Nosferatu - Key scenes

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Bram Stoker’s Dracula & F.W.Murnau’s Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
Key Scenes Analysis
You are to select ONE of the following scenes for analysis in your groups. Each member must try to
identify the language techniques used in the novel and the film techniques used in the film to represent
ONE gothic convention in the two texts. The sections highlighted in Yellow have been done in class.
Choose from Scene 2-5 only.
1. Title of Book : Dracula
2. Title of film : Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror
Scene 1:
1. Jonathan Harker’s Journey : Journal Entry 4thMay – End of Chapter 1
2. Hutter’s Journey: 00: 14:00 – 00:16: 47
Scene 2:
1. Introduction of the Gothic Other- Dracula: Harker’s first meeting with Count Dracula in
his castle. Chapter 2 – Jonathan Harker’s Journal - (continued) Journal Entry 5th May. ‘Just
as I had come to the conclusion I heard a heavy step approaching …… God keep me if only
for the sake of those dear to me’.
2. Act 2 –Hutter’s experiences with with Count Orlack in his Castle: 00:24:30-00:28:37
Scene 3:
1. Harker and Dracula - Journal Entry 7th May: “‘Come,’ he said at last, ‘tell me of London
and of the house which you have procured for me’.”……I am a prisoner (End of Chapter 3)
2. Hutter , Count Orlack and Ellen - 00: 30:58 - 00:37:08
Scene 4:
1. Dracula’s Journey in the coffin in the ship in the storm. Chapter 7 – Cutting from the
Dailygraph, 8 August – Chapter 7 Log of Demeter- Varna to Whitby… “Tomorrow will see the
funeral; and so will end this ‘one more mystery of the sea’.”
2. Count Orlack’s and Hutter’s parallel journeys. 00:42:42 – 01:13:33
Scene 5:
Renfield, Mina and Count Dracula - Chapter 21 Dr Seward’s Diary Journal Entry 3
October Renfield: ‘All day I waited to hear from him, but he did not send me anything’ Chapter 22 Jonathan Harker’s Journal- 3 October – Mina: ‘I promise you my dear friend,
that if God will let me live, I shall strive to do so….’ .
Count Dracula’s death - Chapter 27 - Last 3 pages.
Ellen, Knock and Count Orlack - 01:24:52 – 01:32: 30.