Solar System


Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune

The sun is very important to

Solar system because it

Gives us...

• Temperature

• Magnetic fields

• Life

• Death

All those keywords are

Important because without

Them we all wouldn’t be

Here in our beautiful galaxy

Called milky way.

Here is a song about the


Layers of the Sun

Mercury is the closest next to our radiator that heats us up.

Facts about Mercury...

• A year in Mercury is just 88 days long

• Mercury is the smallest planet in the

Solar System.

• Mercury is the second densest planet.

• Mercury has wrinkles.

• Mercury has a molten core.

• Mercury is only the second hottest planets.

Mass: 330,104,000,000,000 billion kg

(0.055 x Earth)

Equatorial Diameter: 4,879

Polar Diameter: 4,879

Equatorial Circumference: 15,329 km

Known Satellites: none

Notable Satellites: none

Orbit Distance: 57,909,227 km (0.39 AU)

Orbit Period: 87.97 Earth days

Surface Temperature: -173 to 427°C

First Record: 14 th century BC

Recorded By: Assyrian astronomers

• Mercury is the most cratered planet in the Solar System.

• Mercury is named for the Roman messenger to the gods.

• Mercury has an atmosphere, 38%

Click Here for more details

Venus looks a little like Mercury however it isn’t because Venus is brighter than Mercury.


• A day on Venus lasts longer than a year.

• Venus is often called the

Earth’s sister planet.

• Venus rotates counterclockwise because it’s an retrograde rotation. A possible reason might be a collision with an asteroid in the past or another object caused the planet to alter its rotational path.

• Venus is the second brightest object in the night sky.

Planet Profile

Mass: 4,867,320,000,000,000 billion kg (0.815 x Earth)

Equatorial Diameter: 12,104 km

Polar Diameter: 12,104 km

Equatorial Circumference: 38,025 km

Known Satellites: none

Notable Satellites: none

Orbit Distance: 108,209,475 km (0.73 AU)

Orbit Period: 224.70 Earth days

Surface Temperature: 462 °C

First Record: 17 th century BC

Recorded By: Babylonian astronomers

Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system. The average surface temperature is 462 °C,

and because Venus does not tilt on its axis, there is no seasonal variation.

The dense atmosphere of around 96.5 percent carbon dioxide traps heat and causes a

greenhouse effect.

Now, here is our lovely home, Earth,

Which might get hit by asteroids.

This’ll cause great damage and will kill

All living things including our home.


• The Earth’s rotation is gradually


• The Earth was once believed to be the centre of the universe.

• Earth has a powerful magnetic field.

• There is only one natural satellite of the planet Earth.

• Earth is the only planet not named after a god.

• Of all the planets in our solar system, the Earth has the greatest


Planet Profile

Mass: 5,972,190,000,000,000 billion kg

Equatorial Diameter: 12,756 km

Polar Diameter: 12,714 km

Equatorial Circumference: 40,030 km

Known Satellites: 1

Notable Satellites: The Moon

Orbit Distance: 149,598,262 km (1 AU)

Orbit Period: 365.26 Earth days

Surface Temperature: -88 to 58°C.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets. Unlike the other planets in the solar

system that are named after classic deities the Earth’s name comes from the Anglo-Saxon word erda which means

ground or soil.

Mars is the darkest planet in our Solar

System. Even though this planet is

Scorching hot there is still water inside

Mars that is being found by astronauts.


• Mars and Earth have approximately the same landmass.

• Mars is home to the tallest mountain in the solar system.

• Only 16 missions to Mars have been successful.

• Mars has the largest dust storms in the solar system.

• On Mars the Sun appears about half the size as it does on


• Pieces of Mars have fallen to Earth.

• Mars takes its name from the Roman god of war.

Mars Planet Profile

Mass: 641,693,000,000,000 billion kg (0.107 x Earth)

Equatorial Diameter: 6,805

Polar Diameter: 6,755

Equatorial Circumference: 21,297 km

Known Satellites: 2

Notable Satellites: Phobos & Deimos

Orbit Distance: 227,943,824 km (1.38 AU)

Orbit Period: 686.98 Earth days (1.88 Earth years)

Surface Temperature: -87 to -5 °C

First Record: 2 nd millenium BC

Recorded By: Egyptian astronomers.

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and is the largest planet in the solar system.


It is not known when Jupiter was discovered The earliest record of Jupiter is from

Babylonian texts dating from the 7 th or 8 th century BC.

Jupiter is named after the king of the Roman gods –.

Jupiter’s most recognisable feature is the Great Red Storm

– This is a storm that has been raging for at least 350 years and is large enough for two

Earths to fit inside of.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the

Sun and is named after the Roman god of wealth. Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system and is best known for its fabulous rings. The rings were not known however predicted by the Dogon

Tribe. to exist until Galileo first observed them in 1610.

Planet Profile

Mass: 568,319,000,000,000,000 billion kg (95.16 x Earth)

Equatorial Diameter: 120,536 km

Polar Diameter: 108,728 km

Equatorial Circumference: 365,882 km

Known Satellites: 62

Notable Satellites: Titan, Rhea &


Orbit Distance: 1,426,666,422 km (9.58 AU)

Orbit Period: 10,755.70 Earth days (29.45 Earth years)

Surface Temperature: -139 °C

First Record: 8 th century BC

Recorded By: Assyrians

Uranus is the seventh planet from the Sun. Uranus’ most unique feature is that its axis sideways in comparison to other planets that is its north and south poles which are in line with where other planets that have their equators. Uranus is named after the Greek god of the sky.

Uranus Planet Profile

Mass: 86,810,300,000,000,000 billion kg (14.536 x Earth)

Equatorial Diameter: 51,118 km

Polar Diameter: 49,946 km


Circumference: 159,354 km

Known Satellites: 27

Notable Satellites: Oberon, Titania, Miranda, Ariel

& Umbriel

Orbit Distance: 2,870,658,186 km (19.22 AU)

Orbit Period: 30,687.15 Earth days (84.02 Earth years)

Surface Temperature: -197 °C

Discover Date: March 13th 1781

Discovered By: William Herschel

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun and the smallest of the gas giants. Neptune was the first planet found by mathematical prediction after unexpected changes in the orbit of

Uranus were observed.

Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea.

Planet Profile

Mass: 102,410,000,000,000,000 billion kg (17.15x Earth)

Equatorial Diameter: 49,528 km

Polar Diameter: 48,682 km

Equatorial Circumference: 155,600 km

Known Satellites: 14

Notable Satellites: Tritan

Orbit Distance: 4,498,396,441 km (30.10 AU)

Orbit Period: 60,190.03 Earth days (164.79 Earth years)

Surface Temperature: -201 °C

Discover Date: September 23rd 1846

Discovered By: Urbain Le Verrier & Johann Galle
