Self-Confidence - Laubach Literacy Ontario

Managing Myself
Module A Part 2
What is Self-Confidence?
It is a feeling or belief in your powers and abilities.
Increasing your self-confidence can make you feel better about yourself.
Activity: Self-Confidence Quiz
Take the online quiz from Mind Tools
to find out how self-confident you
Once we believe in ourselves,
we can risk curiosity, wonder,
spontaneous delight, or any
experience that reveals the
human spirit.
– E.E. Cummings
Activity: 10 Qualities
Circle 10 qualities that you have from
the list provided. Look up each quality
in the dictionary and write a definition.
If you change your mind about a quality
after you look up the definition, choose
another quality. Once you have ten
qualities that apply to you add them to
the spider diagram. If you have access
to a computer, you can create a Wordle
with your qualities.
• Once you start developing a general level of self-confidence in
yourself, you will not only believe you can succeed, but you'll
also recognize and enjoy the successes you've already had.
• Recognizing your successes will help you build on them for
future successes.
• Working on your self-confidence on a regular basis will create
momentum and continued success.
• You can already do many things.
think about that.
The next activity will help you
Three things….
SWOT Analysis
• A great way to start working in your self-confidence is to do a SWOT
• A SWOT Analysis is a tool you use to determine Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats as they relate to your level of
What advantages do you have that others don't have (for example, skills,
certifications, education, or connections)?
What do you do better than anyone else?
What personal resources can you access?
What do other people see as your strengths?
Which of your achievements are you most proud of?
What values do you believe in that others fail to exhibit?
Are you part of a network or a group?
Consider your strengths from your own perspective, and from the point of
view of the people around you. Don't be modest or shy – be as objective as
you can.
What tasks do you usually avoid because you don't feel comfortable doing them?
What do the people around you see as your weaknesses?
What areas are you weak in your education and skills training?
What are your bad work habits (for example, are you often late, are you
disorganized, do you have a short temper, or are you poor at handling stress)?
Do you have personality traits that hold you back? For instance, are you afraid of
speaking in public?
Again, consider this from a personal perspective and an external perspective. Do
other people see weaknesses that you don't see? Be realistic – if you don’t identify
your weaknesses you won’t be able to work on them.
• Do you have a network of contacts to help you, or offer good advice?
• What new technology can help you? Or can you get help from others or
from people via the Internet?
• Do you have specific skills (like a second language)?
• You might find useful opportunities in the following: Networking events,
educational classes, training or conferences.
• Look at your strengths, and ask yourself whether these open up any
opportunities – and look at your weaknesses, and ask yourself whether
you could open up opportunities by eliminating those weaknesses.
• What obstacles do you currently face at work, home or school?
• Are any of your co-workers competing with you for projects or roles?
• Is your job (or the demand for the things you do at home or at school)
• Does changing technology threaten your ability to be successful?
• Could any of your weaknesses lead to threats?
Activity: Do a SWOT Analysis
• Use the information in the SWOT Handout to
complete a SWOT analysis.
• A setback is something that interrupts or delays something from happening.
• Setbacks are a natural part of life.
• Setbacks can affect your self-confidence if you let them.
Can you think of any setbacks you have experienced that affected
your self-confidence?
How to Deal with Setbacks
When you have a setback ask yourself the following questions:
• How did this make me feel?
• What can I learn by this? Is there a silver lining?
• Do I need to change something (e.g. a goal) because of this?
• Can I find anything humorous in this? You should never take life too
Activity: Dealing with Setbacks
• Work with a partner and come up with a solution for each
of the setbacks you are given.
Tips to Improve Self-Confidence
• Don't compare yourself to other people.
• Focus on what you can do, not what you can't do.
• Write down one small goal each day or each week that you can accomplish.
• Keep track of your accomplishments in a journal.
• Think positively.
Activity: 10 Ways to Instantly Build SelfConfidence
Read the article “10 Ways to Instantly Build
Self-Confidence” and answer the questions
that follow.
As you begin to recognize how much you've already
achieved – and understand how much potential you have –
you will have the confidence to set goals and achieve the
things you desire. The more you look for reasons to believe in
yourself, the easier it will be to find ways to motivate yourself
and become more self-confident.
This Power Point was created by Laubach Literacy Ontario.
The resources can be downloaded free of charge at
This Employment Ontario project was funded by the Ontario Government. 2015
All website links were accurate at the time of original distribution-March 2015.
All of the images and clip art used in this Power Point are from and