Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Welcome to Fitness Lifestyle Design. This study guide is designed to help you navigate the course. Start by clicking on the module folders to the left. Start with Module 1 and work your way through each folder numerically. To navigate through each folder use the arrows on the Navigation pane on the left side of the class content window as seen in the following diagram. Use this study guide to record important information as you navigate the course. This will help you with the assignments and assessments. You will come across a three basic types of assignments in addition to the assessments. The First type of assignment is a discussion post. Section 1.02 has one of these. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Click on “Assignments and Assessments folder” at the bottom the “Module 1” folder. Click on “Discussions” folder Click on “1.02 Welcome to Club Med” Click “New Thread” Answer the questions in the box using good spelling and grammar Click “Post” The Second type of assignment is a work file. For example, Section 2.03 has the Family Fitness Survey. 1. Click on the Highlighted text in the lesson 2. Click on “Downloadable” version 3. Complete the activity and save 4. Click on the folder under module M which is labeled “Assignments and Assessments” 5. Click “2.03 Family Fitness Survey” 6. Follow instructions for attaching the completed document. The third type of assignment is workout logs. You may save and submit this as you do other assignment; however, I recommend printing them out and handing me a completed hard copy. In addition to the assignments mentioned above. You will also have to complete assessments (quizzes) on the material in certain sections. Again you will find these in the “Assignments and Assessments” folder. Just click on the answer the questions. next to the corresponding number for the lesson you are working on and Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 1.00-1.01 Make sure you clearly understand how to navigate the course As you submit items for this module submit write the date in chart below. Module One Checklist Projects Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value Date Completed Points Earned 01.00 Welcome 10 minutes N/A N/A 01.01 Guest Services Itinerary Course Information 15 minute N/A N/A 01.02 Activity Club Discussion 15 minutes 10 01.03 Pace and Liability 15 minutes 10 01.04 Safety Drill 20 minutes N/A 01.05 Choice of Team Sport or Group Activity 10 minutes 5 01.06 Shopping Bonus Rewards Quiz 30 minutes 13 01.07 Module Summary Article or Speech 60 minutes 30 01.08 Medical Questionnaire 15 minutes 10 1.02 1. Go to the Discussion area and write a four to five sentence paragraph describing an activity, exercise, or game that you think should be at Club Web. 2. Read two of your classmates' postings and respond to two that fit your interest or lifestyle. 3. Submit a sentence stating that you have completed the discussion and include the names of the two classmates with whom you posted a response as Assignment 01.02. N/A Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 1.03 Pace is defined as _________________________. Assignment 1. Select a pace chartfrom the Course Information area and save it to your computer. You may complete the work at a faster pace, but you will be required to spend the time needed to complete 27 workout dates. (Lessons 03.03 through 06.09) 2. Fill in your dates. Enter your start date next toWeek 1 and use a calendar to fill in the date to be completed for each of the remaining weeks. (For example, Aug. 14– Aug. 21, Aug. 22-Aug. 28, etc.) 3. Post the pace chart in a place where you and your parent/guardian will see it every day. 4. Complete the Liability Waiver in the Course Information area. 5. Submit your completed assignment by entering the following sentence:"I have filled in the dates on my pace chart and have chosen the _____ pace. My pace chart and waiver were submitted on _____ in the comment section of the assessment 01.03 Choosing Your Pace and Liability. Attach your pace chart and liability waiver. 1.04 Fill in the Blank 1. ______________ should be the utmost concern in any environment. 2. If you have concerns about the safety aspects of any activity, talk to a ___________________ or consult your _________________. 3. In general, getting enough rest and wearing the proper shoes and clothing will ____________ your comfort and reduce the chance of ______________ or _______________. Exercising in the Heat Exercising in the heat can result in ____________ or even _____________. ____________ and __________________ are very real medical conditions and can never be fully prevented. List 5 Methods of reducing the risk of physical activity in the heat. In a study by the University of Illinois, it was found that _______ water loss reduces performance significantly ________ loss causes heat exhaustion _________ loss may result in heat stroke and death Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Another consideration when exercising in the heat is preventing sunburn, which could lead to skin cancer. A sunscreen with an spf of at least _________ should be used for outdoor activities—waterproof and sweat proof sunscreen will not have to be reapplied. Exercising in Cold Weather Without proper precautions, cold weather exercising can result in _________________ or _______________________, a potentially life-threatening internal drop in body temperature. To stay warm while exercising in cold weather, choose your _______________ carefully. List 5 ways to reduce risks while participating in physical activity in cold weather 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Exercising in Threatening Weather When it is raining outside, have an _____________ ____________. By no means, should one be outside when _________________ is in the area. The majority of lightning strikes occur before and after a storm is overhead. A good rule is to wait _________________ after the last strike. Wet surfaces from the rain can lead to injuries sustained in ____________. Water Safety List 5 ways to reduce risks when participating in water activities. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Activity Safety Using the ______________ when completing any movement will help prevent injury. List three ways to improve your form in any physical activity Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ If you take up ______________ activities like snow boarding, blading, or skate boarding, wear a ______________. If you opt for cycling, wear a bicycle helmet and obey __________________________ Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco The human ____________ job is to pump nutrient-rich blood throughout your body. If you smoke, take drugs, or drink alcohol excessively, you are giving your heart ___________. Over time, the__________ of your heart will suffer. The Surgeon General has determined that _________________ is dangerous to your health. Scientists have proven that smoking doubles your risk of having a ___________ and doubles, triples, or quadruples your risk of sudden cardiac _____________. Each year, over 300,000 Americans die of _______________ heart disease. So, don't smoke. If you do, quit. The you quit, the sooner your risk will start to decline. There is hope. Former smokers can completely lower their risk of sudden cardiac death within ________ ________ of quitting. Tobacco List 5 negative effects of tobacco use. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ All states in the U.S. prohibit the sale of tobacco products to _____________. Eleven states have added license suspension or revocation, or both, as penalties for sales to minors. Drugs Drugs, because they are foreign substances, can affect your __________. Even ____________ drugs can. The only way you can control the effect on your heart with illegal drugs (cocaine, heroin, marijuana, amphetamines, etc.) is if you ____ _______ ________ ________ and if you do, quit. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Alcohol Alcohol poses a serious hazard to the____________ and impairs the functionality of the __________. According to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, seven million persons between the ages of 12 and 20 __________ ____________ (down four to five drinks in a row) at least once a month. This age group seems more susceptible to damaging the parts of the _________ responsible for ______________ and _________________, and _______________ and making decisions. Complete the Mandatory Safety Drill before moving on to the next section. 1.05 What do you think makes up a healthy fitness lifestyle? ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ List 8 social and emotional benefits to physical activity: ____________ ____________ ____________ _______________ _______________ _________________ ________________ _______________ According to The American Heart Association, when selecting an exercise program what factors should be considered. ____________________________ _________________________ ______________ ___________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Write a rebuttal for each of the following excuses for not participating in physical activity. Bad weather: ______________________________________________________ Too costly: ________________________________________________________ No partner: _______________________________________________________ Too tired: ________________________________________________________ Embarrassed: ____________________________________________________ No time: _________________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 1.05 Decide whether you will be participating in a team activity or writing an essay. If you have any other ideas you think would meet the requirement do not hesitate to ask me. Enter your decision into the assignment for 1.05, “Choice of Four Week Activity” 1.06 A Healthy Lifestyle Most chronic disorders are preventable through ___________ ____________ choices. These include an optimal _________, proper ___________ maintenance, _________ exercise, adequate ________, no smoking, and no alcohol. When the body and mind are free of disease, there is __________ _______, more enthusiasm and optimism, _________ energy and pep, peak ______________ and improved physical appearance. Abnormal conditions of the heart itself or the _________, _________, and _____________ make up cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease can be prevented through proper ______ and __________. According to the American Heart Association, what are 5 benefits of regular exercise: 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Flexibility •improves ____________________ of the joints •_____________________ muscle soreness •helps __________________ •__________________________ injury posture • ______________________ low back pain • ____________________________ a person and relieves stress Cardiorespiratory fitness •uses energy __________________ as fat •________________________ lean body mass Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide •_______________________-the immune system •_______________________the risk of heart disease; lowers cholesterol and blood pressure •__________________________ the heart •______________________________ digestion •_______________ self-image •________________________ a person and relieves stress Muscular strength and Endurance •_____________________ lean body mass •lean mass ____________ more calories • ______________________ posture • _________________________ the joints limiting pain •strengthens bones ____________________ osteoporosis • _____________________ job related injuries •___________________ a person and relieves stress 1.06 Reflect on the quote by Ralph Marston _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Take the Quiz 1.06 “Shopping Bonus Reward” Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 1.07 Print the Surgeon General Article and highlight the facts you find interesting. Keep with your notes. Choose your and complete one of the activities described in the assignment. 1.08 List 5 ways to incorporate more activity into your day: 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Complete the Medical Questionnaire and submit it for assignment 1.08 Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Module 2 2.01 Checklist: Write in the date each time you complete an activity Module Two Checklist Project Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value 02.01 Print: Club Features Save to desktop:Lifestyle Journal 10 minutes N/A 02.02 Room Service Discussion 15 minutes 10 02.03 I. Activity level survey and reflective paragraph 45 minutes N/A II. Family fitness survey 5 minutes to print Body fat—self-check and finding BMI 45 minutes N/A Quiz 20 minutes 16 02.05 Fitness tests 90 minutes 10 02.06 Stress: six changes you will strive for 60 minutes N/A 02.07 Setting goals 60 minutes 50 02.08 Sleep—self-check 30 minutes N/A 02.09 Oral Component 15 minutes 10 02.04 Date Completed Points Earned N/A N/A 20 N/A N/A Save or Print the “Lifestyle Journal”. Read it and highlight important information 2.02 Answer the following questions Do you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner? (example: I eat breakfast and dinner but usually skip lunch.) Do you have two to four regular snack times during the day whether you are hungry or not? Do you drink two liters of water a day? Can you easily pass by the food establishments spilling forth the aroma of fresh baked pretzels or cookies? Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Do you pack fresh fruit for a snack or grab something from the vending machine? Does the sight and smell of food trigger your hunger? Do you always grab a snack when entering the house? Do you open the refrigerator door when you do not know what you want? Do you eat when you are mad, sad, bored, or have a lot to do? Do you eat when hanging with your friends? Do you meet your friends at fast food places? Do you reward yourself with food? Do you help plan meals to include foods from the four food groups? Do you eat while watching TV? Do you eat in the car? Do you try every crash diet that comes around? Do you skip meals? How many minutes do you spend at the table? Examine your answers to the above questions . Put a star by those you think you could easily change. Include this activity in your notebook. From the Change List, choose one simple change you can commit to follow each day for the next 21 days. Use the suggestions to help you reach this goal. (If you would like to choose a change not on the Change List, submit your idea to your instructor for approval.) Assignment 2.02 1. Post your change choice in the Discussion area. 2. Respond to two guests. 3. Submit your completedAssignment 02.02, by entering the date you completed the discussion and the two guests to whom you responded. 2.03 Part I What statement on the “Fitness Page” bets describes you? Write a reflective paragraph about your present activity level and save it for assignment 2.07. Follow the prompts given in the lesson. Part II Analyze where your family stands by charting for seven days how each of your family members include fitness in each day. (Ride bike, walks pet, yard work, swims, tennis, etc.). Compile your information into a fitness chart and submit it for assignment “2.03 Activity Time” Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 2.04 There are many suggestions for determining your ideal weight. However, the most important thing to consider is not how much you ________, but how much _________ you are carrying around. It is the extra fat that leads to the danger of ______________ _________, __________, and other illnesses. Making up the mass of the body is _______ tissue, like the _________and ________, and _____ tissue. The amount of fat tissue compared to one's total mass is known as ___________ ___________ _______. Matching Under Water Weighing _____ A. It is done by standing on a bioimpedance machine which has metal foot plates. One stands on it barefooted B. One of the most common methods, the measurement is usually Bioelectrical impedance ____ taken three times and an average is taken from the three measurements Skinfold Measurement_____ C. a comparison between height and weight D. measurements are performed using a non stretchable tape measure which measures the circumference of specific body sites E. This method does not take into account where body fat is located but has been considered one of the most accurate methods for many years. Girth Measurement______ Body Mass Index_____ 2.04 Take the Light Lunch true and false quiz Using the links in Part I determine your BMI A person having 10% more body fat than is recommended is considered __________. On the other hand, an accumulation in the number of fat cells is defined as __________. Too little _____ can also put a person at risk. A comparison of one's BMI and ______ ___________ is a great way to determine the health risk level. Part II Determine your risk level Complete quiz “2.04 The Skinny on Body Fat.” 2.05 Complete the Physical Fitness testing record your scores in the Lifestyle Journal You printed in section2.01. Compare your results to the standards for your age. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 2.06 Shopping for a stress free life Approximately _________ of American teens feel stressed out on a daily basis, according to a study by the University of Michigan. While at school, they worry about ___________, and while at home, they worry about problems with their __________. Their mind is everywhere but at the moment they are in. There are two types of stress: _______and ________. _______ stress can push you to do better, complete projects on time, and even succeed. However, _______ stress leads to health problems: ___________, depression, ____________, and ________________ problems. Stress may result from problems with ________________, ____________, or _______. Lack of ______, poor ________ habits, too much ____, smoking, and alcohol can also cause stress. "_______ ___ _______" is the term given to the body's reaction to a stressful situation. Adrenaline is released, the pupils ________, senses are ____________, muscles tense, ____________ increases, the ________ pumps faster and the blood pressure______. While using all this energy, the body works to replace it. Without the proper diet and enough water to keep the body __________, the body wears down. The typical lifestyle of many your age will damage the ________. A long-term result can even be the suppression of the __________ system leading to disease and sickness. List 5 methods of dealing with stress 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Print the Stress test and then honestly mark your answers. After completing the test, look at the questions for which you checked yes and rank them easiest to hardest for you to change. Record these in your log. Decide on two changes you would like to work on now, two to work on three weeks from now, two to work on six weeks from now, and two to work on nine weeks from now through the end of the course. You will submit these changes in Lesson 02.07. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 2.07 Complete the fitness goal sheet in your Lifestyle Journal. Make copies and post in multiple locations where you will see them frequently. 2.08 What are the consequences of not getting enough sleep? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What are the 3 guidelines set by The National Council on Sleep 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ What were your results for the Sleep Challenge Self-Check? ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.09 Assignment 1. Review Modules 1 and 2 in preparation for your Oral Component Assessment. 2. Please call your instructor now or visit the Announcement Page to schedule an appointment. 3. Upon completion of your oral assessment, submit Assignment 02.09 Module 2 Oral Component. 4. In the student comments box submit the date you spoke to your instructor and write at least two sentences describing the topics discussed during your Oral Component. 5. This study guide will help you prepare for the discussion-based assignment/oral component. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 3.01 Projects Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value Date Submitted Points Earned 03.01 Print: Club Features 5 minutes N/A 03.02 Read: "Nutritional Thoughts" 10 minutes N/A Quiz: Water Break 30 minutes 10 Warming up 30 minutes Log N/A Flexibility 60 minutes Log N/A 03.04 Choose: Fast Food or Age Group Survey 60 minutes over seven days 20 03.05 Cardio 60 minutes 40 Muscular Endurance 60 minutes Log N/A 03.06 Shoes Clothes 30 minutes N/A N/A 03.07 Club Cabaret - MyPlate Food Guide 45 minutes 30 03.08 Muscle Soreness Quiz 15 minutes 30 minutes 30 03.03 N/A How has modern life effected eating habits for many people? __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Print, read, and Highlight important information for the article, “Nutritional Thoughts.” To what processes in the body does water contribute? _____________ __________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What is dehydration? __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Print read and Highlight the articles “The Importance of Water” and “Are You Getting Enough?” Complete exam Assignment 03.02 on the importance of breakfast and water breaks. 3.03 Which would you rather engage in injury prevention or injury rehabilitation? List the five parts of the “sensational sixty” workout. _______________ _______________________ __________________ ______________________ ________________________ What is the term used to describe the process of preparing your muscles for activity? _______________ What is the definition of “flexibility”? List 5 benefits of improved flexibility 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ What is a static stretch? ________________________________________________________________ How long should you hold a stretch? _____________ What is ballistic stretching and why shouldn’t you do it? _______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Part I: Visit the Rubber Room Link. Print the exercises. Perform each stretch in order. Remember to hold each stretch for at least 20 seconds. Part II. Choose one of the Cardiovasular exercises for the list and participate in the activity for at least 15 minutes. Part III. Click on the “Enduring a Lifetime of Movement” link Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide What is muscular endurance? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ List 5 benefits of muscular endurance. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Muscular endurance exercises should be completed in the order of ________ muscle groups first and then in descending order to the _________ muscle groups last. This will allow you to do the more difficult movements that require the most ____________ while you are freshest. The number of repetitions (single complete movement of an exercise) should ideally be between _____ and _______ per set. A set is a group of repetitions performed one after another without stopping for a rest break. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Label the major muscle groups on the diagram below Participate View the “Strength Room” Link. Explore the exercises. Choose one for each major muscule group to add to your work out. Complete your work out and log in your Fitness Lifestyle Journal. 3.04. Follow the instructions for keeping track of your food in the “Lunch Break” activity. 3.05 The blood picks up _________ from the ________, and the ___________ pumps this oxygen-rich blood to every cell in the __________. A weak heart cannot pump as much blood as a ________ heart. Therefore, it pumps more often each minute—in effect wearing itself out. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide The efficiency with which the heart works and the stronger it becomes will go a long way in preventing __________ and ___________—the number one cause of death in many countries of the world. In fact, if the heart's efficiency can be improved by 10 percent it will save the heart from having to pump nearly _____________ times less each year. This will add up over a lifetime and allow the heart to work many more years. Talk about money in the bank! List 5 benefits of improving cardiovascular endurance. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ What does the heart rate indicate? _________________________________________________ Follow the directions for finding your resting heart rate. What is it? _______________ Why is important to know your maximum heart rate? ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ What is your maximum heart rate? _______ Define Target heart rate. _________________________________________________________ What is your Target heart rate? ______ - _______ Follow the instructions for Part I. Record your results on the 3.05 Cardio Club Worksheet. 3.06 What is the single most import piece of athletic wear? ________ What type of athletic shoe is good for the greatest variety of activities? ________________________ List five tips for getting the right pair of shoes. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ 3.07 List the 5 food groups and give some examples of each. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Follow the directions for completing the “My Plate” activity. 3.08 List and describe 2 types of muscle soreness. 1. _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Complete the quiz for Assignment 03.08. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 4.01 Projects Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value Date Submitted Points Earned 04.01 Club Features:Print 5 minutes N/A N/A 04.02 Continental Breakfast: Analyze Breakfast Foods 40 minutes N/A N/A Design: Breakfasts 15 minutes Log N/A Quiz 15 minutes 12 Super Sixty 90 minutes N/A Discussion 10 minutes 10 04.04 Picnic Lunch Design two lunches 30 minutes Log 04.05 Body Alignment Part 1 Body Alignment Part 2 60 minutes 20 15 04.06 Food labels Nutrient claims Nutrition facts 30 minutes N/A Scavenger hunt 30 minutes 15 Quiz 15 minutes 10 04.07 Print nutrient chart Write children's story 90 minutes 30 04.08 Print nutrients needed chart 5 minutes 04.09 Oral Component Sensational Sixty Log 15 minutes 04.03 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10 30 Look at the Nutritional Analysis of Fruit chart. . Notice how the amounts of calories, protein, fat, and cholesterol are very similar. Compare the amount of Vitamin C and Vitamin A found in each fruit. Which is the lowest; which is the highest? Find the fruit which has about 10 times as much sodium as the others. Think about the fruits you enjoy and could include in your diet at breakfast and other meals. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide At the bottom of the chart, make a list of several fruits you like. Remember, boys should include 2 cups of fruit and girls should include 1 ½ cups in a daily diet. Fresh Fruit vs. Fruit Juices Look at the “Juice Chart” Notice how the nutrient level of the fruit and its juice counterpart is almost the same but how very different the Vitamin portion is. When selecting a fruit juice from the grocery, be sure to look for 100% juice with no added sugar. Print the chart and include it in your notes. Which Would You Choose? There are many healthy ________ that you can choose from to include in your breakfast. Remember, for boys and girls, the suggested servings of grains, per day range from ______ ounces include bread, cereal, ______, and _______. Read Breads for Breakfast and take a look at some of the common bread choices for breakfast. Print the chart, and include it in your notebook for later use and then return to this page. Notice the difference in the amount of sodium found in the different breads. What do you think accounts for the difference in Vitamin A and C? If you said the additional blueberries in the muffin and egg in the bagel, you would be correct. Complete Quiz 4.02. Refer to your printed copy of the fruit chart, juice chart, and breads for breakfast chart. 4.03 Super Sixty Use the your understanding of the FIT Principles to adjust your workout in order to improve your fitness level. Describe dynamic Stretching _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ What are the benefits of dynamic stretching? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Complete the “Super Sixty” “Your Turn” activities as described in the course content. List 5 benefits of strength training. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ How is Strength Training Characterized? ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ What are some things that can be used to create resistance? ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Select the strength training exercises for your workout. Complete discussion assignment 4.03 4.04 Plan 2 lunches using the information in the course content. Write these in your log. There is no assignment to submit for this section 4.05 Body Alignment Performing an exercise incorrectly can cause a ___________. Look over the checkpoints for performing each exercise. Assess your own performance of each to make sure you are performing each exercise correctly and safely. Complete the interactive quiz. Complete Quiz 4.05 “Body Alignment Part II” 4.06 List 5 consequences of a poor diet 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Complete the following nutrition claim chart Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Nutrient Claim Definition Calorie Free Low Calorie Reduced Calorie Light or Lite Sugar Free Reduced Sugar No Added Sugar Fat Free Low Fat Reduced Fat Cholesterol Free Low cholesterol Reduced or less cholesterol High fiber Good source of fiber More or added fiber Print read and Highlight the article “How to Understand and Use the Nutrition Facts Panel on Food Labels from the United States Food and Drug Administration.” What is the number 1 nutritional fact found on food labels? _______________ What can lead directly to obesity? ____________________ Print the Scavenger Hunt Chart to use to record your information. From your kitchen or the grocery store: Find 10 products with Nutrient Claims on the front panel. List the name of the product, the claim, and what information from the Nutrition Facts supports this claim. The first one is done for you. Find 5 products that do not have nutrition labels. List your nutrition beliefs about these products, then go to My Food-A-pedia and list the actual nutrition facts. After you have collected the data, copy the list into your word processing program and save it as a .rtf file. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Complete Quiz 4.02 “Food Label Part II” 4.07 All foods can fit into a healthful eating plan if consumed in ___________ and ___________ with a variety of other foods. Why is proper nutrition so important through the teen years? ______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ List 5 dietary guidelines 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ List and describe the 3 basic nutrient classifications 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ Should you eliminate all fat from your diet? Why or Why not? _________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ List four functions of fat in the body 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ You may complete part I or Part II. You do not have to complete both assignments Part I Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 1. Print the chart by clicking on the link. Put a star by the functions you feel are most important to you. 2. Circle five foods you like and would include in your diet If you do not like any of the foods in the charts, do a web search for the nutrient and record five foods you do like. 3. Add these foods to the MyPlate you designed in Lesson 03.07. 4. Be sure to return to this page to complete Part II of the assignment. 5. Keep the chart in your notebook for future reference. 6. Open and print the Essential Nutrients Chart. Part II 1. Using the information above and the information found on the chart, write a children's story for first graders. The completed book should have at least five pages and five pictures. 2. Introduce yourself as one of the nutrients. 3. Include foods where you can be found. 4. Tell about your job in maintaining the body. 5. Include three snacks high in this nutrient. 6. Be sure to include pictures and factual information to hold the children's attention. Keep it simple. You are writing for a first grader. 7. Choose a name for your character, for example, Polly Protein. 8. View the Story Rubric to see how your story will be graded. 4.08 Based on your age and gender, what is your recommended caloric intake for the day? ______________ Complete the chart based on the recommendations of each for someone of your age and gender. Calories Total Fat (g) Saturated Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg) Total Carbs (g) Dietary Fiber (g) Protein (g) Insert this information into your log. 4.09 Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Review Your nutritional goals, the actions you have made to better handle stress, Sensational and Super Sixty workouts, FIT principle, Nutrients and reading nutritional labels, Recommended calories for your age and gender then Contact Mr Dallaire for your Oral examination. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 5.01 Projects Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value 05.01 Print Club Web Features 5 minutes 05.02 Serving sizes 40 minutes 15 05.03 Stupendous Sixty 90 minutes 40 05.04 Print vitamin and mineral charts 15 minutes 10 05.05 Evaluating Cardio 45 minutes 20 05.06 Cardio equipment Research heart monitor Write postcard home 90 minutes 25 05.07 Talent Show 50 minutes 25 05.08 Factual Information 30 minutes N/A 05.09 Group Activity or Report Four Weeks 40 05.09 Super Sixty Log 10 minutes 40 Date Submitted N/A Points Earned N/A N/A 5.02 Print the “Serving Sizes” chart. Dish Up a Serving Now that you understand what a serving size is, and a few pitfalls, complete the following activity: Go to your kitchen and choose five favorite foods or drinks. Create a table to record: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. the name of the food the serving size number of calories Read the serving size and put one serving on a dish or in a glass. Would you say this is about right, too little, or too much according to what you normally eat in one serving? 6. From the label find how many calories are in one serving. 7. How many calories would be in two servings? 8. What about half a serving? Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 9. List one nutrient found in the product. Complete the seven steps above with five foods of your choice. Complete Quiz 05.02 “Serving Sizes”. 5.03 Follow the directions for completing and submitting the “Stupendous Sixty” workout design assignment 5.03 Part I. Fill out pages 15, 16, and 17 in your workout journal. 5.04 Boxed Lunch Vitamins and minerals are low in __________, but loaded with ___________ when it comes to the processes within the body. The daily recommended amount for vitamins and minerals is computed in _________ or ___________. A gram has about the same mass as a paper clip. A microgram is much smaller, .000001 of a gram. Vitamins and Minerals Print the charts from links and put them into your notebook. Be sure to circle the foods you like and will include in your meals. 5.05 Bad habits are created and injury can result from the consequences of ___________________________. Even worse are the problems which wait to announce themselves until sometime in the future. Using bad form may produce lasting results showing up ____, ____, or ______ years from now. So be sure to perform each skill as it is explained, and take heed of the safety tips. Follow the instructions for checking your posture. List 5 benefits of including walking as your cardio workout 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide List 5 tips for maximizing benefits for walking 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ List for things to avoid while walking 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ Describe a good walking workout for someone your age just starting out. ________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ How would you “step it up”? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ How long should you jog I for a general workout? _____________________ How long should you jog to lose weight? _______________________________ List 5 safety hints for Jogging 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ What is the main drawback of jogging? _____________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide List five safety tips for Hiking 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Why is swimming an ideal choice of cardiovascular workout for people with a variety of conditions, including pregnancy, orthopedic problems and arthritis. ______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ How long should you bike if you are just starting out? ___________________________________ What length of time should you work up to? _____________________________________ 05.05 Cardio Activities You will need a partner for the following activity. Follow the instructions below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Before beginning, rate how you think your walking form is: 1 = poor, 2 = fair, 3 = good. Explain and demonstrate good walking form to a partner. Your partner watches you walk about 30 meters. You respond to the questions at the bottom. Submit the check sheet to your instructor. Please include your first and last name. Use the 05.05 Cardio Activities check sheet to record your information in your Life Style Journal. Assignment o Complete the chart and questions. o Submit your chart as Assignment 05.05. 5.06 Just review the information on shopping. You do not ned to complete the Heart Rate Monitor Comparison Activity. 5.07 Review the information on Special Olympics. Choose one assignment option to complete and submit. 5.08 Why is it important to find reliable sources of information on products? Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 5.09 o o o o Make sure your Super 60 log is up to date and shows at least 9 workout sessions. Attach the completed log for the Super 60 workout to Assessment 5.09 Super 60 Log. Your Group Activity Proof of Participation verification form is also due now. Please attach the form, photo or note from your coach to Assessment 5.09b. Group Activity Form. If you completed the Alternative Writing Assignment you need to attach your Research Paper to Assessment 5.09b. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Module 6 06.01 Club Web Features Before you begin working, print this outline to keep track of your progress. Be sure to keep it in your notebook. Projects Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value 06.01 Print: Club Web features 5 minutes N/A 06.02 Breakfast special 45 minutes 20 06.03 Workout modifications 30 minutes N/A 06.04 Analysis of foods for best 45 minutes nutritional choice Quiz 15 06.05 Final fitness evaluations 120 minutes 40 06.06 Personal trainers Research three sites in area for exercising 90 minutes 25 06.07 Obesity, determining caloric output 45 minutes Log 06.08 Worksite wellness programs 25 minutes 10 06.09 Oral Component 15 minutes 10 06.09 Stupendous Sixty Log 10 minutes 30 6.02 What are some ways to reach your daily protein requirement besides meat? o o o o 6.03 Print the Protein chart. Copy the questions and paste them into a Word Document. Answer Submit Date Submitted Points Earned N/A N/A N/A Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide List 3 things that can affect your ability to workout. ______________, ___________________, ________________ What workout modifications can be made for the 3 scenarios given. Scenario 1: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Scenario 2: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Scenario 3: ___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6.04 For each pair of foods in the table below, the most nutritional choice is probably very obvious to you, but pretend both foods are on your table. Which would you honestly choose? (If you are a vegetarian, make the meat choice based on what a meateater may choose.) Circle your choice from each pair: Peach pie Peaches raw Brown rice (long grain—cooked) White rice (long grain—parboiled) Potatoes baked (flesh and skin without salt) Potatoes fried (freezer French fried with salt) Bread white (commercial) Bread whole wheat (commercial) Coleslaw Cabbage boiled Bagel (oat bran) English muffin (mixed grain) Tossed salad (Fast foods—vegetable) Ranch dressing (Kraft Buttermilk) Chicken breast roasted (meat only) Chicken breast fried (meat only) 1. Go to Nutrition Analysis Tool (NAT) NAT Tool Version 2.0 2. Type in each of the 16 foods individually listed in assignment 6.04. Select an appropriate servings size, for example, 1/6 of pie for peach pie, the click “Analyze food.” Click “Add food” for each new food added to the chart. Once all of the foods are entered click “Display Nutrients for Individual Foods.” 3. Print or copy and paste the chart of each of the foods into a document to attach in Assessments. Your chart will show the following: o Calories Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide o o o o o o o o Protein Fat Carbohydrates Sodium (Na) Vitamin A Vitamin C Saturated Fat Cholesterol 4. Review your chart or list to see if you made the best choices. Submit that chart or list with all 16 foods for the 6.04 assignment. Complete Quiz 6.04 “Food Analysis”. 6.05 Retake the Fitness tests the same way you did in 2.05. 1. Complete your fitness log following the instructions above. 2. Attach your completed log to Assessment 6.05 Final Fitness Evaluation. 6.06 Review the information on what to look for in a personal trainer. Complete one of the three activities listed. 6.07 List 5 diseases related to obesity 1. ___________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________ 4. __________________ 5. _______________________ Simple adjustments to your _____ such as more ________ foods and reasonable ________ from fast food restaurants, along with the addition of a little ________to your weekly routine, works to reverse damage and prevent future problems. Do you wait to buy your tickets at the gate for the biggest game of the year or do you get your tickets when they first go on sale? Think about obesity in this way and you will see it is far easier to prevent the illnesses associated with obesity than try to recover from them after they are established. Now, is the time in your life to be right. Your time commitments are not likely to change. Now, is the time to make smart food choices. Think about eating well, include in your diet the foods you circled from the charts. Now, make a game plan that can be followed throughout your life. Your plan must become your lifestyle, so plan well. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide What is a calorie? ________________________ What are three ways to lose a pound of fat? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________________ To maintain your present weight, caloric intake should simply equal caloric output. You have practiced examining food labels and comparing calories for different foods. You have learned there are __________ calories in each gram of fat and ________ calories in a gram of protein or a gram or carbohydrate. To lose fat, one must simply take in fewer calories than is used. This does not mean to stop eating. Cutting calories just ________ a day will result in a pound a week, four pounds a month, and 52 pounds in a year being lost. This is the safest way to reduce calories. What is your upper limit on fat for the calories you consume? Total Calories per Day Saturated Fat in Grams Total Fat in Grams 1,600 18 or less 53 2,000* 20 or less 65 2,200* 24 or less 73 2,500* 25 or less 80 2,800 31 or less 93 *Percent Daily Values on Nutrition Facts Labels are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Values for 2,000 and 2,500 calories are rounded to the nearest 5 grams to be consistent with the Nutrition Facts Label. Energy intake is very simple. Fad diets may lead to health problems like _________, __________, and ___________. Extremely cutting the food intake will make it hard to get the essential _________ for good health. Do you really want your hair to fall out because you are not getting enough protein? Fasting may send the brain the wrong message. It may determine your life is being threatened which could send _____________ mechanisms into high gear. You have planned meals from the four food groups. You have charts showing you which foods are high in important minerals and vitamins. Now you must plan what, when, and where you will eat each meal. List 5 precautions to keep in mind when adjusting caloric intake to lose weight. 1. _________________________________________________________________ Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ List 5 major sources of added sugar in the united States 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ List 4 factors of which determine how your body loses energy. 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ Use the information given to determine how many calories your body needs to carry out your metabolic processes and to have enough energy to meet the daily demands? __________________ Complete the Calories Consumed Versus Energy Expended assignment 06.07 of your Lifestyle Journal. 06.08 Snack Delight While teenagers spend about ______ hours a day involved in sitting, most adults spend the majority of their day at _________ work. What is this sedentary lifestyle leading to? Poor health! _______ percent of illnesses and deaths are related to lifestyle—nutrition, exercise, handling stress, and getting enough sleep. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Save Money—Be Active In 1993, the Canadian Fitness and Lifestyle Research Institute estimated that their health care system could save _____ __________a year just in the treatment of heart disease if everyone was physically active. Each year, problems with obesity alone account for ________ of the health care costs in the U.S., costing the country __________ dollars plus 39 million lost _______ days. Work site wellness programs are becoming more and more popular, many times being the difference in an employee choosing one company over another. A healthy corporation always begins with healthy employees. Fifty percent of illnesses and deaths are related to lifestyle. A work site __________ __________will give employees information and motivation needed to modify their lifestyles and, in return, give their employers a greater return on their investment. List 5 ways in which Good employee health saves organizations money? 1. _________________________________________________________________ 2._________________________________________________________________ 3._________________________________________________________________ 4._________________________________________________________________ 5. _________________________________________________________________ Research conducted by Johnson and Johnson revealed that when employers and employees adopted wellness as part of their overall mission, ____________ per employee per year in medical care costs was saved. In fact, a 1999 survey by a National Work Site Health Promotion Survey said that about ___________ of all companies with more than 750 employees offer a wellness program, and about _________ of all companies with more than 50 employees do. 6.09 Make sure you have the following information available. Go talk to Mr. Dallaire for your oral assessment. Your nutritional goals The actions you have made to better handle stress. Things to consider before joining a gym. Diseases related to obesity. Calorie intake vs. output Modifying workouts Attach your completed fitness log for the Stupendous Sixty as Assignment 06.09 Stupendous Sixty Log. Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide Fitness Lifestyle Design Study Guide 07.01 Club Web Features Keep track of your progress. Be sure to keep it in your notebook. Projects Description Estimated Completion Time Point Value 07.01 Print this page 5 minutes N/A 07.02 Shopping List 60 minutes 40 07.03 Final Exam 180 minutes 218 07.04 Checking Out Date Submitted Points Earned N/A 7.02 Follow the instructions to create a shopping list and menu that would supply you with a balanced diet for seven days. Submit. 7.03 Complete the final exam