
East Campus Senate Meeting
January 10, 2012
Room 3-113
Senators Present: Carl Creasman (presiding), Kristin Abel, Linda Anthon, John DiDonna, John Edwards,
Bill Gombash, Paul Flores, Michael Galletta, Margaret Gonzalez, Yolanda Gonzalez, Paul Labedz, Mark
Logas, Jennifer Lawhon, Joe Marek, Terry Miller, Terry Pasfield, Jolene Rhodes, Melissa Schreiber, Jovan
Trpovski, Steve Tullo, Olga Vazquez, Sylvana Vester, Chris Wettstein, Rob McCaffrey
Absent: Andrea Bose, Eric Lane
Call to Order – the meeting was called to order at 1:05
Minutes were approved
Dr. Johnson’s Campus President report:
 Presented the Campus Listening Tour report; explained that after plan is put into written
form, the Senate would see it to allow for faculty feedback
 Shared that the Science and Communications Division’s Dean position would be posted
for permanent status in the coming weeks
 Passed out letter from Dr. Shugart and Faculty Association President Rob McCaffrey
inviting all faculty to a series of meetings to be held on each campus. Winter Park’s
meeting is January 14, East Campus is January 23.
 Congratulated the Campus on the hard work on our division Unit plans
Election of Senate Secretary
 No one volunteered for the position in the wake of Erin O’Brien having to decline the
 The Senate voted to “Suspend the Rules” to ask the entire Association for someone to
nominate themselves. This person would join the Senate as a voting member as well as
being on the Executive team, including becoming an East Campus representative at
Faculty Council. This suspension of the rules was specific and narrow, for this one time
only in the event that no one was able or willing to serve from within the Senate. Carl
Creasman will send an email out to the East Campus Association asking for a Tenure
only candidates to nominate themselves. Those candidates will be voted on by the
By laws updates
 Carl Creasman proposed 3 by-laws updates and additions.
 Mark Logas moved that all 3 changes be approved.
 Carl explained more on the reasoning behind the changes
 Steve Tullo proposed a verbiage change to the proposed addition to Section VIII on the
voting of the new officers. Linda Anthon, Steve and others proposed that rather than
say “no more than seven days before the October meeting,” it should rather say “At
least one week before the October meeting.” This change was made.
 By laws changes need a 3/4th approval by the Senate members.
 The 3 by laws changes were approved
Electronic Voting
 Carl Creasman proposed that the Senate adopt the same electronic voting method that
Faculty Council had created; this is in an effort to streamline our work, especially on the
somewhat simple votes such as approving the minutes
 All Senators would be given the ability to vote via Qualtrics.
 All votes would be noted by name to allow a Senator to ensure his/her vote was
recorded accurately.
 It was approved that the Senate would have a trial run with the vote of approval of the
minutes from the January meeting.
 Carl will send out the January minutes along with voting instructions.
 The Senate will discuss further in February whether to adopt the electronic voting.
Calendar of Spring Term Meetings
 In accordance to the by-laws, Carl showed everyone the meeting dates for the Spring
meetings, including the May meeting.
 These were approved; no issues noted
Discussion of “Purpose” and Excellence
 Carl introduced a discussion that connects to a conversation currently happening within
the Faculty Council.
 Major points made were that we need to assure that we understand our own purpose
and then value that purpose, both as the Senate and as faculty members.
 Carl showed a clip of a talk made by Dr. Shugart and Dr. Susan Kelley. Dr. Shugart
explained how culture change happens: through courageous conversations by leaders
and through artifacts that help model the type of culture desired. Dr. Kelly spoke about
how in the 1990s, the College worked hard to create a culture of collaboration, even
creating a “dictionary” of sorts of key words and ideas, and worked collectively to
pursue excellence.
 In the post-video discussion, Bill Gombash raised the point that he wasn’t sure anyone
could actually answer the question about “what is the culture here?” John DiDonna
agreed, noting that the question really needs to be answered at every level of the
College, including administration, students and even an area like food services. Olga
Vasquez noted that in her experience, when people talk about the “culture” of a
campus, she has heard comments such as “East Campus is the Arts and Entertainment
campus” or that because of our proximity to UCF, East Campus students are more
college-ready or transient to UCF. Terry Pasfield noted that culture can be defined as
shared beliefs and values; others noted that different disciplines would define culture
connected to their field. Yolanda Gonzalez commented that its challenging to agree on
one definition of culture because there is a campus focus, sometimes a college focus
and of course there is the level of just the faculty. Steve Tullo noted that definitions are
necessary, that at times words like collaboration are used, hinting at or indicating a
group decision, when instead one single person will ultimately make the decision.
 Carl concluded the discussion by calling for a one-month subcommittee to craft an initial
document that would outline and define “what is adequate” in terms of being a faculty
member. Carl handed out copies of the Valencia Educator Competencies card (received
from Faculty Development) and noted that the “Seven Essential Competencies” were
created by faculty, and that these could serve as a starting place. Also, the idea may be
that we, as East Campus, may wish to revisit these, to define these in practical terms.
 John DiDonna, Bill Gombash and Terry Miller all volunteered to join the subcommittee.
New Business
 The floor was open for any new business. There was no new business
The meeting was adjourned at 2:02 PM.
Next meeting is February 14, 1:05 PM, room 3:113