Tables and figures for the PRR Calibration and tests Preamble This document refers to the test and calibration activities that must be carried out for the correct functioning of the telescope. The document is divided into two main sessions named hereafter: Detector Calibration and Active Medium calibration. The first (Detector Calibration) refers to all the instruments and procedures needed to calibrate the apparatus including: D1- Number of photons detected; D2- Timing (absolute and relative); D3- Positioning of the structure (absolute and relative). The latter (Active Medium Calibration) to calibration of the active medium (i.e. seawater) including mainly: M1- Light propagation properties; M2- Sound propagation properties; M3 – Water column oceanographic properties Each calibration issue is demanded to several subsystems, instruments and procedures to ensure cross-calibration and adequate redundancy and complementarity of data. Accuracy of the measurement add it Power consumption and other details of instrumentation Summary tables of calibration systems and tests Parameter System Subsystem D1- Number of photons DOM PMT On-shore calibration method Black Box: PMT + resistive base aim: production test- about 1% of all PMTs Onshore calibration parameters Gain @Nominal HV,After/pre pulses, Dark Current (To be stored on DB) Off-shore Calibration method Off-shore Calibration parameters 40K PMT nominal/actual HV PMT actual gain Gain at Nominal Voltage 3E6 H=dLogG/dLogHV -> 6.5<H<8 Optional measurements QE, CE PMT+digital base Black box: PMT+ base aim:. PMT+base acceptance and calibration, CLB / octopus independent measurements Gain Slope, Gain at Nominal HV Dark Counts @NHV ToT vs. charge @NHV, TTS @ NHV After/pre pulses @NHV (To be stored on DB) PMT assembly acceptance characteristics (see tender): - Functionality - Dark Current @NHV and 0.3 spe: <2 kHz - Spurious @ NHV pre-pulses <1% delayed pulses <3.5 % afterpulses 1 (early) < 2% afterpulses 2 (late) < 10% Full DOM Red Box (31 light sources): DOM aim: DOM acceptance and calibration PMT Mapping DC @ NHV After/pre pulses @NHV Charge spectrum @ NHV (To be stored on DB) charge spectrum per PMT DOM acceptance characteristics: # PMTs within specs > 27 D2- Timing DOM PMT Full DOM (PMT-Base, Octopus, CLB) Black Box: PMT + resistive base aim: production test- about 1% of all PMTs Red Box (31 light sources and GPS): DOM aim: DOM acceptance and calibration TTS, TT (To be stored on DB) 40K coincidence spectrum on PMTs (inter DOM) PMT assembly acceptance characteristics (see tender): - TTS < 5 ns - TT < 7 ns vertical tracks (intra DU) ToT@ NHV Time Offset (delta t) @NHV (DOM-PMT table to be stored on DB) laser beacon coincidence (inter DU, intra DOM) nano-beacon coincidence (intra DOM, intra DU) horizontal tracks (inter DU) DOM acceptance characteristics: # PMTs within specs > 27 nano-beacon Factory Test: nano beacon aim: nano beacon acceptance and calibration Red Box: DOM aim: nano beacon functionality test and Data Transmission Optical Fibers + electronics latencies (DU+network) DU Shore Station CB D3 Positioning (timing issues demanded to D2) DOM White Rabbit. DU base: same fibre for TX and RX Light emission time distribution, time delay @ peak (latency) Nano beacon acceptance defined in the tender Time delay of nano beacon pulse in close PMT In prototypes check latency vs. long time and switch on/off operation T < X ns To be defined wit the electronics and optical network group Dark room (GPS + calibrated fibres on 1 PMT per DOM): Line aim: Line acceptance test and time calibration with reference PMT Time delay between reference PMTs in different DOMs. GPS Electronics Crate White Rabbit Switch Laser Beacon DU base: same fibre for TX and RX To be defined wit the electronics and optical network group Piezo sensor + AES board Factory Test: piezo+ AES interface board aim: piezo + board acceptance and pre-calibration Factory Test: laser beacon aim: nano beacon acceptance and calibration Frequency and amplitude response (Factory sheet, to be stored on DB) Equivalent noise Piezo acceptance defined in the tender (Factory sheet) Special DU Base (for the Piezo sensitivity: Beacon signal amplitude and frequency . Piezo nominal/actual sensitivity and noise spectrum DU movements vs. currents Full DOM Red Box (Acoustic source): DOM aim: DOM acceptance Frequency and amplitude response (functionality test) Equivalent noise (to be stored on DB) AHRS (Compass, tilt, accelerometer) Factory Test: AHRS aim: AHRS acceptance and precalibration AHRS calibration parameters (Factory sheet) Muon tracks Laser beacons, nano beacons AHRS nominal/actual calibration parameters Red Box (Rotating dish): DOM aim: DOM acceptance and calibration AHRS calibration parameters with all DOM on (to be stored on DB) Frequency and amplitude response (Factory sheet, to be Beacon signal amplitude and frequency Hydro nominal/actual sensitivity and noise spectrum Hydrophone Factory Test: Digital Hydro aim: digital hydro acceptance test and fist strings) CB (autocalibrating LBL) Autonomous LBL calibration Hydrophone Factory Test: Digital Hydro aim: digital hydro acceptance test and calibration Beacon Factory Test: Beacon aim: acceptance test Autonomous Beacons Factory Test: Beacon aim: acceptance test stored on DB) Equivalent noise (Factory sheet) Frequency and amplitude response (Factory sheet, to be stored on DB) Equivalent noise (Factory sheet) Frequency and amplitude response (Factory sheet, to be stored on DB) Beacon signal amplitude and frequency Hydro nominal/actual sensitivity and noise spectrum Frequency and amplitude response (Factory sheet, to be stored on DB) PMT: Photomultiplier tube DOM : Digital optical Module LBL : Long Base-Line AHRS: Compass/tilt/accelerometer board DU: Detection Unit CB: Calibration Base CU: Calibration Unit GPS: Global Positioning System (here GPS receiver) Red Box: Calibration box for the DOM equipped with: GPS (necessary for the DOM test) 31 light sources (synchronised by GPS) acoustic source + signal generator (Synchronised by GPS) signal generator (synchronised by GPS) rotating dish Black Box: Calibration Box for PMTs and bases equipped with: Custom DAQ system or customised CLB DAQ Diffuse light source Dark Room: Calibration Room for all DOMs Single light source GPS driven and 18 Fibres (same length) distributed to 1 PMT/DOM Parameter System Subsystem M1- Light propagation properties DOM Nano beacon On-shore calibration method Factory Test: nano beacon aim: nano beacon acceptance and calibration Onshore calibration parameters Light emission time spectrum, time delay @ peak Off-shore Calibration method Off-shore Calibration parameters Red Box: DOM aim: nano beacon functionality test and M2-Sound Propagation properties CB Laser Beacon CU CTD Factory Test: Laser Beacon aim: laser beacon acceptance Factory Test: CTD aim: CTD acceptance Light emission time spectrum, time delay @ peak Dependent on CTD model Calibration constants for measured quantities (P,T,C) and derived ones (Depth, Sound Velocity, Salinity,…) Inter-calibration with other instruments M3- Water column oceanograp hic properties CU SVP Factory Test: SVP aim: SVP acceptance Dependent on SVP model Inter-calibration with other instruments CTD Factory Test: CTD aim: SVP acceptance Factory Test: ADCP aim: SVP acceptance Dependent on CTD model Inter-calibration with other instruments Dependent on CTD model Inter-calibration with other instruments ADCP Description of the work PMT batch qualification (1%) of the production – To be discussed and confirmed with the PMT Calibration group Black box Material plug and play PMT bases (ECAP like) Light source 12 channels DAQ Measurements: Gain Slope, Gain @Nominal HV,After/pre pulses, QE, CE , Dark Current (To be stored on DB) Details: The base circuit is mechanically coupled with a plastic support The base has PIN receptacles is connects the leads to the circuit Leads inserted into the holes and into pins – if PMT leads are straight the time for the integration is 30 sec. Dark adaptation for PMTs 12 h. PMT and active base acceptance test and calibration This procedure is studied under the following assumptions Logistics: A) 15000 PMTs will arrive from Hamamatsu to INFN-LNS and Catania B) 7500 PMT will be sent to ECAP and 7500 PMTs will be sent to INFN-Naples. Both ECAP and INFN-Naples will also receive 7500 bases (per site) from NIKHEF C) INFN-Naples and ECAP will perform soldering of bases into PMTs and tests and Calibration of the PMT+base assembly D) PMTs assemblies will be distributed to DOM assembly sites (Naples, Nikhef, ECAP, Catania-LNS, ….) for DOM integration, test and Calibration Sites: INFN Napoli Man Power: INFN Napoli , LNS and Catania Time Plan: Soldering + coating 15 min per PMT 1875 h 8 h/day 234 working days. 20 day/month 11.7 month/man 4 operators 3 months Testing and calibration 7500 PMT + base 31 PMT per test in a dark box 242 test runs 4 tests/ day 61 days (2 dark boxes per site?) Instrumentation: Black box Mechanical Frame € 4.000 Laser source (available at INFN Naples and Catania) € 15.000 Optical splitter 1x32 : 31 PMT + power meter € 10.000 Improved Optical Power Meter (fibre monitor) € 5.000 Optical attenuator set (on main fibre, available at Naples) € 1.500 31 optical diffusers on FC/PC € 500 UPS for the laser source € 1.500 PMT+base digital readout 31 channels: 1 simplified shore station , 1 CLB , 2 octopus Measurements and time details: Gain Slope, Gain at Nominal HV, Dark Counts @NHV, TTS @ NHV, ToT vs. charge @NHV, After/pre pulses @NHV, (To be stored on DB) PMT unpacking and dark box filling Dark box closing and pre-setting Functioning test of the chain Dark adaption PMT HV on – Set Gain (PMT on at Nominal HV, Hamamatsu 3E6) Measurement A: Dark Current Rate Measurement B: Laser and absorbers set to spe (Laser rate 20 kHz) Measurement B1: ToT @ NHV Measurement B2 TTS @ NHV Measurement B3: Spurious Pulses (pre-pulses, delayed pulses, after pulses 1, after pulses 2) Measurement C: Gain Slope (ToT at 3 different HV: NHV, NHV+10%, NHV-10%) (varying optical attenuators and not the laser intensity!) PMT re-packing and dark box unfilling Total Data Base filling DOM acceptance and calibration Sites: INFN Napoli , INFN Catania, ECAP, Nikhef, others Man Power: All sites Time Plan: DOM Assembly with all pre-qualified probes See PRR DOM time plan Testing and calibration 15000 PMTs / 31 (PMT/DOM) in 4 sites = 121 DOMs per site 6 months (20 days/month) Instrumentation: Red Box Mechanical Frame Laser source (available at INFN Naples and Catania) Optical splitter 1x4 : 5 PMT + 1 power meter Improved Optical Power Meter (fibre monitor) UPS for the laser source 1 full shore station € 4.000 € 15.000 € 3.000 € 5.000 € 1.500 2 min x 31 PMTs = 1h 15 min 15 min 8h 1h 1 min 5 min 10 min 2 min x 31 PMTs = 1h 12 h (8 h dark adaption!) 2h GPS receiver acoustic emitter, signal generator (GPS-PPS trigger) rotating dish + reference € 2.000 € 2.000 Measurements and time details: DOM integration Gel solidification 12 h 12 h Red box closing and pre-setting 30 min Functioning test of the DOM 30 min Dark adaption PMT 8h HV on – Set Gain (PMT on at Nominal HV, Hamamatsu 3E6) 1h Measurement A: Dark Current Rate (with glass and gel) 1 min Measurement B: Laser and absorbers set to spe (Laser rate 20 kHz) – Laser trigger GPS clock/PPS 10 min Measurement B1: mapping : only 4 fibers on PMTs, use 40K to inter-calibrate PMTs (see Measurement B2: delta T @ NHV (laser with 4 fibers firing 4 PMTs the rest ) Measurement B3: ToT @ NHV Measurement B4 TTS @ NHV Measurement B5: Spurious Pulses (pre-pulses, delayed pulses, after pulses 1, after pulses 2) Measurement C: Measurement D: Measurement E: DOM Packing Total Data Base filling Functionality test of acoustic reception (20,30,40 kHz, 2 amplitudes, acoustic emitter trigger GPS-PPS) Compass Calibration using rotating dish Functionality test of nano beacon 5 min 15 min 10 min 20 min 1 h + 24 h + 8 h dark adaption 2h DU acceptance and calibration Dark room: Materials laser light source optical splitter 1 x 18 full shore station GPS Acoustic emitter for piezo test Calibrated fibers at the DU base Measurements: 1 PMT per DU (intra DOM synchronisation): ToT@ NHV, Time Offset @NHV nano Beacon: time delay @ peak with close PMTs Piezoelectric sensor: functionality test Details: Time for DU assembly – see DU integration document Dark adaptation for PMTs <12 h Time for measurements 1 h (including 5’ for the piezo and 5’ for the nano-beacon) Calibration Units 3 CTD (top, middle, bottom) + oxygen (TBD) 2 SVP (top, bottom) 2 ADCP (top, bottom) FIGURE 4 : Cui : Cub : Inductive cable Inductive interface coupled to standard RS232 instrument Base container : Inductive instrument ICC - Sound Electronic Board - CLBV2 Extra container : + others (AC/DC DC/DC ….) - IMM - batteries Acoustic releases Interlink : Ethernet electric cable Laser Acoustic Acoustic - detector clock (FO) Receiver Emitter - data transfer (FO) - energy DU or Dead weight Calibration Bases Laser Beacon, acoustic beacon, acoustic receiver (CLB) JB Implementation plan Capo Passero Calibration Bases (or DU + active bases) # 18, 22, 29 IU: attached via ROV mate electrical connector to DU 29 (at about 80 m distance) DU 9-12 should have acoustic receivers at their base Autonomous Beacons: for the first lines should be placed in positions 18, 22 and later 29, 32 In addition: Towers will all have active bases (hydrophones + acoustic emitter) Towers 6 and 4 will have Laser Beacon at the base Towers 1,2,3 will have CTD, SVPs and DCS Implementation plan Meust Calibration Bases (or DU + active bases) Define if numbering follows the installation sequence IU: attached via ROV mate electrical connector to CB First DUs should have acoustic receivers at their base Autonomous Beacons: for the first lines should be placed in positions TBD