Factors Мodifying Drug Actions & Effects

Assoc. Prof. Galya Stavreva, MD, PhD
Experimental & Clinical Pharmacology
MU − Pleven (2015)
Lecture Outline
Factors Modifying Action of Drugs
• Drugs’ factors
• Hosts’ factors
Physiological Factors
Pathological Factors (Diseases)
Genetic Factors
• Environmental Factors
• Drug interactions
A multitude of host, drug & environmental factors
influence drug response. Understanding of these factors
can guide choice of appropriate drug & dose for
individual patient.
1. Drugs’ factors
• Physical properties (physical state, crystal structure, size of
particulate solid drugs) determine their absorption and
bioavailability, as well - the power of the drug effect.
• Physico-chemical properties: lipophilicity, pK-value, the
Michaelis affinity constant (Km) - the affinity of an enzyme to
its substrate. When the value of Km is the high affinity of the
enzyme is low, and vice versa.
• Сhemical structure
• Drug dosage forms
• Dose: dosis pro dosi; dosis pro die; dosis pro cura (cursu)
• Repeated and prolonged drug administration: cumulation,
2. Physiological Factors
Body weight
Drugs and Age of Patients
• Most drugs are developed and tested in young to
middle-aged adults
• Drug consumption is different
• Dosage regimen cannot be based on body weight or
surface area extrapolated from adult dosage
• Therapeutic disasters:
• Gray Baby Syndrom: chloramphenicol
• Thalidomide: Teratogenic effect
• Isotretinion (Accutane®): Teratogenic effect
Thalidomide prescribed as a sedative or hypnotic. Afterwards, it
was used against nausea and to alleviate morning sickness in
pregnant women. Thalidomide became an over the counter drug in
Germany on October 1, 1957. Shortly after the drug was sold in
Germany, between 5,000 and 7,000 infants were born
with phocomelia (malformation of the limbs). Only 40% of these
children survived. Throughout the world, about 10,000 cases were
reported of infants with phocomelia; only 50% of the 10,000
Premature infants:< 36 weeks gestation
Full-term infants: 36-40 weeks gestation
Neonates: 1st 4 weeks post-natal
Infants: 5-32 weeks post-natal
Children : 1-12 years
Adolescents: 12-16years
Geriatrics: > 65 years
Changes in body proportions & composition with growth and
premature (2 full term (3.5 1 yr (10 kg) 15 yr (60 kg) adult (70 kg) elder (65 kg)
From Puig M: Body composition and growth. In Nutrition in Pediatrics, ed. 2,
edited by WA Walker and JB Watkins. Hamilton, Ontario, BC Decker, 1996
2.1 Drugs in Neonates
 High body water: >70% of BW
 gastric acid secretion
 liver microsomal enzymes; limited
pathway is not developed the first year
plasma protein binding - increase in
unbound drug in serum
Lower body fat: highly lipid-soluble drugs
distribution is diminished (diazepam)
GFR & tubular secretion
Immaturity of BBB in neonates.
Compliance problem
Poor communication
Inconvenient dosage forms
Unreliable measurement
Spillage, etc
• Medication dosage: BW
versus BSA
There are a few formulae for calculation of dose of
the children under 12 years.
• Clark's Rule =
(Weight of the child in kg
/150) X Adult dose
• Dilling's Formula=
(Age/20) X Adult dose
• Young's Rule=
(Age X Adult dose)/Age+12
• The dose required for the
age between 12 to 16
years will be from ½ to 2/3
of the adult dose.
• Dose of sodium bicarbonate
for a child of 6 years
• Adult dose of sodium
bicarbonate is 1g (1-4 g).
• Young’s Rule
the required dose will
be = 6 x 1/ (6+12) =
6/20 =0,3g
Body Surface Area for Drug Dosage
• Calculations based on
the child’s weight are
• Physiological
differences (body water,
fat): larger doses of
some drugs on a
mg/m2 basis
BSA is calculated from
height and weight
 The surface area rule
is the most accurate
• Approximate child’s
dose =
Body surface area X adult
dose / 1.7
child’s dose =
Body surface
area of the child
X adult dose /
Calculation of Drug Dosages,
7th Edition Ogden, Sheila J
Nomogram image, p. 364,
Copyright Elsevier for C4203
•GIT absorption of ampicillin and amoxicillin is greater in
neonates due to decreased gastric acidity.
•Chloramphenicol – Gray-baby syndrome – (inadequate
glucouronidation of chloramphenicol with drug
• Sulfonamides – Hyperbilirubinemia & Kernicterus
•The children can tolerate iron, belladonna preparations
relatively better than adult but they can not tolerate
opium and morphine preparations except in very small
• Tetracyclines - permanent teeth staining
• Corticosteroids - growth & development
• Antihistaminics - hyperactivity.
• Administration of drugs during the first year of
life can be a challenge due to rapid changes in
body size, body composition, and organ
Intramuscular Injections
• Vastus lateralis is the preferred site for
children under the age of 3.
• Ventrogluteal site is the preferred site for
children over the age of 3.
– The child should be walking.
•Children are vulnerable.
•Be kind and patient.
•Enjoy the children;
you will receive more
than you give.
Anterior view of the location of the
vastus lateralis muscle in a young
2007 Thomson Delmar Learning, a division
of Thomson Learning Inc.
• Elderly constitute 12% of the population but consume 31% of
prescribed drugs in US
• Elderly more sensitive to drugs and exhibit more variability in
• Altered pharmacokinetics
• Multiple and severe illnesses
• Multiple drug therapy and usage
• Poor compliance
• “Individualization of treatment is essential: each patient must
be monitored for desired responses and adverse responses,
and the regime must be adjusted accordingly”
Changes in Geriatric Patients
body fat (25-30%) - reduces plasma levels of lipid
soluble drugs
• total body water by 25% - increases concentration
of water soluble drugs and intensity of response;
greater risk for dehydration
• concentration of serum albumin- malnourishment
decreases albumin and results in increased drug
• Metabolism: hepatic functions in elderly and drug
levels increase (diazepam, theophylline)
Changes in Geriatric Patients
•Stomach pH ; blood flow ; decrease in gut motility
(slow onset)
• In the elderly, muscle decreases by 25%.
•Excretion: decline (40-50%) of renal function in
elderly may lead to higher
serum drug levels and longer drug half-life.
Reduced renal clearance of active metabolites may
enhance therapeutic effect or risk of toxicity (e.g.,
digoxin, lithium, aminoglycosides, vancomycin)
Pharmacodynamic Changes
•Alterations in receptor levels may change: Beta-blockers less
effective in the elderly patients.
•Age-related changes resulting in sensitivity to certain classes
of drugs place the elderly at risk for adverse drug reactions
•CNS depressants (e.g., benzodiazepines) resulting in delirium,
confusion, agitation and sedation
•Anticoagulants and hemorrhage e.g., in combination with
NSAIDs, salicylates.
• Alpha-blockers resulting in orthostatic hypotension
• Anticholinergic medications resulting in dry mouth,
constipation, urinary retention, blurred vision, confusion
Effects of Aging on Volume of Distribution (Vd)
Aging Effect
Vd Effect
 body water
 Vd for hydrophilic ethanol, lithium
 lean body mass
 Vd for for drugs
that bind to muscle
 fat stores
 Vd for lipophilic
diazepam, trazodone
 plasma protein
 % of unbound or
free drug (active)
diazepam, valproic acid,
phenytoin, warfarin
 plasma protein
(1-acid glycoprotein)
 % of unbound or
free drug (active)
quinidine, propranolol,
erythromycin, amitriptyline
Polypharmacy Defined
• Treatment with multiple medications (> 5
meds per regimen) for a variety of conditions
and symptoms that include excessive or
unnecessary medications that place the patient
at risk for an adverse drug reaction.
Balance between avoiding excessive or
unnecessary use of medications and
providing beneficial therapies.
Increased incidence of chronic conditions as the
Heart Failure
Ischemic Heart Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease
Urinary problems
Adverse Drug Reactions in Geriatrics
• Seven times more likely in elderly
• 16% of hospital admissions
• 50% of all medication-related deaths
• Drug accumulation secondary to reduced
renal function
• Polypharmacy : dangerous practice (drug-drug
• Greater severity of illness
• Presence of multiple pathologies
• Increased individual variation
• Inadequate supervision of long-term therapy
• Poor patient compliance
Reasons for non-compliance include complex
drug regimens, intentional non-adherence, and
dementia and cognitive impairment.
Start with a low dose and titrate slowly
• Simplify regimen (once or twice daily dosing)
• Consolidate medications
• Use of blister packs, pill boxes, calendars,
watches, other reminders
• Reduce costs (e.g., generics, pill splitting)
2.3. SEX
• Females body size ; D
•Testosterone the rate of biotransformation of drugs
• metabolism of some drugs in female (Diazepam)
•Females are more susceptible to autonomic drugs
(estrogen inhibits choline estrase)
• Gynaecomastia is ADR occuring only in men
(metoclopramide, chlorpromazine, digitalis)
•Antihypertensive drs (clonidine, beta-blockers, diuretics)
interfere with sexual function in males.
2.4. Drug Therapy During Pregnancy
Drug treatment in
pregnancy is complicated
mainly by two aspects:
•general concerns do exist
regarding potentially
harmful effects of drugs on
the embryo. The fear of a
second disaster as with
still present;
• physiological changes
occuring during
pregnancy may have an
influence on
pharmacokinetics and
pharmacodynamics and
subsequently efficacy of
1/3 to 1/2 of pregnant women take at least one
prescription drug and most take more
• Some used to treat pregnancy side effects
• Some medications used to treat chronic disorders
–Infectious Diseases
• Drugs of abuse
•GI transit time is prolonged by about 30-50%. This
could alter the rate and amount of absorption and the
plasma concentration of drugs, which are either given
as slow release forms or those, which are metabolised
in the gut wall.
•Vd almost doubles during the later course of
pregnancy; slight increment in renal clearance.
• treatment failures with ampicillin in pregnancy can
be due to lower plasma concentrations.
Plasma concentration/time profile of ampicillin, once after i. v. administration of
500 mg after delivery (= week 0, no pregnancy) and at week 40 of gestation;
note, that a dose of 935 mg has been given at week 40 to achieve a
comparable Cmax and AUC.
P. Thurmann, Drug treatment in pregnancy. Pharmaca
Jugoslavica. 2000;38:59-63.
• Progesterone influences biotransformation
of drugs, metabolised by CYP3A4 (methyprednisolone).
• The microsomal oxidation of carbamazepine
to it's active metabolite doubles during pregnancy.
• Cardiac output GFR and renal elimination of drugs.
• Lipophilic drugs cross placental barrier
& slowly excreted.
The concept of teratology
•One of the most important factors determining the sensitivity of
the embryo is the gestational age:
•During the first 2 weeks (blastogenesis) the law of all-or-none
•During day 15 to 60 malformations maybe induced, depending on
the exact date of exposure (organo-genesis, embriogenesis). Birth
defects are known to occur in 3-5% of all newborns.
Teratogenesis (teras, meaning 'monster' or 'marvel‘)
•Sensitivity to drugs decreases during the foetal period (after 9
week), later exposure to xenobiotics may induce functional defects
or growth retardation.
Effects of Teratogens at Specific Stages of Fetal
Thalidomide (1957–1961)
USA: 17
In 1962,
the United States Congress
enacted laws requiring tests
for safety during pregnancy
before a drug can receive
approval for sale in the U.S.
Thalidomide is racemic: it contains both left- and right-handed
isomers. The (R) enantiomer is effective against morning sickness.
The (S) is teratogenic and causes birth defects. The enantiomers
can interconvert in vivo. The (S) enantiomer intercalates (inserts)
into the DNA in G–C (guanine – cytosine) rich regions.
Drugs with documented teratogenic or
embryotoxic effect
P. Thurmann, Drug treatment in pregnancy. Pharmaca
Jugoslavica. 2000;38:59-63.
FDA pregnancy category
•A - Controlled studies in women fail to demon-strate a
risk to the fetus in the first trimester, and the possibility
of fetal harm appears remote (only 8 drugs: folic acid,
vit A, vit C, vit D in physiol. D)
•B - Animal studies do not indicate a risk to the fetus
and there are no controlled human studies, or animal
studies do show an adverse effect on the fetus but
well-controlled studies in pregnant women have failed
to demonstrate a risk to the fetus (250 medicines;
penicillins, erythromycin, metthyldopa, lansoprazole).
•C - Studies have shown that the drug exerts animal
teratogenic or embryocidal effects, but there are no
controlled studies in women, or no studies are available
in either animals or women. However, potential
benefits may overweight the potential risk (700 drs;
atenolol, aminophylline).
•D - Positive evidence of human fetal risk exists, but
benefits in certain situations (e.g., life-threatening
situations or serious diseases for which safer drugs
cannot be used or are ineffective) may make use of the
drug acceptable despite its risks (phenytoine,
metotrexate, doxiciclin, enalapril, cyclophosphamide).
• X - Studies in animals or humans have
demonstrated fetal abnormalities or there is
evidence of fetal risk based on human
experience, or both, and the risk clearly
outweighs any possible benefit (statins,
Whereas categories A to C define the
degree of risk, categories D and X
offer a risk-benefit evaluation.
Some recommended drugs for selected indications
during pregnancy
P. Thurmann, Drug treatment in pregnancy. Pharmaca
Jugoslavica. 2000;38:59-63.
2.5. Drug Therapy during Breast Feeding
Drugs get through breast milk and can effect infant
•Little research done on this aspect because of dangers
involved in these studies - Adverse effects are described
(penicillin, tetracycline)
•Concentration of drugs differ in milk. Lipid soluble drugs
are in higher concentration; Milk is weakly acidic: weak
bases are concentrated.
• Generally most drugs are in too low a concentration to be
harmful to infant.
•Some drs can lead to toxicity in the child if enter the milk
in pharmacological quantities - laxatives.
Some drugs are contraindicated because of known
risk: nicotine, amphetamines, lithium, marijuana,
anticancer drugs.
drugs to be avoided: amiodarone, TTC,
quinolones, aspirin, benzodiazepines.
infant should be monitored if betalytics
(bradycardia), corticoids (infants´adrenal functions) or
lithium (intoxication) are prescribed to mother.
Others: metronidazole gives milk an unpleasant taste;
bromocriptine and diuretics suppress lactation.
Lactation Risk Categories – LRC)
Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacologic
Basis of Therapeutics - 11th Ed. (2006)
L1 – safest: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Epinephrine.
L2 – safer: Diclofenac, Fentanyl, Cetirizine,
Omeprazole, cephalosporins.
L3 – moderately safe: Acarbose, Acetylsalicylic acid,
Indometacin, Codeine, Morphine, Midazolam, Triazolam,
Acebutоlol, Dimetinden.
L4 – hazardous: Colchicine, Lithium, Ergobrevine,
L5 – contraindicated: ACE inhibitors (enalapril etc.)
A: controlled studies
show no risk
B: no evidence of risk in
C: risk cannot be ruled
D: positive evidence of
X: contraindicated in
L1: safest
L2: safer
L3: moderately safe
L4: possibly hazardous
L5: contraindicated
2.6. Species and race
•Rabbits are resistant to atr; rats & mice – to digitalis.
•Afro-americans require higher and mongols – lower D
of atr & ephedrine to dilate their pupil.
•Beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors are less effective as
antihypertensive in afro americans.
•Around 80% of Asian people have a variant of the
gene coding for the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase.
Alcohol flush reaction (also known as Asian flush
syndrome, Asian flush) is a condition in which an
individual's face or body experiences flushes or
blotches as a result of an accumulation of
3. Pathological Factors
Diseases cause individual variation in drug response
• Renal and liver insufficiency are the
main modulators of drug effect.
• Renal failure decreases drug
• Liver failure decreases drug
3.1. Renal Disease
Renal excretion is reduced in relation to GFR raised plasma levels
• tubular function
• Plasma albumin
•Drugs (and their metabolites) excreted predominantly
by the kidney accumulate in renal failure:digoxinlithium- gentamycin- penicillin.
•Risk of toxicity after usual doses: aminoglycosides,
digoxin, lithium, enalapril, atenolol, methotrexate
– essential in deciding on an appropriate dose regimen
Prescribing for patients with renal disease
• Check the renal status
• Consider how the drug is eliminated
• if non-renal elimination accounts for less than 50% of
total elimination, than dose reduction will probably be
• monitor therapeutic and unwanted effects
• when appropriate also TDM
• use potentially nephrotoxic drugs - with special
• aminoglycosides, NSAIDs, ACEI
Reduction of GF:
• NSAID – decreased PGI2 – vasoconstriction of afferent
• ACEI – decresed AGII – dillatation of efferent arteries
• renal vasoconstriction – cyclosporin, amphotericin
Chronic interstitial nephritis, papillary necrosis
(phenacetin, NSAID)
Tubular damage (MTX)
Praecipitation (sulphonamides)
3.2. Liver disease
There is no reliable biomarker describing hepatic
In chronic liver disease :
• serum albumin is the most useful index of drug
metabolizing capacity or prothrombin time also
shows a moderate correlation with drug clearance of
• such indices of hepatic function serve mainly to
distinguish the severly affected from the milder cases
(in contrast to serum cr or Clcr in renal impairment).
Influence of liver disease
• Altered pharmacokinetics
a) increased bioavailability
- reduced first-pass metabolism
- decreased first-pass activation of prodrugs
b) decreased protein binding
c) decreased elimination
• Altered drug effect
• Worsening of metabolic state
Liver Disease
• Prolong duration of action = ↑ (t1/2).
• Plasma protein binding for warfarin,
tolbutamide; adverse effects.
• Hepatic blood flow clearance of morphine,
• Impaired liver microsomal enzymes diazepam- rifampicin- theophylline
Prescribing for patients with liver disease:
• if possible, use drugs that are eliminated by routes
other than the liver
• response and untoward effects should be monitored
(and therapy adjusted accordingly)
• predictable hepatotoxins (cytostatic drugs) should
only be used for the strongest of indications
• avoid drugs that interfere with hemostasis
(anticoagulants, aspirin)
Jiwon Kim. An Overview of Drug-Induced Liver Disease
US Pharm. 2005;11:HS-10-HS-21.
4. Genetic Factors
• Pharmacogenetics is the study of the relationship b/w
genetic factors and drug response.
• All key determinants of drug response (transporters,
metabolizing enzymes, ion channels, receptors with their
couplers and effectors are controlled genetically.
• Pharmacogenomics is the use of genetic information to
guide the choice of drug & dose on an individual basis.
• It intends to identify individuals who are either more likely
or less likely to respond to a drug, as well as those who
require altered dose of certain drug.
Genetic Factors
The existence in a population of two or
more phenotype with respect to the
effect of a drug.
• Idiosyncrasy abnormal drug reaction due to genetic
• Acetylation.
• Oxidation.
• Succinylcholine apnea.
• Glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.
Genetic Factors
• Polymorphism of N-acetyl transferase 2 gene
results in rapid & slow acetilator status
(acetyl transferase - non-microsomal).
• Isoniazid, sulphonamides, procainamide, etc.
• Slow acetylator phenotype - isoniazid
neuropathy; procainamide-induced lupus.
• Rapid acetylator phenotype - hepatitis.
Genetic Factors
•Pseudocholinesterase deficiency Succinyl choline
(Sk. muscle relaxant)
•Succinylcholine apnea due to paralysis of respiratory
•Malignant hyperthermia
By succinyl choline due to inherited inability to chelate
calcium by sarcoplasmic reticulum.
abnormal Ca release, muscle spasm, temp.
Genetic Factors
•Deficiency of Glucose–6 phosphate
dehydrogenase (G-6-PD)
G-6-PD deficiency in RBCs is responsible for
hemolytic anemia upon exposure to some
oxidizing drugs.
•Antimalarial drug: primaquine, quinine.
•Long acting sulphonamides, nalidixic acid.
•Fava beans ( favism).
5. Chronopharmacology
•The study of rhythmic, predictable-in-time differences in
the effects and/or pharmacokinetics of drugs. It
investigates the effects/side effects of drugs upon
temporal changes in biological functions or symptoms of a
disease as well as drug effects as a function of biologic
•Circadian Rhythm. A biological rhythm is an adaptive
phenomenon to predictable changes in environmental
factors linked to the rotation of the earth around its axis in
24 hours as well around the sun in 365 days.
Circadian rhythms are endogenously driven by
biological clocks found in single cells, flowers,
animals and men and in which "clock genes" are
Mammalians circadian pacemaker resides in the
paired suprachiasmatic nuclei.
Types of rhythm
Ultradian < 20 h
Circadian ~ 24 h
Infradian > 28 h
Circaseptan ~ 7 days
Circamensual ~ 30 days
Circannual ~ 1 year
• BP rises about 20% immediately after awaking.
• 2 hrs after arising are the peak hrs for MI, hemorragic
stroke, thrombotic events.
• Reasons: physical activity
catecholamine level
platelet aggregation
vascular tone
intrisic thrombolytic activity
5. Environmental Factors
Microsomal Enzyme Inducers
• Tobacco Smoke. Smokers metabolize drugs more
rapidly than non smoker.
• Pollutants are capable of inducing P450 enzymes,
such as hydrocarbons present in tobacco smoke,
charcoal broiled meat induce CYP 1A.
• Industrial workers exposed to some pesticides
metabolize certain drugs more rapidly than who are
non exposed. Polychlorinated biphenyls used in
industry, cruciferous vegetables also induce CYP 1A
Food-Drug Interaction
• Drug-food interactions may decrease absorption:
Calcium containing foods and tetracyclin
High fiber foods reduce absorption
• Drug-food interactions may increase absorption:
High calorie food more than doubles the absorption of
• Drug may cause upset stomach if taken without food
–Choose alternative drug?
–Increase dose if taken with food?
–Take shortly before or after meal?
Food-Drug Interaction
• Grapefruit juice may inhibit metabolism of
certain drugs, raise the blood levels (coadministration of grapefruit juice produce a
40% increase in blood levels of felodipinedrug for hypertension), and lead to toxicity
• Grapefruit juice may inhibits cytochrome
CYP3A isoenzyme and decrease metabolism of
certain drugs: One glass (200 ml) is sufficient.
Body composition and growth. In Nutrition in Pediatrics, ed. 2, edited by WA
Walker and JB Watkins. Hamilton, Ontario, BC Decker, 1996
Jiwon Kim. An Overview of Drug-Induced Liver Disease
US Pharm. 2005;11:HS-10-HS-21.
P. Thurmann, Drug treatment in pregnancy. Pharmaca Jugoslavica. 2000;38:59-63.
B. G. Katzung, Basic and Clinical Pharmacology, 12th ed., Appleton&Lange, 2012.
H. P. Rang, M. M. Dale, J. M. Ritter, Pharmacology, 7th ed., Churchill Livingstone,
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews Pharmacology, 4th Edition\Chapter 14
Bailey DG. Grapefruit-medication interactions. CMAJ. 2013 Apr 2;185(6):507-8
Journal of Chronotherapy and Drug Delivery (ISSN: 2249-6785)