Tribal Fuel - Performance Nutrition

Performance Nutrition
Essential for Success
• As an athlete, every one of you should desire
to be great. Nutrition plays a HUGE role in
your success, from how you perform to how
you recover.
• The foods you ingest will influence how your
body functions 72 hours prior to physical
activity, whether it be a game, practice, or lift.
• Since any given week includes one or all of
these activities, optimal nutrition needs to be
a constant goal. The following presentation is
a simple guide to help you make smart
nutrition choices as you go through your day.
Daily Caloric Intake
• Every male athlete should ingest at least 23
calories per pound every day, and every
female athlete needs at least 20 calories per
• So, a 200 lb male needs at least 4,600
calories/day, and a 120 lb female needs at
least 2,400 calories/day.
• Now, the trick is to learn how to spread those
calories out during the day
Daily Meal Guide
Breakfast (within 1 hour of waking up)
*Use as a post-lift or post-practice recovery
Nutrient Distribution
• Furthermore, every meal you eat should be
comprised of:
• 45-65% Carbohydrates
• 10-35% Protein
• 20-35% Fat
Nutrient Distribution
• So, every meal plate you eat should look something like
• The following slides give example sources of each
nutrient for each meal of the day
(within 1 hour of waking up)
HYDRATE! Drink WATER, lowfat milk, fruit juices (not from concentrate)
Carbohydrate choices (45-65% of your plate)
Protein choices (10-35% of your plate)
Whole grains through fortified cereals, whole wheat bagels, whole wheat toast/breakfast
English Muffins
Pancakes or Waffles
Oatmeal or Grits
Fortified breakfast granola bars
Lowfat yogurt with granola
Potato products
Fruits! (Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Pineapple, Watermelon, Berries, etc)
Eggs (choose egg whites to decrease fat)
Turkey Sausage or lean beef products
Fat choices (20-35% of your plate)
Peanut Butter on a bagel/toast
Light cream cheese on a bagel/toast
Carb/Protein sources will also contain their own supply of fat
HYDRATE! Drink WATER, lowfat milk, Gatorade, or fruit juices (not from concentrate)
Carbohydrate choices (45-65% of your plate)
Protein choices (10-35% of your plate)
Whole grain bread for sandwiches
Whole grain pasta
Rice (whole grain if possible)
Corn and Peas
Variety of Fruits and Vegetables (Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Pineapple, Watermelon, Berries, Tomatoes,
Spinach, Carrots, Brocolli, Cauliflower, Green Beans)!
Lean meats like turkey or chicken for sandwiches
Grilled chicken or lean beef
Egg Salad
Bean Dishes
Hearty soups as a side dish
Fat choices (20-35% of your plate)
Peanut butter from a peanut butter and jelly or honey sandwich
Olive oil (extra virgin) on pasta or as salad dressing
Tuna sandwich or other fish dishes (also good source of protein)
- Similar options to lunch but change it up! The
more variety in your diet the better chance
you’re eating all the nutrients you require (as
long as you choose healthy options).
- Since dinner probably follows a practice, eat
and hydrate adequately to refuel from
NCAA approved Protein/Carb recovery shakes or bars
Peanut butter and honey sandwich
Peanut butter and banana
Yogurt and Granola
Chips and Bean Dip
Granola Bars
Trail Mix
Nuts or Seeds
Fortified Cereals
Fruits and Vegetables! (including dried fruits)
Crackers, pretzels, or a couple cookies
Unique Concerns
for Athletes
- As an athlete, you engage in vigorous physical
activity on a regular basis. Because of this,
your body has higher demands to function
properly from physical stress.
- The following slides outline some unique
demands that athletes should be aware of.
- The following steps should be followed to ensure your
body is adequately hydrated
a. Drink a glass of water with breakfast
b. Drink water, sports drinks, or lowfat milk with
each meal
c. Regarding exercise:
- Drink 2 - 3 cups 2 hours prior
- 1 - 2 cups 15 minutes prior
- ½ - 2 cups every 15 minutes during
- 2 cups for each lb. of body weight lost after
Electrolyte Losses
- During exercise the body loses electrolytes
(sodium, potassium, and chloride) in sweat
- Your body requires these compounds to
maintain normal cellular functions
- After exercises, electrolytes can easily be
replaced with sports drinks and a regular,
balanced diet
Vitamin E
- During exercise, increased oxygen uptake
facilitates the production of free radicals inside
your body
- Free radicals damage the structure of cell
membranes and proteins
- Vitamin E is an antioxidant that defends the cells
against free radicals
- Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils, salad
dressings, mayonnaise, margarine, fruits, and
Iron Deficiency
in Female Athletes
- Female athletes are especially prone to low iron levels
- This is a result of:
a. lack of iron in their diets (i.e. vegetarians)
b. iron losses through menstruation
c. iron demands from the muscles during prolonged
bouts of aerobic exercises
- Since iron helps deliver oxygen to the muscles, low levels
lead to faster fatigue.
- Iron can be found in meat, vitamins and supplements
- For vegetarians, good sources are fortified cereals,
legumes, nuts, and seeds