Book IV Lesson Two Out of the Ordinary: Superheroes

Book IV Lesson Two Out of the
Ordinary: Superheroes
Childhood n.
Parents all want to provide their children with
a happy childhood.
Release n. v. to place a new product on the
• Release a new album/movie
• Issue (newspapers, magazines)
• Publish (a book)
release= set …free
Translation: 陳先生下星期將會從監獄被釋放.
Supernatural adj.
• related to magic and having no natural or
science explanation
• Ant. Natural
• Supernatural belief/power
• Native Americans believe that most diseases
are caused by supernatural powers, such as
evil spirits.
Invisible adj.
• Visible to the naked eye
• Vision n.
• The Invisible Man
Theme n.
• The main subject or topic of sth.
• The theme of the festival/novel/meeting/book
• Theme song/theme park
Extraordinary adj.
• Different from what is usual or regular
• Syn. Incredible, unusual
• Ant. Ordinary
Shoot v. (shoot-shot-shot)
• To fire sth. from an object, to hurt sb. with a
gun, bow, and arrow
• Shoot basket
• A good shot
Swing v.
• Swing-swung-swung
• Swing back and forth
Average adj. n.
• average weight/height/score
• Syn. General, ordinary
• Studies have shown that women live longer
than men on average.
Quote n. v.
• Syn. Quotation
• He quoted Shakespeare as saying “
Legendary adj.
• legend
Undergo v. experience
• Undergo surgery/operation/treatment
Injection n.
• The action of forcing liquid into someone’s
body or something with a needle
• Inject v.
• The drugs were injected into the patient to
prevent her from waking up during the surgery.
Strength n.
Mental/physical strength
Strengthen v.
Ant. Weaken
Strengthen ties/links with…
Unbreakable adj.
• Unlikely to be broken
• Ant. Breakable, fragile
Shield n.
• A broad piece of metal or other hard material
used for protection
Defend v.
• Protect someone or something from harm or
• Defend one’s family/ country/
• Defense n.
• Defensive adj. protective
Offend v.
Offense n.
Offensive adj.
Weapon n.
• Chemical/ nuclear /secret weapons
Enemy n.
Recent adj.
• Recently adv.
• This river used to be seriously polluted, but in
recent years it has been cleaned.
Crime n.
Action that break the law
Commit/ fight a crime
Crime rate
Criminal n. adj.
Witness n. v.
• George was the only person that witnessed
the robbery. He was totally terrified.
• Key/ crucial/ principal witness
Will n.
• She has a strong will and is determined to win
the competition.