3rd CONEBAL MEETING REPORT Dr. Maria Guadalupe licea castellanos Director, expert services baja, california Merida, Yucatan november 2009 1 3rd CONEBAL MEETING (NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF BALLISTICS EXPERTS OF THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC) HELD IN THE CITY OF TIJUANA, B.C. ON MARCH 26 AND 27, 2009 ATTENDING • 52 EXPERTS REPRESENTING •STATE ATTORNEYS GENERAL •ATTORNEY GENERAL OF MEXICO •MILITARY JUSTICE PROSECUTOR EXHIBITORS MEXICO UNITED STATES CANADA EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT OF THE NATIONAL PUBLIC SECURITY SYSTEM Objective: STANDARDIZATION OF CRITERIA AND PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT TO STRENGTHEN THE BALLISTICS SPECIALTY IN THE MEXICAN REPUBLIC BOARD OF DIRECTORS INSTALLATION President: Óscar Escobedo Jiménez of the State of México. Secretary: José Noé Castañeda Ramírez of the State of Guanajuato. General Member: César Hugo Villa Hernández of the State of Veracruz. Regional Members: Northwest Member: José Alberto Caro Durán of the State of Baja California. Northeast Member: León III Robledo Medellín of the State of Coahuila. Central Member: Luis Herrera Fernández of the Federal District. Mid-Western: Gustavo Ernesto Peyret Flores, of the State of Michoacán. South-Southeast: Juan Valdivia Bautista, of the State of Tabasco. The AGR and the Military Justice Prosecutor are with the Central Zone group. Subjects March 26 Aspects to Consider for Certification under the National Public Security System (SNSP) Law D.C. Efraín Huerta Rivera of the SNSP. Presentation of the CONEBAL web page Óscar Escobedo Jiménez of the State of Mexico. Presentation of case study Eduardo Mejía Chalico, of the State of Morelos. Session addressing establishment of a glossary of Ballistics technical terms. Subjects March 27 Presentation by Forensic Technology regarding International Ballistics Identification System (IBIS). Peter Gagliardi, vice president for special projects of Pierre Reed Remarks by Rommel Moreno Manjarrez, Public Prosecutor, State of Baja California. He greeted CONEBAL members and administered the oath of office to members of the CONEBAL Board of Directors. Presentation of comments about the Federal Firearms and Explosives Law, Félix Loredo Cháirez of the State of México. Discussion about the glossary of terms Proposal regarding a guide for the Public Ministry to address Ballistics requests. General issues: working subjects to develop locally, subjects to address at the next meeting. AGREEMENTS: One.- Acknowledgement of the need for growth in the staff of personnel who are ballistics experts at our respective local government levels. Two.- Technical procedures manuals from participating states shall be sent to the members of each zone, who will review them to identify similarities and differences in order to provide feedback to those who sent them, so that unique manuals for each zone can be analyzed at the next meeting. This will take place within one month and the following week the members must send a corresponding report to the president and secretary. In turn, no later than one week later, the president of CONEBAL shall send a progress report to the SNSP to be presented at the next meeting of the Directors of Expert Services, to be held in May. Three.- CONEBAL shall request the support of the SNSP for follow-up on training plans, including formalities and technical aspects. Four.- Follow-up on committee work shall take place exclusively at national meetings and shall be conducted by committee members attending the respective meeting. Five.- It was unanimously agreed that the CONEBAL web page shall be totally confidential, with a personalized, non-transferable access code for each committee member. Six.- It was unanimously agreed that the CONEBAL web page shall be equipped for videoconferencing, with the appropriate security measures. Seven.- The following items were agreed upon during the discussion of the glossary of terms: FIREARM.- ANY MECHANICAL DEVICE DESIGNED TO FIRE PROJECTILES, USING POWER GENERATED BY GASES RESULTING FROM THE IGNITION OF POWDER. REVOLVER.- A FIREARM WITH A ROTATING CYLINDER WITH SEPARATE COMPARTMENTS FOR THE LOADING OF CARTRIDGES. Eight.- Setting up the CONEBAL web page is the responsibility of the State of Mexico and the establishment of the editorial committee for the web page shall take place after the page has been set up and adjusted. Nine.- Pursuant to the case study comments by Eduardo Mejía Chalico, it was agreed that currently there is no method or technique to establish the caliber of a firearm projectile that has caused an injury based solely on the injury. Ten.- CONEBAL requests the assistance of the SNSP in informing the Directors of Expert Services and the State’s Attorneys, Attorney General of Mexico and the Military Justice Prosecutor about CONEBAL’s progress and the request that those states that have not sent representatives do so in order to improve progress. Eleven.- To provide CONEBAL guidelines for certification of Ballistics Experts. Twelve .- To table the subject of projectile velocity until the next meeting. Thirteen.- That a general application guide for the public ministry is currently not applicable. Fourteen.- The State of Mexico was proposed for the next CONEBAL meeting, to be held in August, 2009. Fifteen.- The State of Guanajuato was proposed as the alternate site for the next CONEBAL meeting. Sixteen.- For the next meeting, the glossary of terms for each of the regions will be sent, on the same dates as the technical procedures and through its respective member, to the secretary and president of CONEBAL. This glossary shall include, in addition to general terms, the following specifics for each zone: Northwest region: rifle; Northeast region: carbine; Central region: submachine gun; Western Region: machine gun and South-Southeast region: classification of custom-made firearms. Subjects, 4th CONEBAL Meeting Review of glossary of terms. Consolidate technical procedures. Continue review of Federal Firearms and Explosives Law. Review proposals for Certification of Ballistics Experts guidelines. THANK YOU….