Fall review exam 2015 answered

Fall Exam Review Social Studies 2015
Map Terms (define)
Equator – Line of latitude at 0 degrees.
Scale – Shows how to measure distance on a map.
Continents – Earth’s 7 large land masses.
Hemisphere – Half of the earth.
Prime Meridian – Line of longitude at 0 degrees.
Oceans – There are five oceans; they cover 70% of the earth’s surface.
*For TOADS + L, be able to identify examples of how to use each part of a map (for example Asia is East
of Europe – Orientation).*
Title – Tells you what a map is about. Ex – Physical Map of North America
Orientation- Shows direction on a map. Compass Rose – Cardinal and Intermediate directions.
Author – Shows who made the map. Ex – made by Christopher Columbus.
Date – Show when the map was made. Ex – Map created on Dec. 11, 2015.
Scale – Shows true distance on a map. North is toward the top of the page.
Legend or key – Shows the meaning of color or symbols on a map. Ex – Mountains are marked by a triangle.
You would use this part of a map to know that California is on the West coast of the United States
Compass Rose.
Be aware of the following map standards:
-Continents, countries and states should be in all capital letters.
-The symbol for a capital is a star.
-Use blue for water only.
-Neatness is important.
Be able to locate and label the following on a map:
North America
Pacific Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Indian Ocean
Arctic Ocean
South America
Prime Meridian
Southern Ocean
Be able to locate and label the following on a U.S. map:
Mississippi River
Great Lakes
Great Plains
Rocky Mountains
Appalachian Mountains
Rio Grande
Branches of Government:
The Judicial branch makes up of the Supreme Court (Nine justices nominated by the President and approved
by the senate) and other lower courts.
 Role is to interpret laws.
 Can declare laws unconstitutional.
The Executive branch includes the President (Barack Obama), the vice president, and his cabinet (14
 Role is to enforce laws.
The Legislative branch is made up of the Senate (50 states – 2 from each state) and the House of
Representatives (435 members based on state’s population).
 Role is to make laws.
 Senate and House of Representatives together make up the Congress.
The principal that explains why there are three branches of government is Separation of Powers.
The constitutional principal that allows one branch of government to check the actions of another branch is
Checks and Balances. An example would be the president vetoing a bill sent to him by Congress.
Define the following words:
Patriotism – Love of one’s country.
Limited Government – A government in which all citizens must obey the same laws no matter your
Citizenship - includes both rights (such as freedom of speech) and responsibilities (ex. paying taxes).
The Constitution is the framework for the United States Government.
The Bill of Rights guarantees U.S. citizens individual rights or freedoms.
List the five freedoms named in the first amendment:
1. Speech
2. Religion
3. Press
4. Assembly
5. Petition
List the two types of responsibilities a U.S. citizen has:
1. Mandatory
2. Voluntary
List the four mandatory responsibilities of a U.S. citizen:
1) Obey the laws
2) Pay taxes
3) Serve on a jury if called
4) Males must register for the draft at 18 years.
What type of responsibility is voting? Voluntary
Be able to define and identify examples of Elements of Culture (PERSIA):
*Be able to identify examples of each (In Japan it is a custom to bow as a greeting – Social)*
Political – Who is in charge? How are decisions made? In the US laws are made by the Congress.
Economic – How do people earn a living? Who will work? Does the government control business?
workers in the United States earn wages for their work.
Religious – What is the meaning of life? How does religion effect daily life? A higher power. US citizens
are free to participate in the religion of their choice to search for the meaning of life.
Social / Artistic- How do people relate to each other? Is everyone in society equal? Who is important?
Sporting event or snapchat. How do people express themselves? What art is popular? Ballet as a style of
dance. Hip Hop is a style of music.
Intellectual – How do people learn? Are there schools? What do people learn? In SBISD all students
are required to take ELA every year until they graduate.
Area – How does location effect lifestyle? Climate; Natural resources; Human geography.
Name the four areas that make up Latin America:
2. Countries of Central America
3.Islands of the Caribbean Sea
4. South America
Name the two cultural elements that binds Latin America together to make it a region.
1 .Language – Spanish and Portuguese 2. Religion - Catholic
What type of government does Cuba have? Communist
Define the word embargo To prohibit or stop trade with another country.
Has the United States lifted the trade embargo with Cuba? No
Name the world’s second longest river that cuts across Brazil in South America?
Amazon River
Industrial Revolution
What was the Industrial Revolution (define) A time period when items/products went from being made at
home by hand to being made by a machine in a factory.
Name the country the Industrial Revolution began in. Great Britain
What industry did the Industrial Revolution begin with? Textile (cloth)
List two positive results of the Industrial Revolution.
1. There was more jobs; the middle class was created.
2. More goods available at a cheaper price.
List two negative results of the Industrial Revolution.
1. Environmental pollution
2. Child labor; poor working conditions
Which invention allowed factories to be built away from a water source? Steam engine
Most factories were built in cities. This movement of people caused urban areas to grow.
World War I
Define the following terms which explain the cause of World War I:
Militarism – A nation’s policy to maintain strong armed forces.
Alliances –An agreement between countries that ties their interest together.
Imperialism – The practice of extending a nation’s power over weaker nations.
Nationalism – A strong loyalty to one’s own country, culture, or ethnic group.
Most of the fighting in WWI took place in deep ditches with “no man’s land” in between. What do you call
these deep ditches? Trenches
List the new weapons of WWI?
1. Tanks
2. Airplanes
3. Machine guns
4. Poison gas
World War II
List the Axis Powers:
List the Allied Powers:
1. Germany
2. Italy
3. Japan
Great Britain
Soviet Union
United States
Identify the following terms and people related to World War II
Pearl Harbor The Japanese bombed this US naval base in Hawaii to bring the US into WWII.
D Day June 6, 1944; Allied invasion of Europe at Normandy, France; turning point of the war.
Holocaust Hitler and the Nazi’s extermination of 6 million Jews in Europe during WWII.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki The two Japanese cities the United States dropped atomic bombs on to end
Adolph Hitler Leader and dictator of Nazi Germany during WWII.
Which side won World War II? The Allies.