Word Roots How to build a science vocabulary A. Science Vocabulary ►1.) Words are invented as they are needed. When a scientist makes a new discovery a new word is made to describe it. 2. Science words are usually made from combinations of ancient Greek or Latin roots, prefixes, or suffixes. a) A root is the main part of a word b) A prefix is a word part at the front of a word c) suffix is a word part at the end of a word B. Examples of root words: Example 1 The root cyto - or - cyte means cell. - ology means the study of … If the two roots are combined ... Cytology means “the study of cells.” Example 2 1) The root “-bio” means life The word biology means the study of life Example 3 1) The root “lysis” means to burst 2) The root “-cyto” means cell In a process called cytolysis a cell bursts. Other examples…. -tomy means to cut appendectomy – surgery to cut out the appendix -path means disease pathogen - organism that causes disease Try these: 1.) What is a pseudopod if pseudo means false and pod means foot? 2.) What is a microscope if micro- means very small and –scope means instrument to see something C. Why learn root words? ►If you know the meaning of a word root it is possible to determine the meaning of a word. The same root may be used for many words. For example… Using the suffix “-ology”: 1. Biology is the study of life. 2. Cytology is the study of cells. 3. Embryology is the study of early development. Try this: Which of the words a) homeostasis on the right means the study b) ecology of living things c) metamorphosis and their environment? Try this: Which of the words below means the study of disease? biology b) ecology c) pathology a) Try this: ►Do you remember what the root “cyte” means? erythro- means red, what is an erythrocyte? ►If Perfect! ► An erythrocyte is a red blood cell.