Microbiology 205 Introduction to Microbiology Gary W. Childers Biology BLD 238 (old Building) Ph. 985 549 3503 gchilders@selu.edu What is Microbiology? What are they? How we classify Microorganisms What do they do? Importance to earth, ecology, and humans Where do they do it? Niche / environment / tolerances How we study Microorganisms Tools and techniques to study microbiology Definition of Microbiology Study of microorganisms and their interactions Prokaryotes Bacteria Archaea Algae Protista Eukaryotes Protozoa Fungi Viruses ? Tree of Life Tree of life consists of 3 Domains 2 of the 3 are exclusively microorganisms 1 (Eucarya) is both micro and macroscopic Tree of Life based on comparison of Ribosomal nucleotide sequences Figure 1.4 Diagram of Stanley Miller’s apparatus 500 ml water (Ocean) Gases (CH4, NH4, H2) ATM Condenser (rain) 60,000 volt spark (Lightning) Continuous recycling Tarry liquid AA, acetate, formate Comparison of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: Feature: Size Organelles DNA Ribosomes (RNA) Morphology Cell Wall Flagella Prokaryotes Small (0.5-1.0µM) NO Circular/haploid 70S 50S 30S 5S 23S 16S single cell Yes Yes/no-one fibril Cell Membrane bilayer/monlayer ester/ether FA/glycerol Eukaryotes Large (5-20 µM) Yes Linear/diploid 80S 60S 40S 5.5S 5S & 28S 18S single/multicellular yes/no yes/no- 9+2 centrioles bilayer ester FA/glycerol Prokaryote vs Eukaryote Contrast Bacteria Archaea Morphology Size Cell wall Ribosomes Polymerase Reproduction Feeding rods/cocci/spirals/filaments µM 0.5-5 µM 0.5-5 Peptidoglycan No PTG 70s 70s Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Binary fission Binary Fission Saprotrophically Saprotrophically Classification of Microorganisms By Nutrition Chemotrophs Acquire Energy (E) from Chemical Compounds Chemoheterotrophs E for organic Compounds (Glucose) Carbon (C) for synthesis from organic Compounds Chemoautotrophs (chemolithotrophs E from inorganic compounds (Hydrogen) C for synthesis from Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Phototrophs: Acquire E from sunlight Photoheterotrophs E from Sunlight C for synthesis from organic substrates Photoautotrophs (Photolithotrophs) E from sunlight C for synthesis from CO2 Hallmarks of Bacteria Small size Single celled Asexual reproduction Unrestricted growth Metabolic diversity Common morphologies of microorganisms Size of microorganisms 100 microns ~ 100 E.coli lined up end to end 100 microns ~ 100 E.coli lined up end to end Large surface area facilitates transport of nutrients Microbes are efficient “machines” What do microorganisms do? What are their role in the Biosphere 1. 2. 3. Disease- 5% of described microorganisms Biogeochemical Reactions-Nutrient cycles C, N, S Symbionts Plants Rhizophere/bacteria Mycorrhizae/fungi Animals bacteria/archaea Ruminants (ex: cow) and ruminant microorganisms (ex: Fibrobacter) also: termites/spirochetes, humans/gut bacteria 4. Food/Agriculture Nitrogen fixing bacteria (Rhizobium spp., Azotobacter spp., Nostoc spp.) Dairy/Bread/Alcohol/Solvents (fermenters, yeast, lactic acid bacteria, clostridium) (Glucose acetic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, ethanol, carbon dioxide) 5. Sewage treatment 100% 6. Research Biotechnology (large scale bioreactors, acid mining, biofuels) Recombinant DNA (cloning, drug discovery) Bioremediation (oil spill remediation, explosives degradation) Symbiosis ex: Photobacterium spp. +VFA’s Unique Metabolic Diversity 1. Fix atmospheric nitrogen 2. Synthesize Vitamin B 12 3. Use inorganic energy sources: NH4,H2S, H2, Fe+2, SO4, S° 4. Photosynthesize without chlorophyll/bacterial rhodopsin 5. Utilize inorganic and organic Terminal Electron Acceptors as an alternate to Oxygen CO2, NO3, SO4,Mn+4, Fe+3, Fumarate, humic acids 6. Extensive capacity for Anaerobic growth 7. Use H2S, H2 or organic compounds as electron donors for photosynthesis 8. Growth at high temperatures/salt/pressure Where Microorganism do it 1. Micro site / Niche: Place of Business / Their profession Environmental Tolerances Range of Activity Cardinal Points Minimum/Optimum/Maximum Substrate Limitations Range of Substrates Affinity Growth Rate Terms used to describe microbial niche, or environment 1. Tolerant/Facultative/Obligate 2. pH : Acidophile/neutrophile/Basophile 3. Oxygen: Aerobic/Anaerobic/facultative 4. Temperature: Psychrophile/Mesophile/Thermophile 5. Osmotic: Halophile/Osmophilic/ Xerophile 6. Substrate: Oleogotrophic/Capiotrophic How Do We Study Microorganisms? 1. Parameters Growth Rate (GT, µ) Enumerations Measure Substrate Disappearance/Product Formation) 2. Scientific Method Controls variables Optimum Conditions 3. Equipment Molecular Techniques Microscopes Gas Chromatographs How do we study Microorganism? Substrate + oxidant-- Product + Cells + Waste Electron Donor (ED) + Terminal Electron Acceptor (TEA)- (reduced) (oxidized) oxidized product + REDUCED oxidant + CELLS + ATP Heterotrophic aerobic respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + release of energy (glucose) Fire: CH4 + O2 H2O + CO2 + release of energy