We are powering your business! INSTITUTE FOR STUDIES AND POWER ENGINEERING ROMANIA 1 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! Company Profile Consulting and Engineering Company Short History 1949 - ISPE founding (1st of March), by taking over some of the former employees of the Gas and Electricity Company 1996 - ISPE split from RENEL – Romanian National Electricity Authority - and became a state owned joint stock company 1998 - ISPE has become an independent company with 100% Romanian, private capital 67% of the company’s shares hold by the employees 33% of the company’s shares owned by ISPE’s partner, ROMELECTRO 1999 - ISPE celebrated 50 years of activity 2 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! Business Areas Power and Heat Generation steam turbine and simple cycle/combined cycle gas turbine condensation or cogeneration power plants with units from <25 MW up to 600 MW gas/fuel oil/coal fired thermal plants Power Transmission and Distribution transmission & distribution systems regional networks network & systems planning network protection & operation energy strategies Civil and Industrial Works structure design architectural works including aesthetic concept, indoors design and furniture civil installations 3 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! Business Areas Environmental Protection environmental impact assessments environmental balances - level 1 national studies on climate change soil, air & water quality control (flue gas treatment, waste water treatment plants, solid waste evacuation, ramps for solid waste, etc.) noise protection, radiation protection pollution monitoring systems Infrastructure Systems. Public Services power, gas, heat and hot water supplying systems power distribution systems low current & telecommunication systems water supplying systems environmental protection waste management systems Industry petrocemistry, cement, food FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 4 We are powering your business! Scope of Services Technical & financial consulting market research heat and electricity demand forecasting operational, efficiency, functional, risk and sensitivity, reliability & availability analyses pre-feasibility and feasibility studies for new power plants or for the rehabilitation/ retrofitting/modernization of existing ones business plan for project development financial modeling for project finance (bankable documentation) basically calculation and legal terms for power heat, fuel, O&M purchase agreement promotion of JI / CO2 trade mechanism promotion of PPP, JV projects under BOT, BOO and BOOT schemes Basic and Detail Engineering Digital system configuring and commissioning Project management On site supervision / Technical assistance FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 5 We are powering your business! General Experience During 55 years of experience, ISPE has been the general designer of the whole Romanian Power System (generation, transmission, distribution): Thermal Power Plants summing up 15 000 MW installed capacity in Romania out of about 19 000 MW of the National Power System; 150 high voltage substations (110-750kV) with an installed power of 70 000 MVA; about 22 000 km of over head transmission lines (110 -750 kV); 258 district heating systems, provided with 16500 km of heat transmission and distribution network. ISPE is well known abroad too. Several projects have been performed in countries from Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia ISPE is certified by TUV South Germany for the application of the quality system according to DIN EN ISO 9001 ISPE is member of more than 25 national and international associations and societies, such as: WEC, CIGRE, EUROHEAT& POWER, special sponsorship member of VGB, Balkan OPET, APER, SIER etc. 6 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! Business Partners During its activity, ISPE has co-operated with important foreign companies, such as: ABB, ADAMS, AECL, ALFA LAVAL, ALSTOM, ALSTOM POWER FLOW SYSTEMS, ANSALDO, BECHTEL, BENSON, BRISTOL BABCOCK, BORSIG BABCOCK, BRANDES, BTG, DELAS, ECN, EdF, ELIN, EMERSON, FICHTNER, FORTUM, General Electric, GE NUOVO PIGNONE HONEYWELL, ITOCHU, KANEMATSU, LAFARGE, LAHMEYER, LMZ, MANNESMANN, MERZ McLellan, MITSUI BABCOCK, PLSEN, PRODAQUA, PUROLITE, RAIMONDI, ROHM & HAAS, RWE Energie, SEP, SIEMENS, SKODA, SKODA TRACTEBEL, STEIN INDUSTRIE, TLMACE, TRACTEBEL, VIESSMAN 7 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) FP5 - Various documentations, as a member of Balkan OPET Network , together with SEC Bulgaria Small and medium scale biomass boiler and stove manufacturers Promotion of mini and small sized co-generation Promoting Single Turbine Wind Applications to SMEs and Other Potential Users Dissemination of state of the art large scale EU, solar technologies to the hotel sector applications Design and Installation manual for Solar Systems for Hotels in Cyprus Promotion of solar thermal energy applications in buildings Promotion of fluidized bed technologies in Balkan countries Implementing Energy Efficient and Sustainable Buildings in Central and Northern Europe Application of integrated solutions for space heating and hot water preparation in Bulgaria and Romania Organization and maintenance of energy information network at municipal level in Bulgaria and Romania Dissemination of documentation and information about EU energy technologies matching the local needs 8 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) FP5 - Combined cycle power plant with integrated low temperature heat (NAS-LOTHECO) Partners: Sofia Energy Center - Bulgaria Technical University of Sofia - Bulgaria National Technical University of Athens - Greece Public Power Corporation - Greece Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine - United Kingdom Technische Universitaet Wien - Austria Technische Universitaet Braunschweig - Germany Fichtner GmbH&Co KG - Germany 9 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) FP5 - Unification of Power Plant and Solid Waste Incineration (UPSWING) Partners: Institut fuer Technische Chemie Thermische Abfallbehanduling (FZK) - Germany Mitsui Babcock (MBEL) - U.K KEMA - The Nethrlands Technical University of Wroclaw (WUT) - Poland Turow Power Plant (Turow) - Poland Czech Technical University of Prague(CTUP) - Czech Republic Sokolovska uhelna ,a.s (SUAS) - Czech Republic Technical University of Sofia (TUS) - Bulgaria Technical University of Timisoara (UPT) - Romania 10 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) SAVE - Promoting CHP in the Framework of East-West-Energy Partnership (PROCHP) Partners: AEA technology Environment ETSU -United Kingdom The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE S.A.) - Poland ENVIROS (representing MARCH consulting group) - UK Slovak Energy Agency (SEA) - Slovakia Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (INRNE-BAS) - Bulgaria Vestegnens Kraftvarmeselskab I/S (VEKS) - Denmark CITY PLAN Ltd. Consulting Engineering and Design - Czech Republic Energieverwertungsagentur the Austrian Energy Agency (E.V.A.) - Austria 11 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) SAVE - Bankable Energy Efficiency Projects (BEEP) Partners: Deutsche Energie Agentur GmbH DENA - Germany Energieverwertungsagentur - the Austrian Energy Agency (E.V.A) - Austria; Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) - Greece Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) - Norway Krajowa Agencja Posznowania Energii S.A. (The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency) KAPE - Poland Slovak Energy Agency (SEA) - Slovakia; State Energy Efficiency Agency (SEEA) - Bulgaria ENVIROS S.R.O.- Czech Republic 12 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) SYNERGY "Enhancing Gas Supply Security in an Enlarged Europe (ENGAGED)" Partners: Energy research centre of the Netherlands (ECN) Beicip Franlab - France ENI-Scuola Superiore Enrico Mattei - Italy International Energy Agency UN/ECE Gas Centre. SRC International CS - Czech Republic Energy Centre Bratislava - Slovakia Energy Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences - Russia Environment & Energy service Company - Ukraine System Research EnergSys Ltd - Poland 13 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) EBRD funds - Regional Strategic Assessment of the Potential for Renewable Energy Resources Project general contractor: Black & Veatch International, USA Partners: US Department of Energy National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (Marmara Research CenterTUBITAK) Hydroproject Institute - Russia Istroenergo Group A.S (IEG) - Slovakia Social and Environmental Development Agency (SEDA) - Turkey Interwind Swiss Engineering & Consulting - Switzerland Arges Enerji Systems - Turkey NV Consultants - Cyprus 14 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE International Programs Experience (only recent projects) Bilateral Scientific and Technological Co-operation between Romania and Slovenia - Flue Gas Dusulphurisation Technologies with Least Costs Partner: Institute " Jozef Stefan" Ljubljana - Slovakia 15 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005 We are powering your business! ISPE National Programs Experience (only recent projects) MENER - Elastomer Type Wastes, Plastics, Organic liquids, Domestic Wastes included Ecological Incineration / Co incineration Plant Partners: ICPE, ECOPROIEG, AISTEDA University, ICEFS Savinesti and CAlORIS GRUP Romania ORIZONT - Estimation of specific emission factors required for the environmental impact assessment in the power field MENER - Forest energy crop in an agriculture area with low productivity, in order to verify the fast growing trees species and varieties resistance under damaged soil conditions, having in view the energy use Partener: Forest Research and Management Institute (ICAS) 16 FP6 - Future Energy Technologies for Enlarged European Union (FET-EEU) - Kick of Meeting - Warsaw, June 13, 2005