, explains any exceptional aspects of your data or
unexpected results, examines your results for possible errors or bias, recommends further work that could
augment the results of the study you have presented, and states your major conclusions as clearly as possible,
using specific examples from your data. Please insert your conclusion here.
[1] K.W.E. Cheng and P.D. Evans, “Calculation of winding losses in high frequency toroidal inductors using multi-strand
conductors”, IEE Proceedings-Electr. Power Appl., Vol. 142, No. 5, 1995, pp. 313-322.
[2] C.D. Xu, K.W.E. Cheng, H. Zhang, X. K. Ma, K. Ding, “Study of Intermittent Bifurcations and Chaos in Buck-Boost
Converters with Input regulators”, International Conf. on Power Electronics Systems and Applications (PESA), 12-14
Nov 2006, pp. 268-272.
[3] D.E. Goldberg, ‘Genetic algorithms in search, optimisation and machine learning’ (Addison Wesley, 1989).
[4] K.W.E. and Y.P.B. Yeung, “DC to DC converter”, U.S. patent 6853569, Feb. 2005.
[5] P. Midya, “Nonlinear control and operation of dc to dc switching power converters”, Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of Illinois,
Urbana, 1995.
[6] eZdspTM. 2007.
Gautam Banerjee received his B.Tech (Hons) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in 1984, M.Tech and
Ph.D degree from the Indian School of Mines, India in 1994 and 2006 respectively. He is currently working as a Head of the
Longwall Mining Division of the Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India. His research
fields include condition monitoring of mining machines and long wall mining study.
Rakesh Kumar received the B.Sc.(Physics) and M.Sc.(Electronics) from Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribag, Jharkhand,
India and M.C.A. degree from Indira Gandhi National Open University, India in 2003, 2006 and 2007 respectively. He
worked as Project Fellow in Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad, India during 2007-2008. He currently is
working in the Financial Institution, Kolkata, India.