Mitosis and Meiosis Power Point Notes

The Cell Cycle and
Cell cycle-process by which somatic cells make more of themselves ( reproduce)
Makes exact copies, called daughter cells
3 parts: Interphase-G1( rapid growth, occupies most of the life of a cell), S( DNA
is copied), G2( Final growth)
Mitosis- prophase (4), metaphase( 2), anaphase(1), telophase ( 3)
Cytokinesis- division of the cytoplasm and the organelles
3 checkpoints-G1,G2,metaphase
Vocabulary to know:
Chromatin-DNA in a “beads on a string” form during interphase
Chromosome- a visible form of DNA
Chromatid- half of a chromosome
Histone-a protein used to allow DNA to wrap around it so it doesn’t get kinked
up, kinda like on a yoyo
Centromere- a region on a chromosome that holds the sister chromatids
Centriole-an organelle that helps to form the spindle fibers
Prokaryote, Eukaryote, Parts of the Cell Theory ( old stuff you best know!!!)
The DNA(genetic material) in a eukaryotic cell during interphase is in a form
called chromatin. Looks like “beads on a string” that wraps around itself. This
allows it to fit inside the nuclear membrane
The DNA in a bacterium(singular) or bacteria( plural) is in a circular form, like
twisting a rubber band on itself many times
Normal cells become cancer cells when they do not respond to the
Meiosis “Lingo”
Vocabulary to know:
Gamete- a reproductive cell
Zygote- when two different gametes fuse together during fertilization
Sperm- a male gamete
Ovum- a female gamete
Homologous chromosome-chromosomes that are similar in size, shape and
kinds of genes they contain. Each chromosome in a homologous pair comes
from one of the two parents.
Crossing over- when chromatids exchange genetic material during PROPHASE I
Independent assortment-the random distribution of homologous chromosomes
during meiosis
Vocabulary cont:
Haploid- a cell that has 1 set of chromosomes (n), 23
Diploid- a cell that has 2 sets of chromosomes ( 2n), 46
Autosome- chromosomes that DO NOT determine the sex of an individual. In a
human, these are chromosome pairs 1 thru 22
Sex Chromosome- chromosomes that determine the sex of an individual. In a
human these make-up the 23rd pair
Gene- a specific area on a chromosome that codes for a trait
Trait- a genetically determined characteristic ( ex: green eyes, black hair,
Types of Asexual Reproduction
Budding- part of the parent organism pinches off and forms a new organism.
Ex; yeast
Fragmentation- Ex: the fungus that causes athletes foot
Binary fission- occurs in single cell organisms ( a bacteria) in which one cell
divides into two cells of the same size
Vegetative reproduction- occurs in plants. New palnts grow from nonreproductive parts like the stem, root, leaves. Ex: potatoes, strawberries
Sexual Reproduction
Only one type, FERTILIZATION !
2 parents give genetic material to produce offspring that are genetically
different than their parents. Requires gametes, an egg and a sperm.
These gametes are produced from germ cells. These are cells specialized for
sexual reproduction.
All of the other cells in the body are called somatic cells.
This process occurs in MOST eukaryotic organisms
Comaparing Sexual vs. Asexual
Simplest, most primitive
Most efficient
Allows for many offspring in a short amount of time
Requires little energy
Little to no genetic variation in the offspring compared to the parents, therefore
they may be vulnerable to changes in the environment
Sexual Reporoduction
Produces genetically diverse individuals, therefore there will likely be offspring
that could survive a major environmental change.
Requires 2 individuals ( may be difficult to find a mate)
Requires a lot of energy ( fighting for a mate, traveling long distances,requires
specialized parts, etc)
Requires specialized cells
Process is kinda complicated ( ex: all the steps of meiosis)
Human Chromosome Make-up
Human GAMETES have 22 autosomes ( non sex determining) and 1 sex
chromosome, this makes up the haploid number (n) of 23
The human ZYGOTE has 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes
The sex chromosomes are labeled X and Y
Males have the chromosome make-up of XY, females are XX
Because males have 2 different forms, they determine the sex of the child.
The female can only give an X but the male can give an X or a Y
Meiosis In Action
The process of taking a DIPLOID cell thru 2 divisions to form 4 HAPLOID cells
Goes thru cell division TWICE !
Prophase I
Metaphase I
Anaphase I
Telophase I
Prophase II
Metaphase II
Anaphase II
Telophase II
Differences between Mitosis and Meiosis
produces 2 genetically identical daughter cells that are diploid
Only occurs in somatic cells ( for growth, repair, and ASEXUAL reproduction)
Only has 1 cell division
Begins with chromosomes
Produces 4, NON-IDENTICAL daughter cells that are haploid
Only occurs in reproductive cells and is used for SEXUAL reproduction
Goes thru 2 cell divisions
Begins with HOMOLOGOUS CHROMOSOMES . In Prophase I, every chromosome pairs with its
homologue ( an identical chromosome: XX). Now called a tetrad. Parts of these homologues
exchange pieces of their chromatids with each other in a process called CROSSING OVER.
When the homologous chromosomes line up in Metaphase I, they do so randomly, this is called
Mitosis produces 2 identical diploid cells in somatic cells. Efficient, very simple,
little energy required. Mostly occurs in single-celled organisms( prokaryotes). No (
or very little) genetic variation. Only requires one organism. For repair,
growth/development and asexual reproduction.
Meiosis produces 4 non-identical haploid cells. Only with reproductive (germ)
cells. Occurs in most eukaryotic cells. For creating cells for sexual reproduction.
LOTS of genetic variation!!!!! 3 main things that lead to this variation:
Independent assortment ( each of the 23 pairs of chromosomes separate independently,
thus 223 gametes( 8 million) with different gene combo’s can be made from one original
Random fertilization ( to show how much variation, in humans the possibility is 223 x 2223
( 64 trillion ) different combinations !!!!!!!!!