Reproductive System

Biology 221
Anatomy & Physiology II
Reproductive System
Chapter 28
pp. 1071-1107
E. Lathrop-Davis / E. Gorski / S. Kabrhel
Male Anatomy Overview
The male reproductive system consists of:
• Testes
• Ducts
– epididymus
– ductus (vas) deferens
– ejaculatory duct
– urethra
• Penis
• Accessory glands
– seminal vesicles
– prostate
– bulblurethral (Cowper’s)
Fig. 28.1, p. 1071
Male: Testis
• The testes are located in the scrotum.
– This is for temperature regulation and keeps
them at about 33oC; sperm die quickly at
higher temperature.
• The structure of testis includes:
– seminiferous tubules;
– interstitial cells (cells of Leydig); and
– rete testis.
Fig. 28.3, p. 1073
Male: Testis –
Seminiferous Tubules
• The seminiferious tubules produce sperm.
• Sustentacular (Sertoli) cells support
spermatocytes (intermediate cells) and
spermatozoa, and produce inhibin, a hormone
that inhibits FSH and LH secretion by the
anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis).
Male: Testis –
Interstitial Cells and Rete Testis
• Interstitial cells are found between the
seminiferous tubules.
– These cells produce testosterone, the main
male hormone. It promotes sperm formation
and the development and maintenance of the
male reproductive system.
• Rete testis is the first collection area after
sperm leave the seminiferous tubules.
– It consists of a network of tubules on
posterior side that lead to the epididymus.
Fig. 28.3, p. 1073
Male: Testis Coverings
• The tunica vaginalis (TV) is the outer connective
tissue and is derived from peritoneum.
• The tunica albuginea (TA) is the inner fibrous
• Septa (S; singular = septum) are extensions of
the tunica albuginea that divide the testis into
Fig. 28.3, p. 1073
Male: Duct System
• The epididymis is the site of sperm maturation
and storage.
• The ductus (vas) deferens carries sperm away
from the testis to the ejaculatory duct.
• The ejaculatory duct extends from where the
ducts from the seminal vesicles join the ductus
(vas) deferens to the urethra within the prostate
Fig. 28.1, p. 1071
Male: Urethra
• The prostatic urethra runs through the prostate
gland from the urinary bladder.
• The membranous urethra runs from the prostate
to the penis. It is the shortest segment of the
• The penile urethra runs through penis and is
surrounded by erectile tissue.
Fig. 28.4, p. 1075
Male: Penis
• The penis is designed to deliver sperm into vagina
of female.
• The penis contains tissues that aid delivery by
filling with blood during erection.
– The corpora cavernosa are paired structures
on the superior side of the penis.
– The corpus spongiosum surrounds the urethra
on the inferior side of the penis.
Fig. 28.4, p. 1075
Male Accessory Glands & Semen
• Semen consists of sperm plus products of the
accessory glands that support and nourish the
• Glands include the:
– Seminal vesicles (SV)
– Prostate gland
– Bulbourethral (Cowper’s) glands
Fig. 28.1, p. 1071
Male Accessory Glands:
Seminal Vesicles
• The seminal vesicles produce about 60% of all
• The alkaline fluid neutralizes the acidity of the
male urethra and female vagina.
• Fructose included in the fluid nourishes the
Fig. 28.1, p. 1071
Male Accessory Glands: Prostate
• The prostate gland encircles the urethra below
the bladder (hence the name “prostate urethra”).
• The prostate produces about 30% of the semen.
• The products play a role in activating and
protecting sperm.
– Citrate nourishes sperm.
Fig. 28.1, p. 1071
Male Accessory Gland:
Bulbourethral Glands
• The paired bulbourethral glands lie near the base
of the penis.
• The bulbourethral glands produce mucus that
neutralizes acidity of traces of urine in the male
Fig. 28.1, p. 1071
Male Reproductive Physiology:
Sperm Production Overview
• Sperm (and ova) are produce by meiotic cell
• Sperm production involves two stages:
– Spermatogenesis is the process by which
diploid spermatocytes divide by meiotic cell
division to yield haploid gametes called
– Spermiogenesis is the process of maturation of
spermatids into functional spermatozoa
Comparison of Mitosis & Meiosis
Single division
2 divisions
1. Meiosis I reduces number
of chromosomes by half
2. Meiosis II separates
chromatids into 4 separate
haploid cells
Produces 2 genetically
identical diploid daughter
Produces 4 genetically
distinct haploid daughter cells
Fig. 28.6, p. 1078
Male: Spermiogenesis
Spermiogenesis involves the development of:
• a flagellum (whip-like “tail”) for movement;
• an acrosome that contains digestive enzymes for
egg penetration; and
• a midpiece that has lots of mitochondria to
provide ATP (energy) for movement.
Fig. 28.9, p. 1082
Male: Sustentacular Cells
• Sustentacular cells are also called Sertoli cells.
• They surround and support the developing
spermatocytes and spermatids.
• Sustentacular cells extend from the basal lamina
of the seminiferous tubule to the lumen of
Fig. 28.8, p. 1081
Male: Sustentacular Cells
Sustentacular cells form the blood-testis barrier.
• Their cells are joined by tight junctions, which
prevents contact between developing sperm and
– This is important because sperm are first
produced after the immune system has
developed its sense of “self” .
– Sperm would be recognized as foreign if
contacted blood.
• These cells produce fluid different from the
surrounding interstitial fluid (higher in androgens,
amino acids, potassium).
Male: Hormonal Regulation of Function
Hypothalamus secretes GnRH
(Gonadotropin-releasing hormone)
GnRF stimulates the adenohypophysis to release
• FSH indirectly stimulates
LH stimulates
testosterone secretion
• stimulates spermatogenesis
• stimulates inhibin secretion
Fig. 28.10, p. 1085
(inhibits FSH and LH production)
Male: Testosterone
Testosterone stimulates:
• spermatogenesis (production of sperm);
• development and maintenance of male secondary
sex characteristics (e.g., facial hair, large
muscles, etc.) and male reproductive organs;
• development of the sexual drive in the CNS;
• protein synthesis in muscle cells and growth of
muscle and bone;
Fig. 28.10, p. 1085
Female Anatomy Overview
The female reproductive system consists of:
• Ovaries
• Fallopian (uterine) tubes (oviducts)
• Uterus
• Vagina
• Mammary glands
• Supporting structures
Fig. 28.11, p. 1086
Female: Ovaries
• The ovaries are located in the pelvic cavity lateral
to the uterus.
• Ligaments anchor the ovary to other structures.
– The ovarian ligament anchors ovary to uterus.
– The broad ligament consists of parietal
peritoneal tissue
° The suspensory ligament anchors the ovary
to the lateral pelvic wall
° The mesovarium holds the ovary between the
ovarian and suspensory ligaments.
Fig. 28.14, p. 1089
Female: Ovaries
• The ovary contains oocytes surrounded by
• The ovary releases secondary oocytes into the
pelvic cavity.
Fig. 28.14, p. 1089
Female: Uterine (Fallopian) Tubes
• The fallopian tube carries the oocyte toward the
• Fimbriae are fingerlike extensions of the ends of
the fallopian tubes.
– The fimbriae immediately pick up the secondary
oocyte released from the ovary and transfer it
into the fallopian tube.
• Smooth muscle and cilia on the simple columnar
epithelium help move the oocyte toward the
Fig. 28.14, p. 1089
Female: Uterus
• The uterus is the normal site of implantation of
the fertilized ovum and development of the fetus.
• The uterus wall has 3 layers:
– The endometrium is the inner layer.
– The myometrium is the middle layer of smooth
– The perimetrium is the outer covering of
visceral peritoneum.
Fig. 28.14, p. 1089
Female: Uterus – Endometrium
• The endometrium consists of two sublayers:
– the stratum functionalis is the sublayer
closest to the lumen; it undergoes cyclical
changes every month;
– the stratum basalis lines the myometrium and
forms a new stratum functionalis each month.
• The endometrium forms the maternal part of
the placenta.
Myometrium & Perimetrium
• The myometrium consists of smooth muscle.
– contracts under hormonal and parasympathetic
control to expel sloughed off endometrial
tissue each or the fetus at the end of
• The perimetrium (also called the serosa) is the
peritoneal covering.
Fig. 28.14, p. 1089
Female: Cervix and Vagina
• The cervix is the narrow “neck” of the uterus.
• The vagina, also called the “birth canal”, is lined
with stratified squamous epithelium because it is
subject to abrasion.
Fig. 28.14, p. 1089
Mammary Glands
• The mammary glands are modified sweat glands.
• They are only functional in females.
• The mammary glands produce milk to nourish the
• Mile is produced and released under hormonal
– Prolactin stimulates milk production in
lactating females.
– Oxytocin stimulates milk ejection when the
infant suckles.
Fig. 28.17, p. 1093
Female: Ovarian Cycle Overview
• The ovarian cycle consists of two phases:
Follicular (1-6 in diagram) & Luteal (7-9 in
Fig. 28.20, p. 1097
Follicular Phase – 1st to 14th Day
• Each month, several primordial follicles develop
into primary follicles.
• Usually only one primary follicle develops into a
secondary follicle.
– The zona pellucida forms as a thick, transparent
membrane around the oocyte.
– The primary follicle begins to produce
– The antrum, an opening around the oocyte,
forms and the primary follicle becomes a
secondary follicle.
Fig. 28.12, p. 1087
Fig. 28.19, p. 1095
Follicular Phase – 1st to 14th Day
• The follicle is called a secondary follicle when
antrum is present.
• The secondary follicle enlarges and becomes a
vesicular (Graafian) follicle.
– The corona radiata forms and surrounds the
– The primary oocyte divides (finishes meiosis I)
to form 1 secondary oocyte and 1 polar body.
Fig. 28.12, p. 1087
Fig. 28.19, p. 1095
Ovulation and Luteal Phase
– 14th to 28th day
• Ovulation refers to the release of the secondary
oocyte from the ovary.
– The ovary is arrested in metaphase of meiosis
• The Luteal Phase occurs from the 14th to 28th day.
– Cells of ruptured Graafian follicle become the
corpus luteum, which begins to secrete
progesterone and continues to secrete
– The corpus luteum degenerates in about 10
days if pregnancy does not occur to become the
corpus albicans.
Fig. 28.12, p. 1087
Ovarian Cycle: Hormonal Control
• The hypothalamus secretes GnRH (gonadotropin
releasing hormone).
• GnRH stimulates release of FSH (follicle
stimulating hormone) and LH (lutenizing hormone)
from the anterior pituitary.
– FSH (& LH) stimulate follicle growth.
Fig. 28.21, p. 1098
Ovarian Cycle: Hormonal Control
• The enlarged follicles begin to secrete
• Rising estrogen levels initially inhibit release of
FSH & LH from anterior pituitary, but also
stimulate it to produce and accumulate these
hormones (i.e., accumulate FSH and LH).
Fig. 28.21, p. 1098
Ovarian Cycle: Hormonal Control
• Once estrogen levels reach critical level, it exerts
positive feedback on the hypothalamus &
– The result is a sudden surge of LH.
• The surge of LH results in:
– completion of meiosis I; and
– release of the secondary oocyte from the
Graafian follicle (i.e., ovulation).
° Ovulation results from positive feedback
influence of estrogen on secretion of LH
Fig. 28.21, p. 1098
Ovarian Cycle: Hormonal Control
• The surge of LH causes the ruptured follicle to
become the corpus luteum and stimulates
production of estrogens and progestins from it.
• Increased progesterone and estrogen cause a
decline in LH.
– With the decline in LH, the corpus luteum is
less stimulated and eventually becomes the
corpus albicans.
Fig. 28.21, p. 1098
Uterine (Menstrual) Cycle
• The menstrual cycle refers to the cyclical
changes in the endometrium that prepare it for
implantation of a fertilized ovum.
• There are three phases to the mentrual cycle:
– the menstrual phase,
– the proliferative phase, and
– the secretory phase.
Fig. 28.15, p. 1091
Fig. 28.22, p. 1100
Menstrual Phase (Days 1-5)
• During the menstrual phase, the stratum
functionalis is shed and passes through vagina as
menstrual flow.
• This is a response to declining estrogen levels.
Proliferative Phase (Days 6-14)
• During the proliferative phase, the stratum
functionalis is rebuilt by the stratum basale in
response to stimulation from ovarian estrogens.
• The endometrial glands become larger.
• Estrogen induces formation of additional
progesterone receptors on the uterus.
• The blood supply for the endometrium increased.
Secretory Phase (Days 15-28)
• During the secretory phase, the endometrium
continues to develop in response to ovarian
• The endometrial glands begin to secrete nutrient
• Toward the end, the decline in progesterone
caused by the declining activity of the corpus
luteum results in declining condition of the blood
vessels in the stratum functionalis.
– Eventually this results in its loss and the start
of next menstrual phase.
Correlation of Hormones With
• During the menstrual phase, all hormones are at
their lowest levels
• During the proliferative phase, estrogens
secreted by ovary cause proliferation of
endrometrial cells such that stratum functionalis
is rebuilt from the stratum basale.
Fig. 28.22
Correlation of Hormones With
• During the secretory phase,
– high levels of progesterone continue to
stimulate the development of the stratum
functionalis; and
– levels of estrogen decrease somewhat
Fig. 28.22
Disorders of Reproduction: STDs
• Gonorrhea is an infection by Neisseria
gonnorrhoeae bacteria.
– It causes inflammation of the urethra and can
lead to pelvic inflammatory disease in females.
• Syphilis is an infection by Treponema pallidum
bacteria. Syphilis damages the internal organs.
Late stage symptoms include loss of motor
coordination, paralysis, numbness, and gradual
blindness and dementia.
• Chlamydia is an infection by Chlamydia bacteria;
causes pelvic inflammatory disease, urethritis,
among other things
Disorders of Reproduction: STDs
• Genital warts is an infection by the human
papillomavirus (HPV).
– This virus causes warts in the genital area
– The virus also increases the probability of
developing cervical or penile cancer.
• Genital herpes is an infection by the herpes
simplex virus
– Genital herpes causes lesions on the genital
– It is treated with acyclovir, an antiviral drug.
Other Disorders of Reproduction
• Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a severe
inflammation of the lower peritoneal cavity
generally caused by STDs.
• Ectopic pregnancy refers to the implantation of
an embryo outside the uterus (e.g., in oviduct or
pelvic cavity).
Other Disorders of Reproduction
• Hypertrophy of prostate is an enlargement of the
prostate gland.
– This impinges on prostate urethra making
urination difficult and increasing the likelihood
of bladder infection
– Hypertrophy is common in elderly males.
• Breast cancer is cancer of the mammary gland.
– It strikes 1:8 women.
Important Developmental
• 8 weeks
– ossification begins
– blood cells begin to be formed by liver
– all systems present (at least as basic plan)
• 9-12 weeks
– bone marrow begins to form blood cells
• 26 weeks
– surfactant production begins in lung
• 38-42 weeks
– birth
° if less than 38 weeks, systems not as developed
° if more than 42 weeks, placenta starts to degrade
• Milestones will be covered with Topic 13, Development.